Happy Deer Day

With You


Luhan was not the only one who felt lonely the moment his whole schedule was booked with soccer trainings and with lots of attention he gets from the crowd. Baekhyun and Hyunju felt the same way too. Walks to school were rushed due to Luhan's morning practices, lunch breaks together went shorter, walks from school were rarely done and that goes the same with their Friday hang outs.



"There will be a football match on Friday and that will be my first game. You will go, right?" Luhan said as he placed his tray of lunch on the table. He smiled as both Baekhyun and Hyunju nodded.



"We wouldn't want to miss your first game as the star player." Baekhyun winked as Luhan looked relaxed for the first time. "Ey, how come do you think that I am the star player?"



"Well, your name is scattered all over the seats of the soccer field," Hyunju replied bitterly, taking a spoonful of her lunch. "and your name is what we all hear during your training practices. Luhan oppa! Neomu neomu saranghaeyo! Fighting!" Hyunju scowled as she imitated how fangirls were squealing Luhan's name.



"Aww, someone's jellyyyyyyy.." Baekhyun teased while Luhan scooted over and put an arm around Hyunju. "Is that true?" Hyunju felt herself melting again as Luhan's face was almost touching hers. Luhan wasn't like this before.



"Why would I be jealous?” She tried to sound steadier. “Yah, you want me to break your hand? Get off." Hyunju shook Luhan's arm off of her shoulder as she wanted to stop the sudden hard beating of her heart. Hyunju thought that it will almost jump off of her rib cage as she couldn't command it to stop.













Saturday night came, Luhan's first game against another school. As soon as he came out on the field for both of the teams’ warm up before the game, the whole stadium made an unbelievable noise. He even thought that the place was shaking. Luhan browsed to the sea of people occupying the stadium, who were waiting for the match; or at least most of them because it seemed like it was more of his event than the school's soccer team's game. People were screaming his name and were holding up banners, hand phones flashing his name, and the like. Yes, he liked the fact that there were people liking him. I mean, who does not like being liked? But what made him beamed at the crowd was when he saw Baekhyun and Hyunju standing as they waved at him. Even all of his fans combined wouldn't beat seeing Hyunju holding up a banner which had his name on it while Baekhyun has his personalized pompoms on both hands. He waved back with both hands to their direction which made the people on that direction squeal. As they thought that the wave was for them, Luhan saw Hyunju glare at those people and suddenly sat down.







"Wow, Luhan hyung's really popular." Baekhyun said as he saw most of the audience in the stadium holding banners. Hyunju and Baekhyun's seat was far from the field, so when Luhan waved at their direction, Hyunju thought that the wave was for his fans sitting around them, and not for her and Baekhyun. "Aish, I'm really sick of Luhan hyung's fangirls." Baekhyun muttered as he took his seat beside Hyunju. Hyunju's scowl was quickly erased as she got a text from Luhan. "I was waving at you. Thanks for coming. :)" Baekhyun saw Hyunju's face lighten that he snatched her phone to know the reason to his best friend's sudden happiness. "Why won't you just tell me that you like Luhan hyung? Huh?" Baekhyun teased as he read the text message.


"N-no! It's not that I-I like him.." Hyunju kept her gaze away from Baekhyun.


"Then why are your ears red?" He smirked.


"Because it's cold!"


"Oh right. It's cold. And here I'm melting for hyung's message. 'I was waving at you' really cheesy." Before Hyunju could even reply to both Luhan and Baekhyun, the speakers announced that the game will be starting. During the game, Hyunju did not care whether Luhan's fan's cheers were louder than her. Both Hyunju and Baekhyun just screamed their lungs out every time Luhan scores a goal, the same thing happened as Luhan stumbled on the field because the opponent's foul playing. But that did not hinder their team from winning and Luhan ending up as the team's MVP.


