Hello Again

Just Not You

“ Ah, Siwonah… please…” I moaned as his tongue danced inside me. With every flick of his mouth muscle I was shamelessly and tangling my fingers in his hair.

The study room, of our new home which is now filled with my moans and his grunts has become our new ‘’ room, because honestly we have been doing it in here, pretty much all the time, and lately I have this craving for all the time. Its like my hormones are starving.

Siwon got his tongue out and replaced it with his huge, hard as rock manhood. I arched my back as he slid into. He bent down and kissed where i tasted myself on his tongue. He started to move slowly and by reflex, I bit his lower lip. He kept his pace slow and steady, but I was in no mood for slow and steady, I want hard and fast… and really hard. The wooden table on which we lay is not being very compromising, but its making me want more of him. “ Faster baby.” I moaned with my eyes closed.

“ No baby, lets do this slow… you know why.” He grunted.

I opened my eyes to see Siwon softly moving in me, over me. “ I want this hard Siwon. Please” I said as I lifted my hips to meet his soft .

“ No Dara, be a good girl now.” he slowed his pace.

“ I want it hard and fast, and you are giving it to me.”

“ Don’t fight it Dara.”

“ Please, I’ll beg.” I say and there is instantly a small smile on his face.

“ You already are, but no hard and fast till the baby comes out.”

“ The baby will  be safe. Nancy is 6 months and she has wild . I don’t want wild , but just rough, hard….ok some wild .”

Siwon stopped and I totally regretted my conversation.

“ Listen here, you wanted an , I’ve already given you two. Now till I know you and our child in you are fine, no hard, no fast and definitely no wild .”

I flipped him over, putting myself on him. “ if you don’t give it, then I’m taking it.” I say and start riding him as hard as I can. His manhood was growing in me and it was unexplainably very new for me.

You god damn woman!” he hissed and flipped me over. I was on my back again. It was a surprise we did not fall off the table yet rolling each other. Before I could rest myself comfortably, Siwon slammed inside me, making me scream. He went out and pounded into me, pushing me to earth’s edge. He was showing me the wild side. I was freaking seeing the stars. As my back arched, he slid in hand through to pull me closer to him, so that he could get deeper in me and oh boy, he did. A few more harder s, i out as I came. Siwon literally growled as he came in me. I could feel his and my warm liquids trickle down my thighs.


I could not move after what I had been through. The begging had been so worth it. Siown fell on me, but was very careful not to hurt. I was panting and so was he. He wiped the hair from my face and I opened my eyes to see him. “ I want apple pie.” I whispered. He laughed and put his lip between my teeth- His usual, after ritual. When he removed himself from me, I bit him and then immediately led on that bite.

“ Why do you always do this?”

“ Do what?” he asked.

“ Put your lips between my teeth when you know im going to bite you.”

“ Because I love that bite and I goddamn love that le that comes after the bite.” He says with a grin. He falls beside me. We both stare up at the ceiling as we lay on the wooden table. One strong table this is and its never going to be used for study again.

“ Listen Dara…” I started, her face turned towards me.

“ I know your hormones have been all jumpy lately, but I cant do this all the time now.” I said. This whole hard thing she wants is crazy. She is pregnant for the love of god! If she wants , he is getting it slow, because I sure cant keep my hands off her for the next 9 months, especially when her s look so full and heavy and her sensitive flesh down there is so invitingly lush.

What do you mean? You don’t want to have with me?”

“ Hell no! I want to have with you…like all the time, but I don’t want to do this hard and fast thing. You’re pregnant and you need to care about it.”

“ Really? Are you being serious?”

“ Yes I’m being very serious Dara. We can make love any number of times, but let’s do it slow and you need to eat. Because its not just you now, it’s a little baby inside of you.” she kept staring at me, without saying a word.

I lift myself on my elbow. “ See, I was not beside you when you had Sasi, now I am. So I want to take care of you. If I could, I would carry you around. So all I’m asking is take things slow and Be careful.”

