Chapter 29

We Were There

O my, I am back with another update already XD I had to post this chapter, because I could not even focus on my homework, thinking about this story... So now I quickly post it :)
I revealed Sulli's character, since it was such a short time and nobody commented a character yet, so you can check that :D (It is not that much, because she does not have that much of a role ghehe) So if you want to know something more, just comment or something, and I will reveal :) Or you all like surprises :O That would be a delight for me ghehe XD
ABOUT THE CHAPTER: This must be one of my favorite chapters thus far, no, my most favorite chapter I believe. This scene came out just as I wrote it, and it came out just the way I wanted it. I hope you all enjoy this chapter too. Also, I may not be revealing why Sungyeol did what he did the next chapter, because I want to reveal why Woohyun helped Sooyung first. But I am stiill thinking about it, and maybe I will think of an alternative. I do not want the story to get too complicated.. Since I also have to explain why Yoona was in Taecyeon's car.. Sigh, I hope you all still enjoy though :)


So that was what he was hiding? Mixed feelings were filling me as I continued to look at the photo, as if trying to burn the image in my mind. He… He did it with Sooyung? He was doing everything he could, just to prevent me from knowing that he did something as disgustful as this?

And yet, I could not get myself to hate him. I could not bring myself to despise him. Deep inside, I just did not want to believe he would do something like this. The Sungyeol… The Sungyeol I know would not do something like this…

“What makes him loved by everyone? Why is he able to blind everyone, so he does not have to suffer the punishments he deserves?”

Nothing makes sense anymore. Sungyeol does not. Sooyung does not. Even Amber and Myungsoo do not anymore.

It does not.

“Shocking, huh?”

My body shivered at her voice. Even though I did not want to see her at the moment, I still turned my head to look at her. As always, the devilish smirk did not leave her lips, but at the moment, I did not mind anymore. It all just does not make sense anymore, so who am I to blame anyone for their actions and thoughts?

“Everyone is saying that he is such an innocent boy,” Sooyung said coldly, “while he did something as sinful as this. I wonder why this world is so unfair, really.”


I whispered, but she still heard it.

“Excuse me?”

“T-there… There must be an explanation… There must be! There… It does not make sense… There must be something… Something he did not want to tell me…”


Her laughter was horrible to listen to at the moment.

“Let me tell you why he did it.”

I looked up, desperation clearly shown in my eyes. Please, please tell me there is a reason behind this. Please tell me, tell me he regrets it…

“Sungyeol was such a fool. When he knew my sister was seeing her ex-boyfriend behind his back, he got so angry at her. He came to me, seeking the comfort I was willing to give him. Men are all the same in the end. As long as you give them what they want, they will stay by your side. Even after Yoona died, he cannot seem to let go of me.”

I shook my head slightly as I recalled Sungyeol’s words.

“But if it were you, would not you want me to hold onto you too? If I were to let you go just as if it was a dream, would not that mean I never truly loved? How can I let go of someone who was so precious to me, who meant the world to me?”

Sungyeol would not let go of Yoona just because of something like that. Sungyeol cannot even let go of Yoona after she had died, so how could he possibly have let her go back then? No… No, Sungyeol would not have done it for something like that. There… There must be another explanation.

“Sungyeol would not do something like that… He would not…”

I muttered while looking in her eyes. I could see she was getting frustrated by my resistance, but I simply could not believe it. The Sungyeol who gave so much importance to love, he could not possibly have had such a foolish reason to do it. My whole body was gradually trembling, but I did not care. The only thing I had in mind was that I believed in Sungyeol.

That is right. Even when I may say I have let go of him, I will always believe in him, support him. Even when I may look like I want to break everything I had with him, I glue them all together the moment I broke it. Even when I am so incredibly tired, I will never let go of Sungyeol. Because…

“How do you know for sure you will never leave me?”

A gentle smile crept on my lips as I looked him straight in the eyes. 

“Because I promised I would never, ever leave you.”

I promised him I would not. 


I turned around, and unconsciously, a smile crept on my lips. There he was… There he was, right in time to tell me that everything Sooyung said was wrong. That is right…

“Sooyung, stop it!”

Sungyeol said while shielding me with his body, something my heart longed for. Sungyeol was still Sungyeol, and I would never doubt that.

“O my, Sungyeol, you came. However, I already told your girlfriend everything she needed to know.”

“Y-you… You did not…”

His voice was angry, and the tinge of dangerous that did not escape me frightened me. Even though he was protecting me, it did not left my mind that he was so against anyone who would tell me about the past. He was so against it, and that point never left me.

“Look at this,” Sooyung said as she took the picture that was lying in my locker, “and then try if you dare to look at her in the eyes again.”

I would see his whole body stiffen at the sight of that photo, an image I was never going to be able to erase out of my mind.


“I told you, Sungyeol,” A victorious smirk crept on her lips, “that I was going to get my revenge. For everything you did, I was going to let you pay for it.”