As the game ended, people approached Luhan. He then, excused himself as he saw Hyunju's hazelnut blonde hair somewhere in the crowd; or at least that was Hyunju. Luhan spun her around, only to see that it was Krsytal, who dyed her hair almost the same as Hyunju's hair color. "Oppa! Congratulations!" Krystal hugged him tight around his waist but Luhan did not hug her back.




"These sasaengs." Baekhyun almost lost his patience as he and Hyunju swam to the crowd and saw Luhan with a new hair-colored Krystal.


"Baek, I think I'll go ahead." Hyunju muttered. "Why so soon?"




"Headache? Or heartache?" Baekhyun looked at Hyunju with utmost concerned face that he let Hyunju go. Baekhyun rushed to where Luhan was, "LUHAN HYUNG! NICEU!" he fist bumped his hyung, telling him to go after Hyunju.



Hyunju was walking away from the stadium when someone grabbed her by hand and spun her around, bringing her into a warm hug that she felt her whole body heat up. She almost forgot how to breathe, worrying that Luhan would feel her heart thumping weirdly hard. "Uh, I-I can't breathe. Lu-Han-"


"Oops, sorry. Were you leaving already?" He pouted.


"No, I was looking for you."


"Out here?" Hyunju nodded but gave up on lying, knowing that Luhan will know whether she's telling the truth or not. "Can you just ask anyone to run your errand tomorrow?"


"I told you already that I won't be able to make it. Sorry." Hyunju could see the devastation in Luhan's eyes that she placed a hand on top of his head and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry. I'll make it up to you."



"Hey love birds! What did I miss?" Baekhyun shouted as he approached his best friends and pulled them into a hug.


"So, are we walking home together?"


"Actually, the team is celebrating tonight, do you want to come?"


"Baekhyun and I need to be early tomorrow, so we really have to go home." Hyunju said and both of them bid Luhan goodbye.







"Congratulations." Luhan turned around as he heard a deep voice from his back.


"Thanks, Kris."


"You won. The game and Hyunju." He said with a hint of bitterness.


"What do you mean by Hyunju?" Images of when Hyunju left him for Luhan that day in the restaurant flashed in Kris' memory. And just by seeing Hyunju being all happy and alive with Luhan earlier proved him that the answer he thought of that day when Hyunju left, was real. "If you hurt her and let her go, don't expect me just to be watching. I'll definitely do something."



And with that, Kris left, leaving Luhan deeply curious on why would he tell that out of the blue.





















"Auntie, we're here!" Mei quickly opened the door for Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Hyunju. "Kids, keep it low, Jihoon's asleep." They all settled in the living room and made final plans for tomorrow's surprise after they locked the front door. Not after a while, they heard a knock on the door which was followed by Luhan's voice. "Mom, I'm home." The four of them quickly panicked.


"You said that he was in a party? How come he's already here?"


"We did not know that he'll come home early!" They were all whispering as Mei quickly gestured, "Quick! To the bathroom!" Baek, Yeol, and Ju squeezed themselves in the small space inside the bathroom, leaving Baekhyun's face planted on Chanyeol's face.


Luhan's mom quickly opened the door and congratulated his son. "I thought you were in a party?"


"I'm not used of drinking."


"Wait, where are you going?"


"To the bathroom."


"No!" His mom placed herself in front of the door, making herself as a human barricade so Luhan cannot go in. "Mom! You wouldn't want me to pee in my pants, do you?"


"I-I'll use the bathroom first! You just use the one upstairs." Tired Luhan, he did not argue with his mom and ran upstairs to the bathroom.




Mei sighed in relief as she opened the bathroom door, revealing human-sized sardines. "Are you still alive? Quick, head to the guest room."












