Baekhyun's Choice

Back For You

Other guests started to leave, each don't want to be caught up in the current drama. Kyungsoo apologized to them and promise to make up some other time.


The cafe is now only occupied by Tao, Kyungsoo and Jongin while Baekhyun and Chanyeol is still outside. Tao finds his way to the nearest table and slump himself on the chair. Kyungsoo followed him.


"Tao I'm –"

"No Kyungsooo. I don't need you to comfort me. I'm fine." Tao stopped his workmate from saying anything. "If you don't mind I want to be alone."


Kyungsoo reluctantly walk away from Tao and went back to his boyfriend's side. The Chinese guy rests his arms on the table and buried his face. He cried. He felt betrayed. Questions started to float in his mind one by one. Why Baekhyun did that? Why can't he forget Chanyeol? Isn’t he good enough? Tao doesn't have any answers. All he knew was that Baekhyun certainly chose Chanyeol over him. He's been crying for quite some time when someone tapped his back.


"I told you I don't need comf—." He stopped midway when he recognized the guy before him. It is Baekhyun. He quickly looked away. "Why are you still here? Did you come back to tell me face to face that you just used me as a cover up? Did you come back to tell me I wasn't good enough?" Tears  are clearly visible on his cheeks.


Baekhyun was taken aback with Tao's sudden rage. He took a deep breath and hugged the Chinese guy. "No. I came back to check if my boyfriend is okay."


"What?" Tao stared at him. "You're not going to leave me?"

"No, I won't." Baekhyun smiled.

"But earlier you and that guy --."

"Shhh. That's not what you think."






“If you go back inside…”Chanyeol spoke once more. “If you go back inside, then it means you’re choosing him over me. It’s your choice Baekhyun. ”


Baekhyun stopped walking at Chanyeol’s sudden choice of words. He’s being dared to choose between his first love and his current love.  He took a deep breath and turned around walked back in Chanyeol's direction.


Chanyeol's eyes sparkled in glee. He knew Baekhyun would choose him. He knew he'll come back to him. He opens his arms to let Baekhyun come in to hug him. The shorter guy accepted the hug. "I knew from the very start that you'll choose me." He grinned in happiness.


"I'm sorry Chanyeol but I'm not choosing you." Baekhyun said.


The tall guy's jaw dropped in shock. He doesn't understand. "What?" He let go Baekhyun from his hug


"You..." Baekhyun began clearly trying to make his voice sound normal. "You said in the letter on the card that if in the future we both meet again and were both free, we'll give our love a second chance. But I'm sorry Chanyeol, you see... I'm not free anymore, I have Tao now."

"But do you love him?" Chanyeol asked clearly pissed at the sudden turn of events. "Come on Bacon, forget that card, forget everything! Let's start again." He pleads.


"I'm sorry Chanyeol." The tall suddenly kiss Baekhyun much to the surprise of the latter. After struggling for a bit he successfully pushed Chanyeol away which made the tall guy angrier. "Why did you do that?" He said in disbelief.


"Is still that not enough for you? Should I kiss you more to make you choose me? Should I--" Chanyeol's words were never finished when a hand met his cheeks. Baekhyun slapped him. It took him a while to realize how awful everything he had just said. "I'm sorry Baekhyun; I didn't mean to say that. I just want you to come back to me. Please." He apologized.


Baekhyun never responded instead he turn his heels and started making his way back to the cafe.


"Bacon… please." Chanyeol pleads once more but was unsuccessful. Baekhyun just kept going. Chanyeol completely in rage went inside his car and drove off.




"You chose me over him?" Tao asked. Baekhyun nods. The Chinese guy wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's waist. "I'm sorry if I doubted your love for me." He apologized.

Baekhyun shook his head. "No. I should be the one apologizing since you felt that way. I'm sorry." Tao hugged him even more tightly.


"Uh.hmm." Kyungsoo faintly clears his throat. Tao and Baekhyun looked up. "As much as I want to not interrupt you two love birds, we still need clean." He eyed Baekhyun, "Joonmyeon hyung will kill you if he sees this mess."


