
With You


"This won't take long if you would just stay still…" 


"It's alright dear, hold mommy's hand." 


         "Mom, I'm not a kid anymore." Luhan protested as Dr. Jeon, his opthalmologist, placed him infront of a machine which oddly sent Luhan shivers down through his spine. But after a while, he reached for his mother's hand and held it really tight that made his mom chuckle. Two hours after some more tests, Luhan settled down on a chair near the counter of the hospital where he waited for his mom, with his head pressed against the wall behind him. He closed his eyes as he turned up the volume of the music with his earphones on, wanting to get lost in his own world even just for a while. What will I be like? This will work, right? Don't worry Luhan, tomorrow will be a new and better day, he thought. The volume was not loud enough for him to hear several glass bottles clatter on the ground. Immediately, Luhan rose up and helped on picking up the bottles and some of its sharp fragments. 


"Oh?", the girl uttered. "Oppa?"


Luhan squinted at the girl. His eyes were adjusting for the glasses he was wearing is different from what he was using before. 


       "Krystal? What are you doing here? Be careful not to cut your-" Too late. Drops of blood were filling the floor below and Krystal was groaning. Luhan quickly called out for some nurses, and surprisingly, they were alert. They brought her to the ER where there were lots of supplies and sat her on one of the empty beds. 


        "Ah!" Krystal screamed. "Be careful, that hurts!" The nurses then, tensed up and went more careful with treating her wound though they were being extra careful even at the beginning. It wasn't that critical though. Krystal's wound. Just an inch or two long cut across her left palm. After that, Luhan thanked the two nurses, but Krystal did not. She scolded them instead. 


        "My dad will surely know about this." she muttered, eyeing at their name plates. Both of them dashed their way back to their stations, looking terrified and somewhat annoyed after apologizing and bowing several times.

"Thank you, Luhan oppa." The scowl on Krystal's face faded as soon as she turned to her side and beamed at Luhan. 


"Well, you should thank those nurses, not me." he nodded towards the nurses' station. "Do you have any idea why they look so terrified?" 


"Why won't they? I'm this hospital owner's daughter." she huffed, glaring towards the nurses. "I'll tell my father and fire them whenever I want to." 


"They aren't that bad, why fire them? They're nice so there's no reason to be cruel to them." Krystal got sulky and pouted at Luhan. 


         "You think I'm being cruel?" She set her puppy eyes and Luhan was surprised to see this. Well, he only saw this few times before with kids he met by the park. Krystal's younger than him anyway. "Sorry. I- I was just carried away. Don't worry oppa, I won't fire them." she added with a smile.


"Luhan!" Luhan's mom waved at him, telling him that they were leaving. He immediately stood up and bid Krystal goodbye. 




 ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ 



       "Hyunju. Hyunju. Hyunju." her mom called out in between the knocks on her door. The clock by her wall reads nine forty-five AM and quickly rolled up her bed, still half asleep. As soon as she opened the door, her mom greeted her good morning and showed her a yellow paper bag her mom was holding. 

"I know you just woke up." Hyunju nodded. 


"And it's only nine in the morning." She nodded again. 


"Listen honey, I need you to bring this to Mei." Hyunju barely nodded but quickly halted as she gained back her senses. 


"Is this really urgent, mom?!" She yawned. 


        "Well she needs these things back in two hours and remember dear, I have an appointment in ten minutes." Hyunju just stared at her mom. "Please honey? I made your favorite breakfast." 


        "Give me a moment mom." Her mom agreed and gave her the paper bag that shecwas holding, but as soon as she went downstairs to the kitchen, she yelled: "Make it fast dear! Before Chanyeol chugs everything down to his fat tummy." 


        Hyunju laughed and heard her cousin arguing with his mom, "My tummy is not that fat!" she can feel him pouting while chewing a mouthful of pancakes and hot choco- both Chanyeol and Hyunju's favorite. Hyunju plopped on top of her bed and dialled Baekhyun. It took her six rings before Baekhyun answered. 


"Baekhyun." she breathed.




"I know you just woke up." 




"And it's only nine in the morning."




         "Listen Baek, I need you to accompany me to Aunt Mei's." Hyunju was almost giggling with this conversation, like her mom and she had not long ago; they really are best friends. After a second, Baekhyun expectedly hung up but quickly called after. 


"Wait, did you say Luhan?!" Baekhyun sounded shocked, voice totally groggy.


"I said Aunt.Mei's." Hyunju drawled. 


        "Well, it's still Luhan's. What's the difference?" Hyunju rolled her eyes as she imagined Baekhyun smirking. "Why do I have this best friend feeling that you are blushing?"


