
I'm not your girlfriend.
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"Are you hungry?" Sehun asked, while sitting beside you. You shook your head while staring at the big ocean that was infront of you. Is been a few hours since you have arrived at the beach.

 Unkowingly, the sky was already turning dark. But you didn't want to leave so soon. Everything was so beautiful there. 

Just then, your stomach growled due to the hungryness. Before, you only had a light breakfast knowing that you were going out. But, you didnt eat anything after meeting with Sehun. He stare at you weirdly before letting out a small chuckle. 

Stupid Choi Eunbi, you just embarrass yourself infront of him. 

Without you noticing, Sehun stood up and sneak away. Knowing you, he had already prepare a bunch of food for dinner. He knew that you wouldn't bear to leave the beach so fast. That is why he thought of having a dinner at the beach instead. 

You turned around, finally realising that Sehun was gone. Where is he? 

"Oh Sehun. Where are you?" You shouted frantically, while searching for his familiar figure. But to no avail. He's wasnt here. 

"Don't tell me he left me alone here." You muttered to yourself and stomped your feet on the ground. 

"Stupid stupid stupid." You kept on murmuring the word to yourself while kicking the stones that were blocking your way.

"If it was other people, they would thought that you were crazy." Sehun teased while leaning his body on the tree. You pouted and ruffled your hair angrily. 

"What? Are you trying to leave me alone here ?" You picked up your bag and make your way towards him. 

He widened his eyes innocently and place his hand on the both side of his head, telling you that he wasn't intending to do that. Eventually, you let out a sigh and wave your hand back and forth, signalling him to put down his hand. 

"I prepared something for you." He said, showing you his famous eye smile. 

You eyed him suspiciously, "What? Are you gonna make fun of me again?" 

"Yeah, right. I'm also gonna kidnapped you, so you better dont follow me" Sehun said, his words full of sacarsm. You scoffed but decided to follow him anyways. 

You picked up the pace and walk beside Sehun. He was bringing you to the other side of the beach, where most of the resort were. 

The first thing that came into your view was the beautiful garden that was occupied by many roses and lilies.  In between of it was a table full of delicious food and two candles held firmly onto it. Everything was just so unexpected. Did he do all this for me?

"You. I mean, I---" You were speechless. Not knowing what to do or what to say, you stood there with your mouth wide open. 

"Why? Are you touched?" He smirked, while crossing his arms over his chest. 

You close your mouth and scoffed, "Not after you said that." 

Sehun ignore your last sentence and pull you to the chair. Being a gentlemen, he pull the chair out for you, signalling you to sit down. With a slight bow, you took the napkin and place it on your lap, protecting it from getting dirty. 

With that, Sehun took a seat across you and smile sweetly. 

"What's with that face?" You asked. 

"I got to eat with a pretty lady. Shouldn't I be happy?" 

"Liar." You stuck out your tongue childishly and he could only laughed at your child-like behaviour. But the always clueless you, didn't know that Sehun mean what he said earlier. 

"Can I ask you something?" Sehun asked, while putting down his chopsticks.

You giggled and pointed out, "You are already asking." 

He lean in closer by putting both of his arms on the table. "I want to know about your past." 

With each word, your face changes bit by bit. And of course, Sehun noticed it as well. 

"W-what past? Nothing is wrong with my past." You fake a smile, pretending to be alright. 

"Don't lie to me, I'm not a fool." 

"I'm not lying! I'm perfectly fine." 

"Then why are you so scared of driving ? If is not because of your past, then give me a good reason to explain about it" He demanded. 

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Chapter 32: It is a cute story.
Eunbi and Sehun are perfect to each other.

Take care!
Chapter 32: this is so cute <3
The foreword looks amazing! Gonna start to read today~
Chapter 33: its wonderful authornim
Chapter 21: Author -nim you are so kind hearted the way you reminded us to pray for the people missing who went missing from the flight MH370 I was really touched...I m not sure about the others but I have never seen anyone praying for others on aff...usually authors ask us to upvote,comment and subscribe their stories but I did not see anything like these so far....Author nim you are unique~special.....thank you for the fanfic...
happyabc #6
Chapter 7: Omg! I've missed fluffy Sehun/EXO stories... This is so cute. I want to read it slowly to savor it. Great plot. I've never come across an oc that looks like Sehun's dead gf before. Original. Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 34: This is such a cute story! :D
Chapter 32: Awww this is so sweet and absolutely full of fluff.. i finished it in less than 2 hours, anyway GREAT JOB!!
Lychhing #9
Chapter 28: Awwwww.... Cute
pastelpalettes #10
Chapter 34: A little rushed, but everyone needs a daily dose of sehun anyway :) Thanks for the story!