Chapter 23

We Were There

Hello! Another chapter!
As I wrote in the foreword, I have added some characters
and I will be revealing more information about them soon.
Well, actually, I will be revealing more information about
then in my story and when I think it is the good timing, I
will but some extra information about them in the foreword. :)
Nevertheless, I hope you all like the new characters. :)
@fayeluccie143 I am really happy to read your comments :D!
I am glad you like this story just as much as my other story! :D

Back to the story: As you all have read, Krystal is slowly
stirring everything up again. I will be revealing everything
gradually, since I like to make readers curious XD
Well, I will stop talking, please enjoy the chapter!! :)


A smirk appeared on my lips. His expression; it was as if he had just seen a ghost.

“Woohyun oppa, let’s have a talk.”

His friends were obviously surprised to see such a scene, where his friend would be shocked until he could not say anything. He silently walked behind me, which gradually began to get on my nerves. He should at least say something, because he knew very well I hated the torture of deafening silence.

“Woohyun oppa,” I said as I turned around, giving him a dark glare, “is it such a surprise to see me again? You are awfully silent, you know?”

“N-no…” His voice pitifully quiet, “I-I was j-just surprised.”

Excitement filled me as I saw his distressed expression. Myungsoo oppa did not know why I came back to get revenge on Sungyeol, but looking at everyone’s pathetic faces, it filled me with satisfaction. This, Myungsoo oppa, was the reason why I came back.

“Woohyun oppa, how have you been?”

It was an awfully sweet voice that came out of my mouth, and I knew Woohyun would realize the sarcasm in it. He would realize I could not care less about how he has been.


“Is that so? That is good to hear.”

I walked around him, inspecting him carefully. I was going to enjoy this to the fullest. I did not come back for nothing, after all.

“Woohyun oppa, I just came back. You should greet me properly. I do not blame you, though. Sungyeol’s expression was just like you, despicable.”

His eyes were pleading for me to stop, and it only brought me more amusement. Did he really think I would leave him out of this? Woohyun oppa, you are way too important for this to be left out.

“Woohyun oppa, do you know what day it is today?”

He stayed silent, not letting a word escape his mouth. I sighed before continuing. He was not making it any easier for himself.

“You know it, oppa. You know it very well. In the end,” My eyes locked with his as I continued, “you were the one who took the picture.”

I watched how he turned his hands into fists to stop himself from doing or saying anything.

“What is it, Woohyun oppa?”

This time, I emphasized the word oppa. He knew I was torturing him by calling him Woohyun oppa continuously. He should know that he did not deserve to be called oppa by me.  



His lack of response was irritating me, and I did not like it. He should just speak up like a man. Even if he was the one who did wrong, he should still face it and speak up. But, men are all the same after all, pathetic and despicable.

“I should be grateful, though. If it was not for you,” An evil smirk formed on my lips, “I would not have the chance to see my pretty sister’s life collapse, to death.”

“Do not speak like that!”

He suddenly screamed, and I was more than pleased to see the reaction. This was the reaction I was waiting for. The expression of growing insanity. Show it to me more, Woohyun oppa, show me how you are getting tortured just by seeing my face.

“Oh my, Woohyun oppa-”

“Stop calling me oppa with that voice of yours!”

I shook my head with amusement.


“Shut up! I did not want to ruin everything, you know! Sungyeol did not deserve it!”

The amusement and excitement I was feeling just now, it all faded away as I heard the last couple of words. I had to grit my teeth to stop myself from acting reckless, but the anger was boiling inside of me. Why is it that everyone sees Sungyeol as innocent? He was the one who ruined everything. He was the one who should be swimming in a pool of eternal guilt, because he deserves it.

“Sungyeol deserves everything bad.”

I gave him a serious glare as I spoke, not showing anything but utmost confidence in what I am saying. What he did to me, and to his girlfriend, he was a despicable person. He does not deserve forgiveness.

“No, you should now that he regrets-”

“Regret?” I laughed evilly as I listened to him. “If he felt regret, than he is just a weak fool. After everything he had done, he says he regrets it?”

He has no right to regret anything.

“What do you want from me in the first place? I have not talked to Sungyeol for a long time anymore.”

He said tiredly. It did not surprise me that Woohyun and Sungyeol did not talk to each other anymore. It was only a matter of time, after all.

“I just needed something from you.”

“What is it?”

The suspicious look on his face did not escape my eyes. He had a feeling of what I wanted, I could see that.

