Chapter 21

We Were There

I wanted to update as soon as possible,
since I still feel bad about that poll update...
And once again, I have a poll for you all :)
This time, you can choose who will be the
new character, since the readers who
have took the time (THANK YOU VERY MUCH!)
to choose from the poll, choose either yes or
depends on who it is. I was thinking about
Teen Top's Chunji, but please tell me your
thoughts :) Actually, this is getting quite a
dilemma, because it would be cliche to use a
boy and to still let her end up with Sungyeol...
But that is something to be concerned about
later, lol.. XD Please read the chapter and
think about whether a new character is useful
or not :) THANK YOU! :D


“S-Sungyeol, w-what- are you crying?

A weak laughter escaped his mouth as he looked at me.

“Ridiculous, huh?”

“Sungyeol-ah,” My words filled with utmost concern, “everything is going to be alright.”

Sungyeol rarely cried, because he always stood by his thought that a man should not cry because of the obstacles he is facing. However, when it comes to love, Sungyeol has always been like this. He always takes it all by heart, making him vulnerable for the smallest things. It was like this when he was with Yoona, and also now he has Minhee. Minhee may have not realized it yet, but Sungyeol takes her words by heart.

“How can you say that? There is no way everything is going to be alright.”

My heart clenched with pain, realizing I said the wrong words. Of course there was no way everything is going to be alright. What a fool am I to have wanted to comfort him with such empty words. When it comes to Sungyeol’s complicated problems, I really do not know what to do. I want to say some words of encouragement, but I never find the right words to do so. In the end, I always stay still and support him silently, knowing that is the best I can do.

“Maybe I should have a talk with Sooyung.”

He shook his head slightly, and I knew what he wanted to imply. He did not want anyone to get involved in his mess, but he should know that he will not be able to get out of it alone.

“Sungyeol, maybe she will listen, just like back then.”

“Myungsoo,” He looked into my eyes as he continued, “you did enough already back then. If it was not for me, you would not… You would not have lost the chance to meet her.”

My whole body stiffened as I listened to him, each word causing me pain.

“I am so sorry for it, you know? I cannot possibly ask you to do more...”

I closed my eyes, wanting to stop those memories from coming back. Sungyeol should not think about it anymore. It was not his fault, it was no one’s fault. If there were to be someone who should be blamed, then it would be me. In the end, I chose it on my own will. I decided to help Sungyeol instead of meeting her for the last time, so really, there is no one who should be blamed other than me.

“It was not your fault, Sungyeol. I was the one who choose to help you, you did not force me to.”

“You are just too warm-hearted, Myungsoo… You did not really want to help me at that time, I know. I know you really wanted to see her…”

“I am not that warm-hearted as you think, Sungyeol.”

I said, trying to brush this uncomfortable atmosphere away. I knew Sungyeol still blames himself for it, but he really was not the one at fault. I was the one who choose to help him. Not being able to see her, I did regret it, but if I were to choose a second time, I know I would have chosen the same. In the end, I could not bear to leave things like they were back then.

“I will go have a talk with her. She will not do anything to harm me. That I am sure.”

He nodded slightly.

“If it is you, I am sure she will not do anything.”

I gave him a warm smile before standing up. My heart did fell heavy as I realized I was going to meet her again, recalling that dreadful conversation. But since I did it once already, there is no reason to stop now. Maybe, just maybe, I had enough influence on her to change her mind, but I highly doubted it. At least I knew she possibly would not snap when talking to me. Sungyeol actually did not know why Krystal would not do anything to me, but surely, I was not going to tell him. It would only hurt him if he were to know.

“You should not act like this, Krystal.”

“Oppa, I have no choice.”

“You call me oppa, so you should listen to me, Krystal. You should not do this to your sister’s boyfriend.”


“Listen to oppa, Krystal.”

