Hitched- Finally

Just Not You

"Its time to get dressed Dara.” Nancy tells me as I sit and stare at myself in silk white lingerie in the awfully huge mirror in front of me. I’ve always wanted this moment. The moment where I get into that amazing white dress, walk down the aisle and look at the man I love beaming with love and promise. Now here it is and something feels….. scary.

“ Dara, babes,” Nancy calls out again. I look up at her.

She is dressed in a lavender maid of honor gown that Mark designed, with some baby bump showing. Nancy has the ability to change herself into any look she wants and for my wedding; it’s the look of peace and serenity.

She comes closer, hugs me from behind and looks up at the mirror and so do i.

“ This is all you’ve wanted since, at least the time I got to know you both. Now why are you scared?” she really does know me in and out.

“ Its not that…. I don’t know, I just feel…. you know…”

“ Babes, if you want some more time to think.. May be…we could….you know…” she hesitated.

“ Cancel? No way. I’m marring the guy! That’s it. I’m getting that ring on my finger.” She laughed at my reaction, but the truth is I am scared and the proof is my body is cold. She knows it too.

 “ Is the bride ready?” a lady in faded jeans and tee shirt came in.

“ Yeah almost.” Nancy shouted across.

“ Ok,” she said and walked into the room. “ Hi, I’m Lucy, the make up artist.” She said and took her place in front of me.

“ Do you want to stay like that or do you want to wear a robe?” she asked me scanning me from top to bottom in my lingerie.

“ Well…..” I did not really mind being in my lingerie. Its bloody damn expensive, and I better show it of to someone…. Other than Siwon of course.

“ Wear a robe. We don’t want to get make up on that lovely lingerie before the man sees you in it.” she says with a wink. It just tells me how experienced she is in dressing up blushing brides. Well, I will have to break it to her, Siwon has seen in pretty much everything and anything and out of them too.

“ Fine,” I say and get into the soft hotel robes that were delivered to me warm and soft. When the robes draped over, my body loosed up a little and got warmed. Lucy made me sit in the dresser’s chair and switched on some lights giving my face the full focus. She draped some napkins around my neck and out some band around my head to pull back all the loose hair. She laid down her beautiful tools AKA her make up brushes and opened her kit, which looked like a suitcase. Inside it was a huge variety of make up. Anything that is needed is in there. Its almost like the one we have installed on our Choi fashion floor.

“ Alright lets start.” She said and looked at me. I look at her, but there is some sort of bile erupting in my stomach. Is sick and making me y insides turn. My reflex, my hand goes to my mouth. There it is. I rush towards the washroom pushing Lucy and screaming Nancy. I shut the door with a bang and collapse on the floor by the toilet and let out the sick bile out of my mouth. Literally my last night’s dinner came out through my mouth. Oh god, I feel totally sick and this is one day I don’t want to be like this. I keep vomiting till I feel my ribs are going to burst. After a few minutes of cleaning up my insides, I hear Nancy’s soft knock.

“ Don’t come in here.” I say.

“ Do you want something?” she asks.

“ Siwon.” I say

“ Baby I cant do that.”

“ Then, go away. I’ll come out soon.” I say.

“ Ok.,” she whispers and I hear foot steps walk away. Oh how I want Siwon right here with me, saying it’s all going to ok and then we can go out eat a burger.

After a couple more minutes, I manage myself on my feet, wash my mouth and face. I softly rub them clean and walk out he door. Lucy and Nancy are having tea. My mom and Siwon’s mum seem to a little frantic. I have exactly one and half our till I become Mrs. Siwon Choi.

Ah, the bride finally decided to come out of the bathroom. “ Nancy announces.

Dara, baby you ok? are you sick?’ my mother comes rushing towards me. i of course ignore her.

Lucy, lets start and Nancy can you get me some green tea?” I ask. Everyone’s eyes are on my mother and the way I just spoke to her.

“ Lets go Lucy! There is a poor er waiting for me.” I said with sarcasm.