“The picture, oppa. I want the picture.”

“I do not have it anymore.”

He said quickly, not looking me in the eyes.

“Is that so?”

As if I would believe his words. Nam Woohyun would surely still have it; he just did not want to give it. He may have deleted it, but he always had a backup. He never threw something away completely, because he knew it may be useful someday. It was a smart thought, but foolish this time.

“Then I will come see you another time, when you have it again.”

“I said I do not have it any-”

“Oppa,” My eyes were boring into his as I talked, “you would not want me to tell Myungsoo a little secret, right?”

I smirked as I watched his response. The devastation in his widened eyes, it was such a pleasant sight to see.

“So, oppa, what is your answer again?”

His whole face was stiffened as he tried to mutter out his response.

“I… I will try to find it for you.”

“Thank you, oppa, you are the best.”

I said devilishly as I stepped towards him.

“Oppa, it was pleasant to meet you again. See you soon.”

This is the beginning, Lee Sungyeol. Wait for the torture I have prepared for you.



I gave Myungsoo a hopeful look as he took place beside me. He shook his head slightly, and I could feel myself losing all strength inside of me. Even Myungsoo could not stop her.

“Well,” I tried to smile a little, “I still am grateful for your help, Myungsoo. I know it must have been hard talking to her.”

“It is not that hard, actually.”

“Eh?” I asked in surprise. “What?”

“Actually,” Myungsoo’s face was showing sadness as he talked, “Krystal is good girl. She just never got the love every child needs. Always walking in the shadow of your sister, it is not something that would boost your feeling of happiness.”

I nodded comprehensively. Of course she had it rough, I knew it very well. Being her sister’s boyfriend, I knew how she had been living. Always being overshadowed by her beautiful sister, always standing second place, and always being seen as the second Yoona. Their parents were never fair to begin with, always praising their oldest daughter. Sooyung looked so much as Yoona that everyone thought she would be just like her sister; bright, cheerful, beautiful. However, she was not like that all, much to everyone’s surprise. Their parents always wanted to have two perfect daughters, but only one have they been seeing as perfect all the time, and that was Yoona. Yoona and Sooyung were not seen as equal; Yoona was the apple in their eyes. They did not want a perfect Yoona and Sooyung, they wanted two Yoona’s.

“This is a hell of a first day.”

I tried to grin as I said it, but I failed miserably. Myungsoo gave me a caring look, but I shook my head slightly as I saw it.

“I am alright.”

“You are not.”

I smiled defeated. Myungsoo could see just through, just as always.

“You know me too well.”

“Indeed,” A grin appeared on his lips, “it seems so.”

“Myungsoo-ah,” I sighed before continuing, “it seems this time I really have to face it.”

“It is not something you did not expect.”

Indeed, I had been seeing it coming all along. It is just that I do not know what to do now it finally happened.

“Maybe you should look for Minhee.”

My heart fell as I thought about Minhee. I did not have the courage yet to speak to her, after everything that happened today. I did not know what to do yet, and I did not know how to face her yet. So many things are going on in my mind, I just cannot.

“Myungsoo, could you please accompany Minhee for today?”

His eyes widened a little, but then he let out a sigh.


“Just for today, Myungsoo. Just so I can think through things.”

“But I think she wants to talk to you, Sungyeol.”

“Myungsoo,” I bit my lip before continuing, “I need time. I do not want to hurt her because I did not take the time.”

He eyed me for a moment before nodding. A smile crept on my lips.

“Thank you, Myungsoo.”

“Is Sooyung coming back to class today?”

I shrugged my shoulders. It would not surprise me if she just left the room where I had brought her. She would not really listen to me, that much I realized already.

“I just hope she will not.”

Before Myungsoo could say anything, people were coming inside the classroom already. I only realized after I turned my head away, that I did not wanted to see Minhee’s expression. When she stepped inside the classroom, I did not have the courage to look at her. I just hoped she would not come near to me, and she really did not. When I looked up when the class had begun already, I saw the sad expression she was wearing. It was only then, that I realized how much pain I would be giving her from now on.  


“Yah, Chanhee, where were you? The class already ended.”

I asked as I saw him walking towards me. I was certainly not happy with him at the moment, especially when we all just have been searching for him everywhere during the break. We could not reach him with the phone, we did not where he went to; of course we were irritated.

“I… I just had some matters to handle.”