        "I'm not!" Hyunju argued but she was really, well, sort of blushing. She was sure that Baekhyun noticed the sudden high-pitching of her voice when she answered, so she cleared and changed the topic. "What's with the happy mood?" 


"Nothing. I can just feel that this is going to work!" 


"What is?" 


          "Nothing. Nevermind what I've said." Baekhyun claps at himself once again for not spilling out anything. After they've agreed to the time and meeting place, they both hung up. 


ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ 



Luhan was laughing his out as he was watching a replay episode of Running Man in the living room. 


"Strawberry or Melon?" her mom shouted from the kitchen, though they were only a few feet apart. 


"Strawberry." He said while laughing, eyes still focused on the tv screen. 


"I'm asking what you prefer. Not what Hyunju prefers." Her mom replied with a wide grin stretching on both sides of her face. 


          "I liked strawberry first before she did. I introduced her to the world of strawberries." Her mom did not argue anymore, but she was really cracking up. Luhan's nearly dying out of laughter with the “Betrayal Team's” stupidity  when his phone rang.

       "Hello?" He was breahtless because of laughing the whole time. It was Krystal. Luhan was somehow confused on how she had his number. Maybe she got it from one of the staffs in the hospital, he thought. After a little chat, he hung up. 


"Was that the girl earlier?" her mom asked, overhearing the conversation he and Krystal had on the phone a while ago. "Yeah, she actually has a name, mom. She's Krystal." Luhan replied. 

"I don't like her." 


"No mom, it's nothing like that." 


"I'm just saying. Besides," her mom leaned to his ear and whispered:"I can smell it dear." 


"She said she's coming over." 

"What for?" 

"I don't know. She saids she wants to, and I can't say no. Please be nice to her, mom." 

"I'm thankful for her, saving your life. But dear,-" She stopped as soon as she looked into his son's pleading eyes. 


"Alright. Alright." his mom planted a kiss on his forehead before returning to the kitchen, not wanting to burn what she's baking. 








         It was a fine day, the sun wasn't shining too bright with the pale blue sky. Baekhyun and Hyunju bought two cones of vanilla ice cream-which they are finishing while walking to Luhan's house-and a tub of vanilla ice cream, both Luhan and his mom's favorite. It will take them not more than ten minutes to walk to Luhan's, so they were just talking about random stuffs on the way.

"Random question Ju. " Baekhyun said. "Go ahead." she replied. 


"You don't like Kris, do you?" Hyunju was kind of shocked on how random that question was. 


"What do you mean like?" 


"Like, as in, like like. Like crush or something?" Baekhyun does not keep his eyes off of Hyunju so he can tell whether she was telling the truth, or just bluffing. 


"I don't know," she said, staring ahead with the ice cream inches away from . "I feel stupid when I said that I was inlove. But Kris is a nice person." 


"Probably it was an infatuation then?" 


"I think so." 

         Baekhyun smirks at this. He just hopes that he can control himself from blurting out to Luhan or Kris or anyone about what Hyunju is really feeling. Hyunju said nothing about it being a secret though. Baekhyun just thinks that it's the right thing to do. To keep it as a secret. 


         Hyunju and Baekhyun reached Luhan's porch and quickly knocked because it was getting cold outside. Eating ice cream with this weather outside is a bad idea, they realized. They huddled together, keeping themselves warm as they wait for the door to open. Smiles and laughters quickly vanished from both of their faces as it opened and  someone else answered the door.





It was Krystal. 





 Uh-oh, it was Krystal. 

What's she up to? Find out what'll happen next!


Hello my dear readers and subscribers!  I hope you're having fun!

I'd really love to hear from you so do commment below. ^^ 

Sincere thanks to everyone! ❤

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Chapter 21: I want so badly for her and Luhan tk just end up together.

And I want to start a riot for every one that wants to burn Krystal.
Vivothna #2
Chapter 20: I hope it JuRis!
Vivothna #3
Chapter 20: What!? What to do?
Krystal is always a '' everytime I read fanfic!
Vivothna #4
Chapter 17: It's krystal! Again.
Vivothna #5
Chapter 16: Why!?
It's doesn't have to be this way!
Vivothna #6
Chapter 13: Aw that little krystal >.<
Vivothna #7
Chapter 11: Juhan.
But I think kris will hurt,
But Luhan love her first
So,it's juhan.
Vivothna #8
Chapter 6: It's so sad
Why you do that to my lulu.
How dare you!
Vivothna #9
Chapter 4: I know it's kris,
Vivothna #10
Chapter 3: It's kris,right?