She really listened to me and did not bother Sungyeol anymore, but seems like it was only temporarily. If she… If she were to know that Sungyeol is trying to move on with Minhee, she would surely snap. All this time, she has not moved on yet. Because if she did, she would have seen how much foolish pain she was giving herself.

I found her eventually behind the school, sitting on the ground while looking up to nothing but air. She has not changed, at all. Just like back then, she was struggling with her hatred towards everyone.


She startled as she heard my voice, immediately looking in my direction.


“You have not seen your oppa for such a long time, and yet you did not even greet me when you were back?”

“I-” She said with her head down, “I did not have the courage to do so, oppa.”

“I know.”

A gentle smile crept on my lips as I saw her surprised expression. She still was the Krystal I knew, who could be innocent at times. It was such a pity that she turned out like this, really. My expression turned serious however, as I recalled my reason for talking to her.

“Why did you come back suddenly? Did your parents come with you?”

A flash of hatred could be seen in her eyes at the mention of her parents, but she did seem to be able to control herself more than before.

“I came alone.”

“Why, Krystal?”

“BECAUSE-” She yelled out loudly, but then composed herself again, “You know why, oppa. You know it very well. And on top of that, those two got divorced.”

“Eh? Divorced?”

“Finally, yes. The perfect chance for me to come back.”

I sighed as I walked towards her.

“Does Sungyeol really deserve all your time? Your hatred? Is he really that important that you have to hate him for the rest of your life?”

“Oppa,” She silently went on, “I have no other goal in life, oppa.”

“It will not make you happy, Krystal, if you just put all you have on hating someone. Whatever he has done to you in the past, he did not mean to.”

She scoffed slightly as she listened to my words.

“Why are you defending him all the time? Just like back then, you did not stop defending his wrongdoing.”

“Because he really did not do anything to deserve your hatred. He did not do it because he wanted to play with you, Krystal. He was sincere-”

“He pitied me, that bastard.”

There was no denying it, because obviously, Sungyeol pitied her back then. But that did not mean he was not sincere about it. He really did want to make her feel happy.

“What else did you expect, Krystal? What else did you expect besides pity?”

She clenched her teeth as she gave me an indignant, angry look.

“I do not need anyone to pity me! Never!”

“Then show that you can live your own life. Show the world that you do not have to rely on anyone to be able to move on. Show Sungyeol, that you did not need to be pitied.”

She scoffed with irony as she shook her head defeated.

“Oppa, why? Once again, why? Why are you helping him all the time?”

She was doing it again, heading towards that sensitive topic I did not want to recall anymore. Sungyeol trusted me too much, so there was no reason for me to hold onto those feelings anymore, but Krystal was taking full advantage of it.

“But, oppa, you do not like him that much either, right? At that time, you did despise him, right? That is why we understood each other so well, right? Because you could not stand how he treated Yoona.”

“Stop it! Do not say a word anymore!”

I yelled furiously. What did I do for her to be like this to me? I was helping her, and yet, she was making me feeling miserable like this? Back then, I only told her because we were both feeling the same. I never thought she would use it against me like this. An amused smirk was plastered on her face as she inspected me.

“Oppa, you never got a chance to tell anyone, right?”

“Stop it-”

“Sungyeol was so naive, thinking your heart was with that girl-”


“But all the time, you were in love with Yoona.”


“Amber, please tell me.”

I begged Amber to tell me about Sooyung, because I really did not know what to do anymore. Everything is starting to fall apart, and I could not do anything to stop it.

“Minhee, please, do not ask me those questions.”

Amber responded tiredly. I wonder since when did we become like this, that even talking to each other seemed so hard and tiring. Was this such a big matter, that everyone is closing themselves from it?

“Amber, please tell me. Sungyeol… I have to know it, Amber.”

“Minhee, just listen to me and leave Sungyeol. He is not going to give you any happiness, even if you give him your life.”