I look at my mom though the mirror, she is held by my mother in law. Lucy slowly moves towards me and starts her artwork on me. I close my eyes and relax back on the chair as Lucy does her work. I let Nancy to manage the hustle and bustle outside the door. Now all I can think is just Siwon and out life together.

After about 40 minutes Lucy tapped on my shoulder for me to look at myself in the mirror. When I opened my eyes and looked up, wow, is all I could say. Lucy is truly an artist with make up. She has literally turned me into an angel- The soft powdering on my cheeks and the peaceful eyes and the bright lips. She has understood me and my favorite kind of make up.

“ Wow, Lucy, thank you for making me look this beautiful.” I say.

“ No. Miss Day, you are naturally very beautiful.” She said and Nancy joins me.

Alright, now to the dress. I’ve already got calls coming my way.” Nancy snap. Her truly ‘Maid-of-honor’ moment. Lucy makes her way out and when I look around, my mum and mother-in-law have left aswell.

I get up on my feet and Nancy gets the dress form the closet of our hotel room. I step into the dress that Mark created which is literally one of the best clothes I’ve ever worn. A simple one, but very, very classy. A straight gown in ivory silk has a cute sweetheart neck and the back of the dress is complete with ivory silk lace showing off some of my back skin. The sleeve which is completely in lace comes fully embracing my arms. Going with that is the Choi family’s brooch and a sweetheart diamond earring that Siwon’s mother bought for me. Mark accessorized my hair to be in a soft bun surrounded by little white real flowers, which he imported from a friend in Italy. Now the shoes, the shoes are something we had a problem with. Siown insisted that mine be made specially by Christian of Christian Louboutine, but Mark was super offended Siwon’s suggestion, that he took upon the challenge and made beautiful shoes that even Christian Louboutine would not have been able to design. Its in same silk ivory, 5 inch and it has intrinsic details of high quality rhinestones and the heel was carved with a old Venetian design. Its truly a master piece and I’m walking in them.


“ We’re ready to go?” I hear the voice of the wedding coordinator from behind the door.

“ Give us one minute.” I say and look towards Nancy.

“ Can I see my mum and dad Nancy?” her eyes go so wide that I feel they may pop out upon my question.

“ Su..sure. I’ll get them right away.” She says and rushed out he door. I’m alone in the room. realisation slowly comes to me. I’m going to be married. I’m getting married to one of the hottest and eligible bachelors of the world. im going to be someone’s wife and no longer a couple’s little girl. No longer daddy’s little angel, no longer mommy’s adorable brat. I love Siwon, yes, but then my parents…my mommy and daddy. Since I’ve been independent for such a long time, I did not feel they are needed, but now, when I’m taking the next step in my life, I suddenly feel vulnerable and I want- more than Siown, my mum and dad.

“ Dara?” Nancy walks in with my mum and dad behind her. I stand up for them to see me fully dressed.

“ You look beautiful Dara. All grown up and now marrying. Wow. I really did miss a lot.” My dad says with so much sadness in his voice. I breathe in and out and then finally say,” Dad, will you walk me down the asile?” I ask and there was intense silence in the room.

“ Fine, I think I asked too much. I’ll…” I turn away but then immediately I’m cut short.

“ Thank you Dara.” I heard my father say. I turn to see him with a tear rolling down her eyes.

“ What?” I whisper.

“ I said than you thank you for forgiving me, for giving at least this and for making me realize that you have been such a good daughter and I should be very proud to be your father” he hugged me. I tightly hugged him back. There was something in me that made me feel that hug extremely special. It was warm and it had an unexplainable warmth.

“ Thanks dad.” I said when he let go of me. “ I want you both to bless me.” I whisper. “ You always have our blessing darling.” My mother says caressing my cheek.

“ Alright now…” Nancy dabbed the tear in her eye and came forward. “ Its time.” She said.