It's nine in the morning and it looks like Luhan does not have any plans on waking up nor getting up from bed. So Baekhyun, Hyunju, Chanyeol, Mei, and Jihoon were hiding for almost an hour. They turned all the lights off and covered the windows with curtains, setting the place hot as hell. The only lighted place in the house is the kitchen where Luhan's favorites are all set. The table wa filled with sweets that would satisfy your sweet tooth. It seemed like a three year-old's party than a sixteen year old's; except that there were bottles of soju-courtesy of the boys. Yes, there were balloons, party hats, and almost everything except the birthday boy. Minutes passed and finally, footsteps were heard and Luhan's jaw dropped by what he saw.


They all sang as they came out from their hiding places. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Luhannie, Happy birthday to you~! Hyunju came out first with lighted candles on the cake and brought it to Luhan. "I thoug- You said-"



"I told you that it was a big day." She smiled and it made Luhan's day. "Now make a wish." Luhan closed his eyes and made his wish with a wide grin on his face. As soon as he blew his candles, he felt frostings wiped all over his face. "Yah, Hyunju ah!" And soon the whole place was a disaster. Cake frostings here and there, everyone were all covered in icings. Unfortunately, Jihoon and Mei could not stay longer for the party because they had to go to work.



After shoving everything on the table in their stomachs, they set a karaoke machine in Luhan's room, giving it a noraebang feel. It was already eight in the evening when Chanyeol brought the bottles of soju in the room and everyone gave him curious looks. "What? It's Luhan hyung's birthday, plus there are no classes tomorrow." With mic in their hands and a bottle of soju on the other, they started drinking while singing and dancing. Luhan's bed was king-sized that they were all jumping on top of it as it was really soft and bouncy. Luhan's room became an instant night club for the four of them.


"Yah, Park Hyunju and Byun Baekhyun, you lied to me." Luhan looked sleepy, high, and red all over, in short, drunk, true to his words last night that he's not used of drinking.


"Yeol, the camera!" Baekhyun held out his hand as Chanyeol handed him the camera and took pictures of Luhan. "Aigoo, hyung you're really cute."


"Wah! You know, I see two Hyunjus, two Baekhyuns, and two Chanyeols." Luhan chuckled as he looked at them, leaving all of them crouching on the ground as they laughed at Luhan being drunk. Not late after Luhan had dozed off on his bed, bottles of soju were all emptied and baekyeol transfered to the living room, leaving Luhan and Hyunju deep asleep in Luhan's room.






The sun was almost up when Hyunju's headache slowly woke her up. Hyunju was dead shocked as she felt Luhan's arms and legs entangled with hers and noticed that they were the only ones left in his room. She tried to escape but there's no luck. "Yah, Luhan!" She called out and as expected of a heavy sleeper, Luhan did not budge. "Luhannie!" She tried slapping the older's face but there were no signs of him waking up. Hyunju tried pinching his cheeks and Luhan slowly opened his eyes like a baby. Hyunju found it cute that Luhan caught her off guard. She regretted waking a drunk Luhan up as she felt a hand pulling her in by nape and the next thing she felt were Luhan's lips pressed against hers.





First kiss at five in the morning. 





And Hyunju was like:

I'm really not used of writing fluff. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

생일축하해요 우리 루한씨!

I've updated as promised! [a bit earlier]




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Chapter 21: I want so badly for her and Luhan tk just end up together.

And I want to start a riot for every one that wants to burn Krystal.
Vivothna #2
Chapter 20: I hope it JuRis!
Vivothna #3
Chapter 20: What!? What to do?
Krystal is always a '' everytime I read fanfic!
Vivothna #4
Chapter 17: It's krystal! Again.
Vivothna #5
Chapter 16: Why!?
It's doesn't have to be this way!
Vivothna #6
Chapter 13: Aw that little krystal >.<
Vivothna #7
Chapter 11: Juhan.
But I think kris will hurt,
But Luhan love her first
So,it's juhan.
Vivothna #8
Chapter 6: It's so sad
Why you do that to my lulu.
How dare you!
Vivothna #9
Chapter 4: I know it's kris,
Vivothna #10
Chapter 3: It's kris,right?