“ But I want hard and fast and you are too good at that!” she said so innocently. Damn it I love my wife!

“ I am, I know, but I am not going to give that to you for a while. But I will make sure, you get your regular s and a few in-between too.” I say with a wink. She snuggles next to me, wrapping her hands around my waist.

“ Just be careful Dara.”

“ I will.” She says. “ I still am craving for some apple pie.” She says and we giggle.


At the Hospital.

“ So this is going to be a little cold.” the technician doing the ultra sound informed us as she squirted some cold cream on a wand like thing. Dara laid on the bed telling me that she is relaxed, but she was far from it.

“ Will this hurt?” I asked.

“ No not at all.” The technical said.

“ Hello Mr and Mrs. Siwon.” the doctor came in.

“ Hello Doctor.” The doctor who was looking after us is a friend of Dr. Amal’s so she paid extra care for Dara and I was very pleased with it.

“ Ready to see your little baby?” the doctor asked.

“ Dara, you have to relax. You are scaring your little one inside you. How did you even manage with Sasi? where is she by the way?”

“ I have no idea.” She said looking at me. I know Arata must have been a real strong heart to manage her. “ Sasi is at school” I answered the doctor.

The doctor took the wand like thing from the technician’s hand and carefully placed it on Dara’s abdomen. Dara flinched a little because of the coldness.

“ Ok everything looks good. Good vitals. Now, where is little Choi?” the doctor called out and moved the wand around slowly around.

“ Ah, there you go, beautiful, two little heartbeats.” The doctor announced and pointed at two little dots beating. Two? Huh?

“ My baby has two hearts?” I asked the doctor and the technician both laughed. I looked at Dara who seemed pale and lost as me.

“ No Mr. Siwon, it means you’re having twins.”

“ We…we’re having twins? As in two babies?” Dara asked.

“ Yes my dear.” Dara immediately turned to me and shouted, “ look what you did to me.!!”

The doctor laughed and said, “ now, be careful, you scared the little ones.”

“ I cant believe we are having twins.” I saw the screen and they looked too small. But it’s a life in my Dara. Two lives in fact. “ They look like little pixels. I think im going to call them pixels.”

“ No you’re not!” Dara instanlty said.

“ Call them anything you want!” the doctor said with a small laugh. “ So I’ll ask Marie, our technician to give you a copy of the ultra sound and you can clean up in the toilet here. I’ll meet you both in the room to give you a diet.” The doctor instructed and left us.

“ We’re having twins.” Dara said with her eyes wide.

“ What can I say, I’ve got pretty good swimmers!” I said with glee. I cant believe this happy news. My family I growing. I was distorted that I could not be there when Sasi came into this world, but now god has given me a chance to witness two babies coming into this world.


“ Do you want anything?” I asked Dara as we got into the car ready to go home.

“ Apple pie and hot car .” She answered with her eyes bright. it was like seegin Sasi when she wants ice cream. Trust me it was very hard to resist. But I have to.

“ Dara! What has got into you? You heard what he doctor said. Be careful. You cant be this outlandish!”

“ First you also know what got into me and I want it now, inside me! And second, I don’t care what the doctor said I want apple pie and car with you. “

“ Baby, come on, be a good girl now. I’ll buy you apple pie but no for you… for now.” her eyes widened.

“ So later?”

May be, only if you be careful and be a good girl.” I said.

“ ok…” she said. I laughed. Her hormones are really taking her on a full on swing.

We stopped at a bakery and enjoyed some good apple pie. Dara ate about 4 slices of pies on her own, which surprised and shocked me too. “ You keep eating so many pies, I’ll have apples popping out of you instead of babies!” I teased.

“ Shut up! I love these.” She said as she took in another spoonful of gooie apple goodness. 

Baby, I have to go to the office, want to come with me and take a nap there?” Siwon asked.