My suspicious look did not get unnoticed, though. He sighed before continuing.

“It was my mother again. She got drunk again in some bar.”

My face instantly softened as I heard the reason. I should have realized that Chanhee would never be as irresponsible as that without a reason. I was just too frustrated to remember it. 

“Did you have to pick her up?”

“When I arrived at the bar, she was already gone.”

I sighed, knowing that he missed class for nothing. I really did not understood Chanhee’s mother behavior, but I knew I would never understand.  

“It is the first day of school. I doubt the teacher will let you go easily.”

Another sigh escaped his mouth as he nodded.

“Exactly. I will just go have a talk with him.”

“Well, I am sure your mother is safe. Even when she is drunk, she still has a clear mind, like always. Have you ever found her so drunk that she lost sanity?”

A faint smile appeared on his lips.

“That is true, right? She should be able to take care of herself, right?”

“That is right. Just go talk to the teacher, he is in the teacher’s room, I assume. I am sure he will understand.”

I said with a nod. I really felt sympathy for Chanhee for having such a careless mother. Instead of caring for her child, she has to be taken care of by her son. Chanhee has encountered so many troubling situations because of her, but she never cared. Being Chanhee’s good friend, it was not a pleasant fact to know that he was having an incredibly hard time.

“Chanhee-ah, she will take care of herself. Come on, I have to get my stuff. I will go with you to the teacher.”

He nodded thankfully and we both walked to the classroom. My eyes flickered in surprise to see Sunggyu and Sungjong frowning, but then I realized that Woohyun was still not here.

“Where is Woohyun?”

Sunggyu shook his head. Chanhee tapped on my shoulder while wearing a puzzled expression. I sighed before explaining everything.

“After class ended he rushed out of the room without even saying anything. There was a girl who wanted to talk to Woohyun, and he looked devastated after he came back. I do not know who it was, any of you?”

They both shook their head.

“But, I did felt like I have seen her before.”


Sungjong gave the oldest a surprised expression.

“You thought so too?”

“You mean, you both felt as if you saw her before?”

I asked as I took place next to Sungjong. They both nodded slightly, as if still contemplating whether or not they really have seen her before.

“We will just have to wait until Woohyun is back.”

Sungjong said with a sigh, before looking outside the window. A frown appeared on my face as I saw the amusing grin on his face.

“Your face scares me, Lee Sungjong.”

“Ah,” Sungjong’s grin quickly turned into a smile, “sorry, I just saw something really interesting.”

“What is it?”

Chanhee asked curiously, but Sungjong shook his head.

“I m not saying anything.”

“Aish, this boy, holding secrets from us.”

Sungjong continued watching outside the window with an amused smirk on his lips, which made us all the more curious. Sunggyu, Chanhee and I exchanged puzzled glances at each other, not knowing why Sungjong was like this. Then a little smirk appeared on my lips as I thought of a possibility.

“Did our Sungjong found someone he is interested in?”

“Not everything revolves around love, my dear Byunghyun.”

Sungjong said coolly before looking outside the window again. I followed his stare this time, thinking that maybe he was just seeing something amusing outside. However, my eyes flickered in surprise as I saw the persons he was watching.

“Eh? Who?”

I asked him as I continued to follow them with my eyes.

“A girl I just met, with the girl who took our Woohyun away during break.”


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minka_ichigo911211 #2
Whoaaaa.. i'm dying to know what would happen next.. Such a long time since i last read it. Even if i've already reread it for nth time, i'm still addicted to it. You know, it was the greatest story i've ever read in aff. You put so many good quotes and somehow those inspire me.. Please, update this awesome fic when you have time. I'll be waiting for the next chappie^^
O.O<br />
I already had this in mind but actually hoping that it's not as bad as this...but when i read it here, it still kinda shocked me! <br />
Well, I'm eager to know why Sungyeol did it???
Am just glad that Minhee had voiced out her feelings to him...though I knew that he knew it as well, that he'd hurt her so badly. If Sungyeol would be man enough and iron things out or make things clearer to Minhee, or let himself be reach by her...then maybe I'll love his character again :)<br />
<br />
Nice update kiddo...looking forward to know the past :)
@pigrabbitlove & fayeluccie143 Please forgive this stupid author! I... I will make it alright! I... we still love Sungyeol, right? Right...? Alright alright, I just killed his whole image in the story...:( At least we still have Myungsoo! (Or maybe we do not..)