
With You



A day had passed since the incident in the morning happened and Hyunju could still not believe what had just occurred. It's in her subconscious that Hyunju kept herself away from the guy who stole her first kiss at five in the morning. As Luhan's lips parted away from hers, Hyunju punched him square in the face that knocked him back to sleep and darted to the bathroom, making sure that she locked the door. Red all over with her bed hair sticking out on every direction, the now frustrated girl stared back at her reflection on the mirror. Hyunju's eyes focused the reflection of her lips on the mirror. She lifted a hand and felt it with her fingers, recalling the feeling of Luhan's soft lips on hers. It was like in the fairytales that she remembered how princes kiss their princesses for a happily ever after. Images flashed of Luhan as the prince and her being the princess, but she got too disturbed on why Krystal came in the picture that she shook the thought off of her head out of pure irritation. That thought is not what matters now. What matters most is why Luhan had kissed her. Was it under the influence of alcohol? Or a habit that he kisses anyone as he wakes up? But he was not even awake. Well at least, half awake. Hyunju could not help but groan with the sudden complications in her mind.




Before, she used to walk in between Baekhyun and Luhan to school, but today is an exception. Lunch came and Baekhyun could not unnoticed the change in Hyunju's actions, adding up Luhan's bruised cheek. "Hyung, what happened to your cheek?"



Hyunju kept her gaze down on her plate and tried to eat naturally. "I don't remember running into a door. Or a wall. When I woke up yesterday morning it suddenly hurt." Luhan replied.



Luhan on the other hand, was boggled about the changes he wanted badly months ago. He's not being bullied anymore, people treats him fairly-in fact they treat him like a king, he maintains his unbelievably good grades, and now he's a star soccer player in his school. But he wished to change not to gain those things, the love and attention people suddenly gave to him. He wished to change for Hyunju, and those things that he gained were hindering him from doing his real purpose.



And now, he does not have any idea on why Hyunju kept on avoiding him. That night when he fell asleep after his birthday party, he dreamt of kissing Hyunju. It was like real. He felt the warmth, the happiness, the everything; he felt like flying. Except the dream ended with something stinging on his face. But Luhan knew that it was all in his mind, so now he thinks that he is so stupid for thinking that maybe Hyunju knew about the dream. So stupid that he started thinking about some other possible reasons on why Hyunju suddenly turned that way.



"Something bothering you?" Baekhyun asked as he took a seat on the bench, handing Luhan a can of coffee. He nodded. "Hyunju. You're worrying about her right?" he added. It was more of a statement than a question.


"You do know that the only reason why I became who I am right now.." Luhan sighed as he stared at the bushes ahead. "is because of her right?" Baekhyun nodded at the can of coffee he was drinking. "Remember that night when we went to Everland?"



Baekhyun's jaw dropped. "Don't tell me you confessed to-?"


"I haven't. I can't find time. I don't even know how! I've never experienced nor have done things like this before." Luhan chugged the can of coffee like a can of beer. He had asked Baekhyun if he had any ideas on why Hyunju was avoiding him, but he failed to get an answer as Baekhyun was also clueless. He told him about the dream, that the day after the party, Hyunju was having a hard time looking at his eyes as they talk and kept on staying away from him, as if Luhan was infected by some deadly disease. "I'm half asleep and I don't know if it's real or if it's just a dream."



"Then go ask her why."








Hyunju wasn't still back in her usual self. She spent most of the hours in school staring blankly ahead of her. The warmth and the hard beating of her heart can still be felt. Just remembering how warm she felt in Luhan's embrace, makes her feel cold without the guy with her. She missed the warmth, but she kept on running away from it. Hyunju wanted to be sure. Wanted to be sure with both her and Luhan's feelings. What she was feeling is way different from what she felt when the first time she met Kris, when their hands brushed against each other's. It was completely different and it was the first time she felt like this- a mix of joy and angst. 



The hours of staring at the clock while waiting for the classes to end had come and she decided to sit on one of the seats at the soccer stadium as she breathed a sigh of frustration. Hyunju watched the smoke she emitted from fade through the air. Longing was the word that she was sure of feeling. It was a cold afternoon when the school ended that she wanted to be alone letting the cold wind brush through her skin. With closed eyes, she absorbed the breeze and let herself relax and think nothing but stably breathing.


"What are you doing out in this cold weather?"


Hyunju flapped open her eyes that she almost jerks off of her seat. "God you scared me Kris. What are you doing here?"



"Well I decided to accompany a lone dainty lady freezing herself to death out here." Kris chuckled and handed Hyunju a few hot packs. "Thanks." They stayed silent for a few minutes, just sitting and staring blankly at the empty soccer field. They were the only ones left in the stadium because of the weather, but they did not mind. Finally, Kris decided to end the silence between them. "Hyunju," he said and Hyunju automatically turned to face him. "You know, you could tell me anything. Tell me everything that bothers you. Feel free to let it all out."



Hyunju sighed for the enth time as she put her elbows on top of her thighs and let them support her chin placed on her palms. "How do you know if you are," she paused because the words rarely come out from . "in love?"


However, Kris wasn't sure on how to answer the question. He could not explain, and neither can he think about the proper answer. The words "I don't know. I just know that I'm in love with you." were all that he said and he himself was shocked. But it's all out. Kris turned his head to face Hyunju, but the girl just froze in her seat, keeping her gaze away from him.



As expected, they went silent again. Hyunju said nothing nor reacted with what Kris had just suddenly blurted out. She'd rather feel awkward than could have said something unnecessary, something that may hurt the other, or something that she might regret after. Hyunju was more than relieved when she spotted Luhan by the entrance of the football stadium and was obviously looking for her holding  two cans of coffee on both hands. As their eyes met, she quickly rose from her seat, only to be grabbed by Kris with her hand but just remained seated. Disappointment rushed immediately as Hyunju saw Krystal trailing behind Luhan. The girl placed her arms around Luhan's and forcefully dragged the guy out of the stadium.



Hyunju could swear that before they left, Luhan's eyes met Kris' and Krystal had looked at her proudly then smirked at her. The scenery left Hyunju with a tear dropping down her freezing cheek and left her frozen heart aching.









a/n: sorry for the long wait.

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Chapter 21: I want so badly for her and Luhan tk just end up together.

And I want to start a riot for every one that wants to burn Krystal.
Vivothna #2
Chapter 20: I hope it JuRis!
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Chapter 20: What!? What to do?
Krystal is always a '' everytime I read fanfic!
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Chapter 17: It's krystal! Again.
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Chapter 16: Why!?
It's doesn't have to be this way!
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Chapter 13: Aw that little krystal >.<
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Chapter 11: Juhan.
But I think kris will hurt,
But Luhan love her first
So,it's juhan.
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Chapter 6: It's so sad
Why you do that to my lulu.
How dare you!
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Chapter 4: I know it's kris,
Vivothna #10
Chapter 3: It's kris,right?