“ Na….i promised to take Sasi to the park today. I think it will be good for her and for me. If I stay close to you, all I think of is pouncing on you.” I said. It’s true, I have no idea why i keep thinking about all the time. Its like I’ve become a maniac with Siwon being my only pleaser.

Oh ok…where did this generosity to give me a break come in?” Siwon stressed on the ‘me.’

“ Shut up!” I teased and we had a giggle.


We went to Sasi’s school, picked her up and at the same time, Siwon called for a car to take us around. “ Siwon I can manage. I’ll call up a cab.” I said. Siwon glared at me.

“ How many cars do we have Dara?” he asked as he dialed numbers on his phone.

“ 5 Daddy! 5!!” Sasi jumped from the backseat.

“ Yes darling, please tell your mother that.” He said as he took the phone to his ears.

“ Mummy, we have 5 cars.”

“ Ok fine! Fine! I get it. Jeez like father, like daughter!” I said. These two!


Within a few minutes, my Aston Martin started pulling over with Sam, our office driver in it.

“ Right come on you two.” Siwon got off the car, came to my side, opened the door for me and picked up Sasi.

“ Off you go and be a good girl. Sasi, please take care of mummy for me.” he said.

“ Ok daddy.”

“ I love you baby girl. Give me a kiss.” Siwon gave his cheek to her. it was the most adorable thing ever.

We got in and waved Siwon bye. I really wanted him with me now. a sudden pang in my stomach. Well, he has work, and he has taken over my work too.


Sasi and me reached the park and I messaged Siwon our arrival. Sam parked the car and stayed there. Sasi and me took a stroll inside. I bought Sasi some balloons and an ice cream. Sasi ran towards the swing and I took the bench near by. When Sasi came to me to give her balloon, I held her and told, “ Sasi would you like a brother or sister?”

“ Yes! Yes!”

“ Why?”

“ Because I get to play!”

“ What if I said you will have two?”

“ I play more!” she said, stabbed the balloon in my hand and ran off. My sweet little angel.

I picked up my ipad from my bag and my ibooks. I looked up to see what Sasi was doing and I noted that she was happily on the swing making conversation with another little toddler. I smiled and then went on to selecting my favorite book, ‘The Vow’.

After a couple of pages, I looked up again and found Sasi on the slide, giggling. I went back to my book.

Then a couple of pages later, I looked up again, Sasi was not there on the slide, my stomach started to twist. I looked around to the swing area, she was not there. There was a pang in my heart. I got up and walked to the play area to see if she is in the sand castle or the jumpy castle, she was not there. I started to panic. I screamed her name.

“ SASI!! SASI!!!” there was no response. I fully set myself to panic. My daughter is missing. I went back to the bench, picked up all my stuff and rushed back to the play area and frantically searched everywhere, underneath every slide, inside every play tunnel. I even made myself crawl through one. I asked the ladies standing near by if they saw a little girl with pink clothes, but their constant answer was a no. I ran around looking and shouting Sasi’s name. I stopped a few passerby and asked them if they spotted Sasi. But their answer was a no.

I am scared now. gosh I feel horrible!! I lost my daughter. where is Sasi? The first thing I think is to calling Siwon. I need him here, before I do anything stupid.

Just when I was picking out my phone from my bag, my phone rang. I saw the number and it seems to be a local number. I cut it off immediately. I don’t care to answer any call right now. I dial for Siwon’s number and I’m interrupted by the same local number again. “ Shut up!” I hiss angrily at the phone and continue to dial Siwon’s number. I’m panicking by the second.

My phone rings again and I loose my patience. I finally pick up the phone, because the only way to shut the phone call will be to answer it. “ Hello!” I scream.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Dara, dear sweet Dara, panicked Dara, you need to calm down.” I hear a female’s voice. It’s ‘her’ voice.

My world stops. My heart skips a beat. I freeze. I blank out.

“ Ga In…” I painfully whisper.