Within a few minutes we were n front of the church. I am nervous. No I’m a wreck. More than that, my stomach does not feel good. I feel like im going to faint. “ I don’t feel good.” I say to Nancy. “ Here have some water. She passes me on a bottle. I take a sip and mentally tell myself to feel better. I don’t know why I feel like this. I mean its Siown I’m marrying for god’ sake. Why am I feeling this nervous? Jeez. I need to get a grip of myself!

A slick tuxedoed guy opens the car door. Nancy, my mum and dad help me out the BMW.

I stand and take a long look at the church. When I get out of this church in another couple of hours, I will be Mrs. Siwon Choi! And immediately I have butterflies in my tummy.

We walk up the stairs, into the foyer and stood in front of the door.

“ Shall we go in?” the wedding coordinator asks me. I breathe.

“ Yes.” I say after a minute.  My dad takes my hand, my mum kisses me and Nancy hugs the out of me. Then hear the little screams of Sasi coming from the side stairs.

“ Hey baby. You look lovely.” I scooted down and hugged her.

“ Mama, you look beautiful.” She said and softly touched my silk veil.

“ Thanks darling. Now, shall we go get daddy?”

“ Yes! Daddy!! Daddy!” she jumped making all of us giggle.

The weeding coordinator gave her a silk, well ornamented cushion with the wedding rings. Then Nancy stood behind Sasi with a basket of flowers and her baby bump and then me- holding my dad. My mum took her seat next to Siwon’s mum. After a couple of minutes, the door opened and the sound of enthusiastic musicians started- the typical ‘arrival of the bride’ music. But I did not hear all that. All I could hear and see is Siwon- my Siwon- dressed in a beautiful black suit and soft, bouncing hair, he looked; mine.

 As we entered the guests turned around to see me, but I had my eyes all on Siwon and his mesmerizing smile and those love filled eyes.


She walked in with Sasi and Nancy in the front and her dad by her side. Wow, Cleopatra would not stand a chance in front of my Dara. She looked beautiful and classy and she is all mine. I gave a small smile to Sasi and Nancy. Then I looked at Mr. Day, who was so proud to have his daughter’s hand and the honor to give her away to me. I’m really surprised to how Dara let him walk her down the aisle. Whatever it may be, I’m happy that she forgave her father. Most of all, my eyes stood still on Dara. Jesus, I just could not believe myself that im marrying the girl of my dreams.

She came closer and her dad shook hands with me before he kissed Dara’s cheek. “ Take care of my baby girl.” He whispered.

“ I will.” I assured him.

She came up on the step equal to me and looked at me through her silk veil.

“ Hi.” She whispered in a shy way that only I could hear.

“ Hey baby.” I said. God, she looked so beautiful. All those horrible times i went through was so worth it now.

“Ahem…” we heard the priest cleared his throat.

We both giggled and looked towards the priest. Slowly he started the mass and the guests were genuinely praying for our blessed future. We have a small wedding with just about 150 guests. No far away relations, no lot uncles and aunties, but just close friends and well-wishers, because both me and Siwon think their blessings will take us along the happy road.

The priest calls for Sasi who is the ring bearer and takes the beautiful 24 carat Venetian gold wedding bands from her.

“ Do you, Siwon Choi, take Sandara Day as your lawfully wedded wife, protect her, love her and cherish her?” the priest asks.

“ Till the day I die. I do.” I say looking deep in me.

“ Do you, Sandara Evelyn Day, take Siwon Choi as you lawfully wedded husband, to protect him, to love him and cherish him?” the pries asks Dara and she blushes. Gosh, her smiles!

“ Oh yes, I do!” she says loudly making the guests erupt into a laugh and Ethan and Mark whistle.

The priest shows forward the rings. “ You may put the ring on her.” he says and I do, followed by Dara.

Once the ring is on our fingers, the priest declares loudly, “ I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride!” finally!!!

I take Dara in my arms, swing her to the other side, and I bend and kiss her hard. The guest throw rice, flowers and applause. After controlling my happiness, I lift Dara to her straight posture. “ I will get you back for this.” She whispers with a smirk.