"Right!" Baekhyun quickly stood up. "Ohmygod, he'll definitely kill me." He said as he scanned the wholeness of the cafe.


Jongin laugh and soon joined by Kyungsoo and Tao. "We should clean up fast, Kyungsoo haven't got sleep yet he needs to rest." Jongin added.



The four of them immediately work on cleaning the cafe. Tao and Jongin are the one who assigned to organize the tables while Baekhyun and Kyungsoo swept the floor. It didn't take long before everything was back into the right place.


"Ahhhh." Kyungsoo yawned. "At last were done."



After making sure that the cafe us securely locked, Baekhyun, Tao, Kyungsoo and Jongin made their way on the parking lot to their cars.


"Kyungsoo," Tao called. "I'm sorry for messing up your surprise party. And I'm sorry also for getting angry at you earlier." He scratched his nape.

"It's fine Tao." Kyungsoo smiled. "Beside, Jongin should be the one to blame. If he didn't invite Chanyeol in the first place it won't turn out like this." Kyungsoo jokingly poked his boyfriend. Jongin was completely horrified at Kyungsoo's words. He tried to defend himself but he couldn't find the right words to say. Kyungsoo noticed it. "Hahaha. I'm joking Jongin. Geez."


Baekhyun was completely silent throughout the trip to the parking lot. This worried not only Tao but also Kyungsoo.


"Hey Baek, are you okay?" Kyungsoo asked. "Baekhyun!"

"Oh. I'm sorry. I might have spaced out. What is it again?"

"Baekhyun are you feeling sick?" Tao asked this time.

"No, just a little bit tired." Baekhyun replied.



Jongin transferred Kyungsoo's baggage from Tao's trunk to his own car.


"See you soon Baekhyun and thank you for this party." Kyungsoo hugged Baekhyun. "See you at work Tao. Drive safely." He waved at them as he enters Jongin's car.

"I'm sorry Baekhyun." Jongin apologized but Baekhyun just waved him off saying not to worry about it.


Tao opened his car's door for Baekhyun as the latter mumble simple thanks. Tao settled himself in the driver seat and ignited the engine. Jongin's car took off with him following closely afterwards.



Baekhyun never spoke at all on the ride back home. Tao respected it since he knew Baekhyun is feeling a little off after everything that had happened earlier. After 30 minutes they arrived at Baekhyun's apartment. Baekhyun unfasten his seatbelt.



"Baekhyun, look, I'm sorry for acting like that earlier." Tao said just before Baekhyun open the car's door to leave.

Baekhyun smiled. "Don't worry it's nothing." He leaned in to give his boyfriend a kiss on the cheeks. "Thanks for the ride. See you soon." He said as he depart Tao's car.




A/N: Okay… Here’ an update. So yeah, I’ll leave you on your own thoughts. I’m saying nothing. :P Please wait for the next update.

So two chapter more(or maybe 1) then I’m going to mark this story “complete”. Awww. It’s sad to let this go. Anyway I have a new story in my mind right now so please look forward to it.

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Chapter 19: This was ♡ ٩(๑´3`๑)۶ ♡
Oktokki #2
Chapter 16: This story remind me of "Love,Rosie"
Chapter 19: I'm chanbaek hard shipper but...
I don't think Chanyeol deserved to have baekhyun as his boyfriend
because he's not being loyal to baekhyun
Chapter 12: Omigosh!!! I swear to God.. I didnt expect the fight.. omyGod! I ddint expect theyll both throw punches each other... and last.... "you Baekhyun,------- I want you!" Darn my heart, ChanBaek feels is back. poor Tao..
Chapter 9: Letter revealed. Oops even the his first book dedication. So Chanyeol is leaving... thats sad...
Chapter 6: Ouch! That hurts!!! Whata inside the card??? Goodness.. my heart tugged when Baek lied about how he forgot theor deal about the name Hyunwo..
Lol authornim. I wont be a silent reader.hahaha now start reading this.. I love that i found you...