“ Ah, you still remember my voice.” I wanted to die. Where has she come from? She is supposed to be in jail. I know this personally because the Korean police confirmed it with us before Siwon and me moved to Seoul. Why is this happening? The visuals of Yan Suk in my office came to my mind immediately. My insides were twisting and turning. My hand went to my stomach in a protective manner.

“ Do… do you have Sasi?” I managed.

“ Ever so clever.”

“ WHY? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?” I literally screamed on the phone and I had a few people look at me. But I don’t care. All I care is my baby who is with the devil herself.

“ Because , you took what belongs to me. So i took what belongs to you.”

“ Siwon never belonged to you!” I hiss in anger.

“ HE DOES! HE F***ING BELONGS TO ME!” she yells. “ But you took him away from me. Now I take what is yours.” She injected poison in me with her words.

“ Please… Ga In…please, doesn’t do anything to my daughter. Please. I beg you.” I sob. I cant be strong to her. Its my daughter she has a captive.

“ Now you are talking.”

“ Please tell me she is safe. Please.”

‘”Oh stop crying! It annoys me to hear you” she said with more viciousness in her voice.

“ Then tell me, put Sasi on the phone. I need to know she is safe. If not…”

“ If not what Dara? Remember I have your daughter.” Oh the poison in her voice.

“ Please, then just put her on the phone.” I whined.

“ Fine…” she said and the line went silent. I stood there, digging my feet into the ground and praying that I should not fall down.

“ Mama.” I heard.

Baby… Sasi… are you alright darling?” I asked letting out the breath I held in.

“ Yes mama…”

“ Why did you go with her Sasi? Why did you not come to me, when this lady came to you?”

“ She said she is your friend and said she wanted me to give you something. So I went with her. Your friends are nice, like Nancy aunty and uncle Mark.”

“ No darling, she is not like Nancy aunty.” I sobbed.

“ Listen Sasi, are you ok? Did she hurt you?”

“ No mama… she gave me chocolate jelly.” Sasi said, ever so innocent.

“ Baby, don’t eat anything she gives you. Promise me. Don’t eat or drink anything.”

“ Ok mama, I prom….”

 I heard some rattling noise and she was on the phone again.“ that’s enough.” She screeched.

“ What do you want Ga in? why are you doing this?” I asked trying not to cry anymore.

“ We need to talk and we need to talk in private.” She said. A bile rose in me. she is trapping me, holing my daughter as hostage.

“ There is a black Toyota waiting for you Gate number 2. Get in and come here right away. You need to hear me talk.”

“ Ok…ok… I’ll be right there. Please don’t do anything to Sasi.”

“ And Dara, don’t you dare contact Siwon or anyone else. I will know and if you do, you daughter gets it and I promise she will get it bad. Then don’t blame me.” that sent me hell’s edge.

“ Ok..ok.. fine… I’ll be there. Please. Don’t hurt her.” I said and ran towards Gate 2.


When I reached it, I saw the black Toyota and a man stand near it with a black cap and jacket on. I ran towards him.

“ Get in.” he said as he opened the door. I recognized that voice. Its Yan Suk. This has all been a plan. I should have realized. I should have protected my child.

I got into the car without a word. When he shut the door with a bang, I did not feel my legs. All I could think off was Sasi, Siwon and Pixle and Apple. Sasi because I want to save her, and Siwon because, after this, I don’t know if I will ever see him again. I’m walking into the hyena’s den- straight.

The backseat door opened again and another man got in. he stinking of alcohol, which made me cringe. He pulled out a black scarf like thing from his pocket.

“ So, I’ve heard you like to play with some kink in the bed?” he said disgustingly, what made my body shatter.

“ Shut the f*** up and tie her eyes.” Yan Suk said. I fought, but his large hands just got me and he tied my hands and then my eyes. I was totally out. I could not see a thing, except darkness and yet I could not scream or do anything. I was helpless.