“ I look forward to it.” I say. We then turn towards the guests and bow in respect. I take Sasi’s in my left arm and Dara in my right and walk down the aisle. I see my mom and Dara’ mom in full on tears. Dara has eyes on her parents and I can feel her true emotions for them.

As we walk out, more rice is thrown on us as a blessing and a Rolls Royce that my dad had arranged was parked majestically in front of the church for us, with the sign ‘Just Married’. Before we got on, Dara asks all the single ladies to stand behind her for her to throw the bouquet. Once when the ladies in our guest gathered, Dara took a swing of the flower bouquet and it landed right in Nancy’s hand. I don’t know if this was a planned or just pure fate, it landed on Nancy’s hand. Dara and Nancy jumped and giggled. Ethan as the protective father controlled Nancy. “ You’re next man!” I scream at Ethan.

We got into the Rolls Royce and rode our way to Grand Hyatt where the reception is being held.

“ Congratulations Sir and Madam.” the driver greeted us form the front of us. He seems to be British. “ Thanks.” We both said in unison. Then a screen slides us giving us our privacy.

“ I can’t believe it.” Dara said.

“ I know me too. im finally your husband.” I say with full glee.

“ No, im your wife! Your lawfully wedded wife!”  She says and immediately takes over my mouth.

“ That you are!” I say and return her passionate kiss.

Within a few minutes we arrive at the hotel and we are led to the poolside where the wedding reception is being held through a special entrance. When we enter, our guests have already arrived and Sasi is on the stage singing- welcoming us. We watch her with adoration. The as a couple we take the center table which is beautifully laid out. I bet this must also be the works of Mark. Then next to me my mum and dad take their place and beside Dara’s her’s. They hug her and her mum once again has happy tears in her eyes. Then my mum goes to her and hugs her. My dad follows.


We are served Champaign and our guests make their way to us and greet and congratulate us. Its beautiful. Then we make our rounds and receive the blessings of the guests who have come. Doctor Amal, who was kind enough to come all the way from Dubai to Seoul, was filled with fun and she definitely spread that fun around.

Then, it was time for dance!! Our first dance as a couple!! We never really thought about a specific song, but Lovesong by Adele really spoke to us.

I got up and then turned to Dara, “ may I have the honor of dancing with you, my lady love?” she blushed when the guests went ‘awwwwww’. She gave me her hand and we took the center floor. the guests cheered for us in every way. I slowly swayed Dara, but in reality, we were floating in happiness. All I could see was my happiness in her and her love for me. i am happy. We are happy. As the song finished, I called for Sasi to dance with her. Dara sat back and watched us dance. We had out first ‘ Daddy- Daughter’ dance and it was great. Sasi kept jumping and giggling. Wow. Now I really know what being a parent really meant.

As the night slowly closed down, we were up fro cutting the massive cake, which was this time the works of Nancy. She brought in some French baker who made this humongous vanilla- lavender four tire butter cake! Me and Siwon slowly cut it, fed it to each other followed by a cake filled, luscious kiss.

Cake was served to everyone and Siwon made sure Sasi got the biggest, best piece. Such a daddy!

“ Alright now, Ladies and Gentlemen, we shall now start with the maid of honor speech, which of course is going to be awesome, because I’m the maid of honor.” Nancy joked. She started the story about how she met Me and Siwon and how we hit it off. She spoke about our ridiculous friendship and how my love life has always been with me in the toughest of times. More than that, how Siwon was always there for me. “ She freaking thought of you every minute. that’s creepy Siwon!” she finished. Ethan who is Siwon’s best man, went up on stage and sang us a mixture of rock and roll songs surprising everyone and most of all Nancy. We had a fun time.

Then it was time fro Siwon to give his little note. “ Right, so thanks for coming to my wedding everyone. Looks like I’m finally hitched.” Everyone cracked. “ So I guess you all know the story of my love life. This could actually be turned into a Hollywood movie or something. We’ve had that much drama. But amongst all this drama, one thing remained, our absolute egoistic cattiness!” everyone laughed out loud, including me.

“ However, Dara,” he called out for my attention which he had from the beginning.

