11 Tour Guides

New Start

"How was the previous chapter? Do you like it? Well... the ending of the last one was sort of hard for me to continue off of, so this might seem a little... well... here goes nothing!


Lay's POV

With the twelve of us together, it seemed to have made a specticle. I looked at each place they pointed out and named and along with them, I noticed the people nearby staring at us with slightly pink cheeks and whispering. I figured that they were just pink from the cold, and continued listening and looking. I unknowingly blanked out or went into a daze sometime during the tour. *clap* The sound was right in front of my face, so I snapped to attention.

"Lay~ It's time to enter the restaurant we planned your welcome party at. Come on!" Luhan cheerfully exclaimed in his usual bubbly attitiude.

"Yeah." I calmly said with a gentle smile on my face. I felt fingers wrap around my wrist and got pullled in through the restaurant doors. I looked at the owner of those fingers and when I saw who it was, my pulse started beating faster and faster. My face flushed pink all the way to my ears and I ducked my head down in attempt to hide my face. 

"Hey, we're at our destination honored guest." Suho jokingly said while chuckling with his fingers still wrapped around my wrist. I looked up and was awed by how much food there was. This was my first time eating at a Korean restaurant and Korean food after all. I was guided to my seat by Suho and he let go once we got there. I missed the warmth as soon as it left, and I sat down in my seat. I watched Suho to find out where Suho was sitting, and I didn't have to wait very long. He was sitting right next to me! The food was quickly handed out by the guy with owl eyes, and everyone dug in. There was cheerful laughter and talking for the next three hours until everyone had finished eating. I was starting to feel drowsy after eating so much, and we left the restaurant in a comfortable silence. While walking back to my apartment guided by Suho since I felt more than lost, I saw a familiar figure in the distance. I knew it wasn't any of my family members, but nonetheless, it was familiar. Once I got closer, I completely stopped in my tracks when I saw who it was. 

"Shui and Fei..." I said in a quaking voice that was full of fear. 

"Who?" Suho asked me in a confused voice.

"They're the ones who bullied me the most and started it in C-China....." I said calmly at first, but breaking down. I continued to look at them and when I saw them turn their heads in my direction, I crouched down into a ball form that shook me with its terrible familiarity of the pain that usually followed.

Suho's POV 

The two whom Lay seemed to fear started walking towards us, and I picked up Lay and continued walking to his apartment. I got the key Lay had copied for me out to open the door before entering it hurriedly and shutting the door that auto locked behind me. I set Lay gently on the couch and covered him with blankets that had still been laying out from last time. I start a warm bath for him and once it was ready I took Lay to the bathroom and told him to take the bath. After I saw him get into the bath or more like heard since I covered my eyes, I went into the kitchen to make a little bit of warm soup to help him relax more after his bath. I made sure to only make a little since we just had a big meal. On my way to the bathroom to check on him after making the soup, I felt a someone bump into my chest. Looking down, I saw Lay with his hair still very wet but dressed in his pajamas. He looked up at me and gave me a weak smile that made my heart ache.

"Are you feeling a little better?" I gently asked Lay in a concerned tone. He simply gave me a small nod before looking back down to the floor silently. I took his hand in my grasp and gave is a sqeeze before guiding him to the kitchen when the soup was waiting. Once he sat down, I left to grab a towel and started drying his hair. It was moderately dry and he was not finished drinking the soup when I heard the doorbell ring and he froze in spot. Understanding this, I patted his back encouragingly and went to see who was at the door. 

"Suho! What happened? I saw you carrying Lay to the apartment and came over as soon as I could. I've called all the others, and they're waiting for me to update them on the situation!" Xiumin exclaimed in a flurry. Since it was late at night, I was afraid he would wake the neighbors, so I pulled him in along with Chen that was right behind him. 

"Be more quiet. Lay is trying to calm down, and you're going to wake the whole neighborhood up with how loud you're shouting." I calmly replied back and that seemed to have snapped him out of the anxiety he seemed to be having.

"Oh. Okay. Sorry..." Xiumin replied with a downcast glance. I glanced over at Chen who was whistling and simply shook my head. I walked towards the kitchen to tell Lay it was alright, and I saw that he had already resumed eating. I signaled them to take a seat and to stay quiet while he eats. They nodded quickly in response and eagerly sat down at the dining table. Silence ensued for the remainder of the time until Lay finished. I went and took the bowl and spoon to be washed, and whispered into Lay's ear to go to the living room. I finished washing the dishes, and went to the living room to set up a movie for Lay to watch. Xiumin and Chen were already in the living room watching Lay's reactions. After I set up the movie, I naturally went and sat next to him to wrapped him in the blanket. A few minutes into the movie, I got up and I felt Xiumin's eyes on me. I looked back at him and signaled for him to come with me. He got up to follow, but Chen's hand held on tight to Xiumin's wrist. I saw Xiumin say something back and Chen let go of him. I continued walking to the kitchen and made some popcorn and hot chocolate for them to enjoy during the movie. I turned around and suddenly bumped into Xiumin.

"So, what happened?" he asked me.

"It's not my position to tell you. Lay will tell you guys when he's ready to. Don't worry, I'll protect him." I firmly replied back. Xiumin hesitantly gave me a nod before taking out his phone. Probably to tell the others like he said he would earlier. I grabbed to popcorn and hot chocolate before going back to the living room. Lay had already fallen asleep, so I carried him to his room and was careful not to wake him. I went back to the living room and told them to have the snacks. They eagerly took them and once the movie was finished, they left to go back to their own homes. I took out my phone and called my family to tell them my whereabouts and for them not to worry. After that, I went to Lay's room to check on him. Unable to resist, I reached out my hand to his head and comb my hands through his hair. Lay opened his eyes and looked at me dreamily.