“ All done, now be a good .” The man next to me said and traced his fingers over my shoulder blade. I moved to the corner of the seat in disgust and in fright. I hate that pig of a man is touching me.


The car started to move and I felt the man next to pull my handbag and take my phone out. I heard a few crack sounds. I knew he must have broken it or something.

The car was moving in a racing speed. I was holing myself in the corner, and not topple over the large man. I have no idea where we are going and I absolutely no idea if I will return in one piece. But I don’t care as long as I save my daughter. She should live. But what about my two little angels iin me?

“ Siwon baby, I love you.” I whispered to myself.

Then suddenly the car came to halt. The door opened and I was pulled out. I struggled to stand up properly, but the two men did not let me. They pulled me hard. I still have no idea where we are. It’s so silent. I could not hear the traffic, but I heard birds chirping. I understood we were somewhere in the outskirts of Seoul. While walking, I hit something and fell on the ground. I could feel some rusty metal and tall grass. Is this some sort of an isolated factory? I don’t know. Suddenly the quietness was broken my the horn a fast train. There is a train track somewhere here. If I ever survive Ga In, the train would be my escape.

I’m pulled in somewhere and then made to sit on a metal chair. My hands were pulled behind me. it pained- it pained a lot. I whimpered. “ Oh shut up.” I heard Yan Suk. Then he aggressively pulled my eye blinds. I flinched at the pain and the sudden flash of light.

When I opened my eyes, they focused directly on Ga In, who was standing tall and devilishly with a gun to Sasi’s head. My heart dropped to my stomach. She looked impeccable- or even prettier. Her slender figure, her body hugging clothes and that sky high heels made her look like a queen- but just of the wrong kingdom.

“ What are you doing?”  I shout.

“ Oh shut you f***ing hole, or she gets one in her head.” My mouth shuts immediately.

“ You have me, now let got her Ga In.”

“ If it was that easy, I would have kidnapped you and not your little .” That gets to me. How dare she!

“ Don’t you dare call her that.” I say angrily.

“ The child of a is a . Now shut up.” she said and pushed the gun harder into Sasi’s head. Its not a very smart idea to infuriate her.

“ What do you want Ga In?” I ask. She dies not answer.

“ Tell me what you want and just let her go.” I say again.


“ Not so fast….” She says with an evil, vicious smile dancing gloriously on her well painted lips. 


Life is filled with twists and turns- happy and horrific.


Hi guys,

Here is a quick update.

This one is filled with some good news and horrible news.

So i hope you guys like it.

Dont forget to comment and follow me on Twitter. ( @Aworldofmyown11)


To Be





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Yoongi1230 #1
Chapter 54: Omg girl I seriously did not expect all that drama and craziness!!! But omg a bommmmmmb story!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
atoeva #2
amaaaazing perfect wooow woooow woooooow...words can't describe your story...Just OMG really wooow
assuma #3
I can't really describe your story OMG !!! it's beyond words *_____* Thank you author nim thank youuu and please read my email that I've sent to you because I want the book so badly please . Keep Going , Fighting author nim :) :) :)
shahnazsheikh #4
Chapter 55: one of the best ones i have read so far...! Keep writing...! You have a flair for it!
shahnazsheikh #5
Chapter 33: i love the story! I want the book!
Chapter 55: Thankyou so much authour-nim :):):) I love your story, keep writing :):):) I waiting your next story
fastaday #7
I've never read a fanfic that can get me addicted to it and this is the first fic that drown me into it! Omg idk what to do anymore without anymore of this. But anyway, 6 stars for you and this fic! Hope to read more of your fics! ^_^
biancsnool #8
Chapter 55: This is the best story that i read so farrrrr.....I going to read this again. Two thumbs up for you unnie! And i'm going to miss chatting with you :(. And congrats! Annyeong unnie :) saranghaeee
mrvnrky #9
Chapter 55: Thank you for this great story I think I'm going to read it again (sleepless nights are waiting for me) :)