“ No matter what happens I will never let go. Because if I do, I will die. You are my next breath.” He said. Oh god. I have emotions boiling up in me and I’m ready to cry. The guests are silent, stunned by the most shortest, sweetest speech ever. “ I love you my lady love.” He said. And then Ethan started to clap rubbing a few teardrops form his eyes.

When Siwon came back to the table, I pulled him and kissed him very hard. “ You are crazy!” I scolded him. “ Crazy for you? Yes, that I am.” He said with his forehead on mine.

“ Now can we have Dara!” Nancy announced.

I look up and I find Nancy calling me to the stage. I go up. I suddenly feel a twist in the stomach and a oozy feeling. I push it away and take the mike on the stage. “ First of I want to thank everyone for coming to may wedding. You blessings are truly appreciated and im sure your prayers will keep us happy as a family.” I took a long breath in and let it out. “ I don’t know if many of you know, I was married before. He was a wonderful man. But due to certain situations-,” I looked up at Siwon, who seemed tensed and wondering why I’m bring this up. “ I lost him. we lost him. He was my guardian, my saving grace. A person who saved me from making the stupidest mistakes and making me live life. But all he could do was make me live life, and not love. It was always Siwon who mad me love life.” I look up at him. “ Even when I thought he betrayed me and that I lost him to someone else, not even an atom part of me accepted that. I always knew he is the one. He truly is my man, who understands me, who fights with me, who knows me, who scolds me, who makes me blush, who supports me and most of all, who made me a mother.” I take a moment so that I don’t choke on my emotional happiness. “ Siwon baby, no matter how many times I make a mistake, please don’t stop to love me, because when I come back home with bruises and tears in my eyes, I know you will be there waiting for me with a large tub of ice cream.” I suddenly feel the visions of the room blurring and the ground moving. Too much champing? “ I am nothing without you baby…” the ground is moving faster and I feel like something is swirling in my head. “ I love you Siwon Choi.” I say and the next thing I feel is a hard thud to my head and blackness. Somewhere in the distances I hear Siwon’s voice calling out for me.


When I open my eyes, im in Siwon’s arms, holding me tight and at the same time holing me gently. When I look up at his face, he is grinning. Hmmm, why? I look around ad Dr. Amal who is also grinning and holding my wrist. I look up and out guests have gathers around like a canopy and all of them have freaking grins on thier face. WHY?

“ You ok baby?” Siwon asks me. “ yes… can I have some water.”

 “Sure darling.” He says and passes me a glass.

As I sip my water, the grins on everyone’s face gets to me.  I look at my mum, she is grinning too!!

“ Why is everyone smiling soo much?” I ask looking at Siwon.

“ Just drink up the water and take a seat.” Dr. Amal says as she gets up on her feet.

“ ok…” I obey and look at Siwon. He kisses my temple. I’m done with the water and Siwon helps me to a chair.

“ Ok tell me why are you all smiling.” I ask Siwon who kneels in front, holding me.

Siwon gave out a little laugh and then looked up at me. “ We’re having a baby.”

“ What?” but what I really thought was what the f***?

“ He means you are pregers!!” Nancy said in a loud voice!!

“ huh?” I could not believe this is happening! On my wedding day, I get to know im pregnant!! No this cant be happening!

“ Ok we need some water for the dumb struck girl here.” Nancy teases. “ Serious, how hard did you guys bang?” she teases again! “ Nancy! Kids here!” Ethan scolds her. but her statement put a smile on my face.

“ So you saying im pregnant. There is a baby in my tummy? Sasi is having a sibling?”

“ Yes baby, we’re having a baby!” ok…ok… this is not happening. I still have not figured it out with Sasi and now another baby, its not that I don’t want another one. I do, but this is sudden and for the love of god, its my wedding day!. Not a day more or less, I find out about my pregnancy on my wedding day!!

I take the glass of water on the near by table and splash it on Siwon’s face. “ How dare you do this to me??!!!” I scream making everyone laugh.

