
I'm not your girlfriend.
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You opened the door to your room and Sehun immediately came in and jumped onto your bed. 

"Yah. Get out of my room." You hissed and shoved him away from your bed, but he was too strong for you to do that.

"Your mom told me to stay here for the night. You can't disobey her, right?" He smiled evilly, knowing that you wouldn't dare to go against your mom. 

If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have allowed Sehun to step into your room.

You stood up and walk towards the door. Hoping to find some bed sheets in another room.  As you tried to turn the door knob around, it wasn't moving. You furrowed your eyebrows weirdly as the door wasn't opening.  

"Sehun-ah, help me. I can't open the door." You sulked and step aside. 

He got up from your bed and sighed for the umpteenth time. 

"You should learn to use your strength." He rolled his eyes, mocking at you for not being able to open the door. 

Again, just like what you did. He turn the door knob around and smirked, thinking that he would be able to open the door easily. But to no avail, the door wasnt budging. 

Clearly, there was only one thing that you can interpret. 

"Are we locked?" You asked Sehun, hoping that he was just joking with you. But reality is always cruel. He released the grip on the door knob and sat on the floor, leaning against your bed. 

"Omma. Can you hear me? Open the door please." You shouted, making sure it was loud enough for your mom to hear. You placed your head next to the door, and the answer you got was a small giggle from your mom. 

Before, your mom actually locked the door right after the both of you went in. She knew that you were gonna find a plan to let either one of you to sleep on the floor. But her plan was letting the both of you to sleep in one bed. 

After knowing that her plan was working out, she went back to the kitchen to continue her dish washing while smiling happily. Use the chance now, my dearest Eunbi. 

"Is your mom." Sehun broked the silence. 

You nodded sadly and sat beside Sehun. You can't believe that your mom actually beared to locked you in a room with a guy. Isn't she scared that Sehun might do somthing to you?

 Unkowingly for you, Sehun were eyeing you the whole time as you hit the floor with your fist. 

"Stop doing that. You will injured your hand." Sehun said as he placed his hands on top of your fist. Wrapping his hands around it, he opened the fingers one by one. 

"There, you have such a beautiful hands." He said, while comparing his hands with yours. 

"And we fit perfectly well together." He said, while you kept quiet the whole time. You silently agreed with what he said. The two of your hands fit perfectly well wi

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Chapter 32: It is a cute story.
Eunbi and Sehun are perfect to each other.

Take care!
Chapter 32: this is so cute <3
The foreword looks amazing! Gonna start to read today~
Chapter 33: its wonderful authornim
Chapter 21: Author -nim you are so kind hearted the way you reminded us to pray for the people missing who went missing from the flight MH370 I was really touched...I m not sure about the others but I have never seen anyone praying for others on aff...usually authors ask us to upvote,comment and subscribe their stories but I did not see anything like these so far....Author nim you are unique~special.....thank you for the fanfic...
happyabc #6
Chapter 7: Omg! I've missed fluffy Sehun/EXO stories... This is so cute. I want to read it slowly to savor it. Great plot. I've never come across an oc that looks like Sehun's dead gf before. Original. Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 34: This is such a cute story! :D
Chapter 32: Awww this is so sweet and absolutely full of fluff.. i finished it in less than 2 hours, anyway GREAT JOB!!
Lychhing #9
Chapter 28: Awwwww.... Cute
pastelpalettes #10
Chapter 34: A little rushed, but everyone needs a daily dose of sehun anyway :) Thanks for the story!