I shook my head heavily. There is no way Sungyeol would do that to me. He said he was going to try to get over Yoona, he promised me he would. How could I possibly leave him, when I already depended on him so much?

“How long have you known him, Minhee?”

She asked mockingly, interpreting my reaction as a sign of denial.

“Do not trust that bastard, Minhee,” She continued, “and do not believe that Myungsoo either.”

Myungsoo? What could possibly be wrong with Myungsoo? He has helped me so much, yet I never did anything for him in return, but he did not mind. We were friends; I even dared to believe that we were more than mere friends.

“What does Myungsoo has to do with this?”

My question came out like a plea, as I wanted to hear a soothing answer. I did not want to believe this. It is all coming so quickly after each other; I do not know what to do anymore. Just give me an answer that can comfort me for the moment, please.

“I just got to know that he is not reliable either.”

“Eh? But- What?”

I did not want to believe it. I forced myself to make it into a lie. But, Amber never lied to me. She would never lie to me about serious things like these. It hurts so much to know that she is not lying to me right now.

“Minhee,” Her eyes were slowly filling with sadness and concern, “you should not mingle yourself with those two. Believe me, they will do nothing but hurt you. Sungyeol will, and even Myungsoo will.”

“Amber… I… But… H-how…”

I did not even know how to start. So many thoughts were in my head, I did not even know where to begin. Amber saw my distressed face and sighed.

“I know it must be hard for you, Minhee, but it is not easy for me either right now. I… I just cannot say it. I do want to tell you, but… I cannot.”

“I-I understand.”

Amber heaved another sigh as she looked around. My head was down, since I really did not know how to face Amber anymore. I did not trust her, even though she only wanted to warn me, but I still did not want to believe her. This conflict inside of me is killing me, because whatever I choose, it will still hurt someone. Whatever I choose, it will still hurt… Me. There is no way I would not get hurt anymore, and maybe I already accepted that fact, because it did not sound that frightening anymore. But, I did not want to get hurt without a reason, and honestly, I still did not want to get hurt. I want to believe Sungyeol, Amber, Myungsoo, but they all have taken their own position. Have they ever, I am starting to think, thought about how I may feel in such a situation? It feels as if they are only caring about themselves, but has anyone taken the time to think about how I would feel when I am such a situation? Sungyeol did not, Myungsoo did not, and Amber did not. That was properly what hurts the most. The fact that no one thought about how I may be feeling right now, because they are all so consumed in their own problems.

“I will see you later, Amber.”

I mumbled as I walked passed her. Tears were starting to fill my eyes, and I did not want to show her my tears. I did not want to show anyone that I was crying right now, because I did not know what to do anymore. Should I just take sight? Should I just blindly follow someone? Everyone is saying things to me, but how do I know who is telling me the truth? I am so confused right now, and I seem to have no one who can help me. This time, even Sungyeol could not.

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minka_ichigo911211 #2
Whoaaaa.. i'm dying to know what would happen next.. Such a long time since i last read it. Even if i've already reread it for nth time, i'm still addicted to it. You know, it was the greatest story i've ever read in aff. You put so many good quotes and somehow those inspire me.. Please, update this awesome fic when you have time. I'll be waiting for the next chappie^^
O.O<br />
I already had this in mind but actually hoping that it's not as bad as this...but when i read it here, it still kinda shocked me! <br />
Well, I'm eager to know why Sungyeol did it???
Am just glad that Minhee had voiced out her feelings to him...though I knew that he knew it as well, that he'd hurt her so badly. If Sungyeol would be man enough and iron things out or make things clearer to Minhee, or let himself be reach by her...then maybe I'll love his character again :)<br />
<br />
Nice update kiddo...looking forward to know the past :)
@pigrabbitlove & fayeluccie143 Please forgive this stupid author! I... I will make it alright! I... we still love Sungyeol, right? Right...? Alright alright, I just killed his whole image in the story...:( At least we still have Myungsoo! (Or maybe we do not..)