“ What is wrong with you woman?” Siwon gets up on his feet and screams at me. I take another glass and throw it at him. But he ducks and the water splashes on my dad.

“ Oh ! dad sorry. Siwon! stop right there!!” I take another glass of water and run behind him to throw. “ Don’t you throw water! You were also a partner in crime!” he shouts back and the guests gave us way to throw water on each other. “ i was a partner? You did this to me!!!”

“ You freaking enjoyed it!”

“ Oh! Oh! Don’t you dare!!!” I threw some more water which he escaped.

Stop throwing water!!”

“ Stop making me pregnant!”

“ Well baby, I’ve got some good swimmers!”

“ Ugh! Stop calling me baby! That always makes you escape!”

“ I cant help it if you keep falling for my charms.” He says with a smirk!!  Oh that gets me.

“ Stop smirking!” I pick up another glass and run behind him. “ No no! Dara, don’t come closer.” He says and takes another glass in his hand.

“ Don’t you dare throw water on me Siwon. This is beautiful dress.”

“ You freakin ruined my tux!”

“ You ruined my wedding day!”

“ With what? a baby?”

“ Yes!!”

“ Now what would everyone think of me Siwon?”

“ We know you both very well, it’s a surprise your not pregnant before your wedding.” Siwon’s mum shouts over the crowd.

“ Mama, not you too!” she says. I see Siwon coming closer to me.

“ Don’t you dare come near me.” I say. His walk changes into a predatory one, just like the way he walks in the bedroom.

“ Dara, you should have told him that way before, if you did not want to get pregnant.” Nancy says. Before I could answer her, Siwon picks me up in his hand and I struggle my way out. Then before we could realize, we land in the massive swimming pool of Grand Hyatt, making both of us completely drenched. As we went underwater, Siwon pulled me and kissed me under the water, keeping away the chlorine water away from us.

After a few seconds of inability to stay underwater, I came up trying my best to gasp in as much air as possible. Before I could even settle in, Siwon pulled me from behind and kissed me hard again, for not just out guests to see, but other few visitors roaming around by the pool side.  We again received whistles, cheers and clap fro our crazy act. But we did not seem to care. I did not seem to care! I pulled Siwon towards me and kissed him harder.


The dinner was served in the banquet hall which was arranged with a few minutes as the pool side canopy arranged was completely drenched with all the water throwing and running around. We had changed into simpler clothes. I wanted to peel that silk wedding dress off Dara, but crazy wife of mine went all wild. After dinner, the guests hung around for a while and then they slowly made their move. My parents and my in laws made us go to our new home. Dara and me were in the Rolls Royce car to our new home with our parents and friends waving to us. I personally asked to drive the RR to our new home. The home I have been dreaming to live my life with a family of my own, as a husband, as a father. He home I have till now not showed to Dara. She will be in for a huge surprise tonight.


“ What took you so long to bring me here?” Dara asked me as we entered the gates.

“ You’ll know.” I say giving her a wink and making her blush.

I park the car, get out and come around to open the door for Dara. Before she could out her feet on the ground, I pick her up in my arms. She squeals.

“ Put me down husband!” she giggles.

“ I’m not going to wife!” I say as I walk towards the door.

“ I still remember he first time you brought me here.” she says. I smile at her cute statement. As we walked in I slowly switched on the lights. I hear soft gasping of air when the living room comes into view.

“ You’ve changed everything!” she says.

“ Yes I have.” I say. Yes I have changed every furniture in the house into something that she would like. “ Put me down Siwon.” She says again.

“ Not here, I have a place I want you to see.” I say and walk her to the study room where the painting of her face I did initially was. I walk upstairs and open the room door and switch on the light.

Dara sharply gasps in air. I put her down and without taking her eyes of the walls she steadies herself on her feet. She looks around.

“ You… you… did all of this?” she asks looking at me.

“ Yes baby.” I say as I put my hands in my pocket not to show my nervousness

“ This…this… Siwon…” she turns towards the walls which hold paintings of her in every expression I could think off. I removed the bookshelf to create more wall space to paint her and bought more canvases to paint her.