"Stay." he simply said before grabbing my hand and holding onto it tightly. I gave a smile towards his sleeping figure, and grabbed a blanket he wasn't using from the bed the cover myself. I sat down next to the bed and laid my head on the side of the bed. I stared at his sleeping face before slowly falling asleep myself. 

Lay's POV 

The next morning, I woke up to find Suho sleeping on the floor right next to me. I slowly moved and went to get my dancing clothes. Today was going to be my first day at the new dancing class. Once I left my closet, I looked towards the spot where Suho was sleeping-or should have been. I felt confused and just shook my head at myself thinking that I hallucinated earlier and simply hadn't fully waken up yet. Then, I heard some sizzling sounds coming from the kitchen and a good smell wafted towards me. I continued my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair before going to the kitchen to see who it was. When I entered the kitchen, I immediately looked for the person that was cooking. It was Suho! So I didn't hallucinate that he was next the my bed? He looked over at me and gave me a smile before signaling for me to go take a seat. I gave a simple smile and nodded before doing what he said. A plate of delicious smelling food was set down before me and I started digging in. Suho set down another plate next to me and went back to the kitchen and got some milk to pour into two cups before bringing those and setting them down as well. He sat in the seat next to me and started eating. It was about half an hour before we finished, and he got up to get them cleaned up.

"Thanks, Suho. Thanks for taking care of me so well." I said with a big grin on my face. I really appreciated Suho for taking care of me, and he blushed when he heard me and saw the grin I gave him. Then, I glanced at the clock and saw how late it was. I got up in a rush to go the my dance class that my dad set up for me.

"What's wrong?" he asked looking at me with a confused look. 

"I'm going to be late for my dance class! It's going to start soon and it usually takes forever for me just to find the place..." I exclaimed in a panic. After all, dance was the next most important thing for me besides my friends and family. Once he finished listening to me, he wiped his hands dry and grabbed the car keys, and told me to grab my stuff and then hand him the address of the place. Luckily, my father had placed the paper that had the address on it in a see through pocket of my gym bag and it was easily found. Otherwise, it probably would have taken a while to find it and be officially late to the dance class. I showed it to him quickly and he grabbed my hand before running out the house sure and making sure it's securely closed. He told me to sit in the passenger side, and he got in the driver side. He started the car, and backed out of the driveway to the road and we were on our way. 

"I know where this is, and don't worry we'll get there in time for it to start." Suho calmly told me a little out of breath.

"How do you know where this is?" I asked in wonder and awe at the same time since he doesn't seem to get lost very easily. I tried to memorize everything we're passing by, so that I would know how to get there next time without getting lost. Not much success... Everything looked too much alike and I couldn't tell the difference between any buildings at all. I heard a deep chuckle beside me.

"What?" I huffily asked with a pout from fustration.

"Oh, it's just that you look very concentrated and yet also fustrated right now..." he said without trying to hold in any of his laughter. I gave a slightly angered huff before giving in and smiling also because he seemed so happy and I loved hearing him laugh.

"So how do know where this is?" I asked trying to continue the conversation and also stop him from laughing at me anymore because I was becoming very embarrassed. 

"It's simple really. Do you remember Jongin? Or was he introduced to you as Kai? Anyways he dances at this place." he replied slowly and stopping his laughing. I couldn't remember, and I guess he found out since he continued talking.

"He was the very tan and darker than the rest of us if you don't remember. It's okay. If you don't remember someone, just ask me and I'll try to help you out. Besides there are a lot of us afterall." He simply said while giving me a warm and gentle smile. 

"Oh... Okay.... Haha..." I replied with a nervous chuckle. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I felt heat rising on my cheeks. Turning my head to look outside the window of the car in order to hide my reddening cheeks, I stared intently at the passing scenery to re-attempt to remember the route. There was a small jerk and the car stopped in front of a big building. Suho turned off the engine and pulled out the key before rushing out of his side of the car to my side and opening it for me. I got out and he grabbed my wrist to guide me to the correct room. After entering the building for a while, we finally stopped in front of a door and my heartbeat quickened in anxiety about my new dance teacher and dancing partners. 

"Welcome to my class Yixing. First things first, introduce yourself to the rest of the class." the teacher exclaimed in a booming voice. 

"O-okay... Nice to meet you. My name is Yixing." I managed to stutter out.

"Next thing I need you to do is to show us how well you dance. Are you ready?" he exclaimed intimidatingly. I simply nodded before taking a deeep breath and I began to move...


And so here's another chapter! Sorry about the late update... I've been working on this one chapter for days!!! I'm glad it's done with. Remember to upvote and comment below!!! :DDD Until next time guys! :)

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Chapter 25: I still love reading this story it's been a while since I last read it I reread the whole thing. ?
Chapter 23: this story is amazing
Chapter 20: God! I want to have house like this~ heee
And keep up the good work authornim.. heee
Chapter 19: This story is awesome im so suspicious of who was the one who hugged lay and its good if you can add pictures of their outfits & settings/scenes etc ♡♡♡getting excited for ur next chapter fighting! ☆☆☆
Chapter 18: Oh luhan. Hahaha. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 17: R u going to continue updating? Coz I cant wait 4 your nrct update
Chapter 15: Awwwww too cute these two. Fighting for the next chapter
DjTinkDome #8
Chapter 15: Awe!!!! I think u should make him wait a little bit longer. It would be so cute to read about Suho wig out a little bit not knowing the answer. Great update.
Chapter 15: Awww cuteeee
Chapter 14: Great chapter! Love it!!!