I said as I reached for his hand, but the moment I touched it, he flinched and quickly moved away. Just this one movement, showed me that he did regret it. Just this one gesture, gave me hope. The fact that he did not want to face me right now, should be enough, and it truly was for me at the moment. I was brainwashing myself with these thoughts, holding onto this last string of hope I had.

“Sungyeol, you should be so grateful to have a girlfriend who believes in you, even though you committed such a sin. A bastard like you, you really have such a good life, not?”

“Minhee…” Sungyeol’s voice was low and emotionless as he spoke, “Minhee… I am sorry.”


What was he talking about? Sungyeol… Never did I let go of you, do you not see that? I believe in you, I wait for you. The more I think about you, the more I cannot hate you. The moment you stood in front of me, everything I was thinking faded away. There… There was no way I could hate you, Sungyeol… Not when I believed you had your own reason. The Sungyeol I know… The Sungyeol I fell in love with… Always has a reason for everything he does… The Sungyeol I know… Is warm and kind-hearted… The Sungyeol I know… Always stays true to his feelings.

“Minhee-ah… The only reason why you believe in me… Is because you think I regret it, right?”

His emotionless voice woke me up. He turned around to look me straight in the eyes, and they showed nothing. I could not see anything in them… But the tinge of sadness.

“You believe in the Sungyeol who you have been with all this time… You do not want to crush that image of mine… But… Minhee… I do not regret it.”

I do not regret it.

I do not regret it.

It stabbed my heart, and left me bleeding in a pool of pain and sadness.

I do not regret it.

I do not regret it.

I did not even realize what he said, until he turned his back to me.

He did not regret doing it with Sooyung.

He did not regret doing it behind Yoona’s back.


He did not stay true to his love.

“Minhee-ah… The only reason why you believe in me… Is because you think I regret it, right?”

I was silenced by this one sentence… It made me think… Was I really only believing him… Because I was thinking he regretted it? Sungyeol… You are so hard to understand… But Sungyeol… When you talk, you talk like everything is so hard… I…

“Minhee, I told you before, I never regret anything I did. I told you before, that whatever I did, I will never regret it. You should have known that I am not the kind of guy you think I am.”

He said before slowly walking away. I… There were so many things I wanted to say, but they did not seem to come out… I could not formulate the right sentences to say… Seeing him walk away, I wanted to call him, stop him…



Wait for me…

Let me support you…

“How can I let go of someone who was so precious to me, who meant the world to me?”

“That would be too cruel for me.”

I was reminded of what Myungsoo once said to me…

“N-no… Rather than saying that he is wearing a mask, I would say he is hiding a part of himself, because… He hates that part of himself. But Minhee, I know for sure that you will be able to see that part of him. When the time is there, you will see what I mean. You mean a lot to him, in so many ways, that he will show it all to you, even when it is something he wants to keep a secret.”

I want to keep my promise, with the real Sungyeol.


Minhee… You would not understand it. I wished you would… I slowly walked away from her, from Sooyung. Everything I did not want Minhee to know, she still got to know it. No matter how hard I tried… There was no way for me to keep it all a secret…


I instantly stopped as I heard Minhee’s soft voice. I did not dare to turn around, but I was willing to listen to her. My heart… Was dying to hear her speak to me.

“Sungyeol-ah… You… You had your own reasons, right? The Sungyeol I know… The Sungyeol I admire… The Sungyeol I fell in love with… But yet it took me so much time to see who you really are… You are, indeed, the Sungyeol I fell in love with. The Sungyeol who does not regret anything he does, because he always has his reasons. The Sungyeol who bears the pain all on his own, because he is scared he will not be accepted when people know how he really is. But Sungyeol… It seems… It seems I did not fall in love with the Sungyeol who stayed true to his love… I fell in love with the Sungyeol who stayed true to his beliefs.”

Unconsciously, tears already rolled down.

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minka_ichigo911211 #2
Whoaaaa.. i'm dying to know what would happen next.. Such a long time since i last read it. Even if i've already reread it for nth time, i'm still addicted to it. You know, it was the greatest story i've ever read in aff. You put so many good quotes and somehow those inspire me.. Please, update this awesome fic when you have time. I'll be waiting for the next chappie^^
O.O<br />
I already had this in mind but actually hoping that it's not as bad as this...but when i read it here, it still kinda shocked me! <br />
Well, I'm eager to know why Sungyeol did it???
Am just glad that Minhee had voiced out her feelings to him...though I knew that he knew it as well, that he'd hurt her so badly. If Sungyeol would be man enough and iron things out or make things clearer to Minhee, or let himself be reach by her...then maybe I'll love his character again :)<br />
<br />
Nice update kiddo...looking forward to know the past :)
@pigrabbitlove & fayeluccie143 Please forgive this stupid author! I... I will make it alright! I... we still love Sungyeol, right? Right...? Alright alright, I just killed his whole image in the story...:( At least we still have Myungsoo! (Or maybe we do not..)