This is what I did for three years Dara. The years you were not with me, I created you. I wanted to be with you very badly, I had to get you back into my life. By painting these, I felt you were with me. I slept in this very room, ate in this very same room, lived those three years in this very same room, creating and think about you 24-7 Dara. This how I was…with you.” Dara turned towards me and walks over.

“ You are a crazy bastard!” she whispers, rubbing her tear filled eye.

“ I know. I wanted to show you this and bring you here when you became my wife. This is a special place for me. Its our home Dara.”

It is baby and I will forever indebted to you for giving me such a wonderful life.” she says and slowly moves in for a kiss. She stops just a few millimeters away from my lips, “ I love you Siown, I love you more than I know.” She whispers and kisses me. Her kiss is not hard, not rushed but sweet, passionate and thankful. Why is she thankful? I should be the one who should be thankful. She saved me. She made me feel life.

“ I love you too baby.” I whisper back and pulled her towards me. Her hands made their way to my shirt buttons when she broke the kiss. She took her time in ing my shirt. She slowly removed it and dropped it on the floor. She dropped to the floor and undid my shoes and socks and got on her knees to undo my pant belt and slowly worked the zipper. Without taking her eyes off of me, she pushed them down. She stood on her feet. In here eyes, I saw gratefulness, thanks and eternal love.

“ I’d like to peel you off your clothes” I said.

“ As you wish” she said. Before I could lay my hands on her, I put our wedding song LoveSong, by Adele on repeat and kept the sound soft. I came back to her and seated myself on the tip of the desk. “ Come here.” I called her. She walked towards me very softly. I bend down and pulled her dress up, over her head. She stood in her black silk lingerie. She looked beautiful than y and that’s exactly how I love her. her breath shallowed and I knew I was getting to her. I pulled her close and the moment my skin felt on her, she whimpered. I unbuckled her bra, leaving her beautiful mounds free. Dropping her bra on the floor, I sat back on the table. Her eyes were gazing the ground with her breath coming out through . “ Look up.” I said.

She did.

“ Do you feel shy or nervous?” I asked.

She nodded a no.

Then she pulled my hand and placed it over her heart. I could feel her racing heartbeat under my palm. “ My heart will beat for you. My heart will beat this fast only for you.” she said. I pulled her, turned around, lifted her and laid her down on the table.

“ I love you baby.” I whispered in her ear. 


" I Do"

" I Do"


Hi Everyone! 

Here is the update.

Siwon and Dara have finally become husband and Wife.

I hope you like thier wedding and thier suprise too! ;)

Dont forget to comment follow me on Twitter- @Aworldofmyown11


To Be



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Yoongi1230 #1
Chapter 54: Omg girl I seriously did not expect all that drama and craziness!!! But omg a bommmmmmb story!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
atoeva #2
amaaaazing perfect wooow woooow woooooow...words can't describe your story...Just OMG really wooow
assuma #3
I can't really describe your story OMG !!! it's beyond words *_____* Thank you author nim thank youuu and please read my email that I've sent to you because I want the book so badly please . Keep Going , Fighting author nim :) :) :)
shahnazsheikh #4
Chapter 55: one of the best ones i have read so far...! Keep writing...! You have a flair for it!
shahnazsheikh #5
Chapter 33: i love the story! I want the book!
Chapter 55: Thankyou so much authour-nim :):):) I love your story, keep writing :):):) I waiting your next story
fastaday #7
I've never read a fanfic that can get me addicted to it and this is the first fic that drown me into it! Omg idk what to do anymore without anymore of this. But anyway, 6 stars for you and this fic! Hope to read more of your fics! ^_^
biancsnool #8
Chapter 55: This is the best story that i read so farrrrr.....I going to read this again. Two thumbs up for you unnie! And i'm going to miss chatting with you :(. And congrats! Annyeong unnie :) saranghaeee
mrvnrky #9
Chapter 55: Thank you for this great story I think I'm going to read it again (sleepless nights are waiting for me) :)