Next Day

New Start

March 28, 2015 I changed some things in the previous chapters. Please read it before you continue with this chapter or else you might be confused. Thanks for being patient and waiting for my updates. I was so busy that I didn't have time to even come on this website.

Nobody POV

Lay arrived at school and was surprised to not see any problems with his things. He continued on with his school day without much hassle. By lunchtime, his confusion had reached its peak. As soon as he spotted Luhan and the expressionless guy, he rushed over to them and asked them why those queenkas weren't doing anything to him. The only answer he got was a stifled laughter from the expressionless guy and a shocked expression on Luhan's face. 

Luhan POV

While I was walking back to our usual table with Sehun, someone crashed or more like slammed into me. I looked up to yell at that person when I saw it was Lay. 

"Hey Yixing. What's wrong? Did something bad happen?" I asked quickly after seeing his expression. 

"W-why isn't anyone sabotaging my stuff or doing terrible stuff to me? D-did they still target you and the expressionless guy next to you in the end for humiliating them? I-I thought I managed to distract them from you guys." He said back barely audible. It was like he was whispering and talking to himself. I was shocked. I felt slight trembling next to me and knew Sehun was trying not to laugh out loud. Then then words or what he whispered to himself finally reached my brain. 

"Wait. Hold on, what do you mean target me or sabotage your stuff?" I asked Lay with concern. I realized we were attracting attention. 

"Come with me." I ordered Lay as I walked away from Sehun without giving him an explanation. I took him to an empty classroom and texted Xiumin and Tao to come immediately to the classroom. 


I was still in my own world wondering and asking myself questions when I felt myself being dragged somewhere. When I heard a door close shut, I came back to the real world. I looked around to find myself in an empty classroom with Luhan. Soon after, the door slid open again and Xiumin and Tao entered. I was confused at what was going on. The last thing I remembered was wondering why nothing was happenening to me, Luhan, or that expressionless guy.

"Lay, tell me what you meant when you said target me or sabotage your stuff." Luhan ordered me in a worried tone. I realized that Luhan had heard what I said and I felt panic start rising. I shut my eyes and pretended not to have heard what he had just said. From the pit of my stomach, I felt the feeling of fear and terror start rising. I felt the same terror as the time when my mom first saw my injury covered body. My family's reaction was different from what I expected though. I thought that since my family didn't act like the way I expected them to, I thought my best friends would instead.

"Lay, I know you heard me. Please tell me what you meant. You're very bad at lying and/or pretending." Luhan pleaded with me again. I opened my eyes to see Luhan's worried face right in front of mine. I felt the fear from imagining the worried expression changing into one filled with shame and disgust after telling them what had happened in China after they left. When my fear finally reached its max, I felt the world start spinning, turning black, and my knees go weak. 


When I saw Lay start tilting, I automatically got in position to catch him. My body apparently reacted on reflex because my brain only completely registered it once I felt Lay's weight in my arms. Once my brain registered it, I lifted him up and rushed to the infirmiry. I heard Luhan and Xiumin follow close behind. As I rushed into the infirmiry and called for the nurse, Luhan and Xiumin tried to catch their breath. We waited anxiously waited for the results.

"This student is alright. He just had an anxiety attack and didn't have the energy to counter it. He seems to have been missing his meals." the nurse answered us patiently. We sighed in relief and I let go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding. The bell rang for the start of the next period and Luhan told us to go to class. He said that he would wait for Lay to wake up and would text us once Lay woke up. He looked like he felt guilty for Lay's situation so I agreed and pulled Xiumin out of the infirmiry to go to class. 

Luhan POV

The look of understanding on Tao's face relieved me. I sat silently next to Lay and waited for him to wake up. I stared at the clock. Watching every second pass slower than I thought would've ever been possible. I tend to go overboard sometimes when I feel too excited, too worried, or too any other emotion, so my guilty conscience was eating away at me for causing part of Lay current condition. Once an hour had passed, I felt myself getting drowsy. I woke up when I felt a slight movement of the bed. I had fallen asleep for about an hour and Lay was finally awake. 

"Lay! You're awake!" I exclaimed in happiness when I saw him get up. He was blinking slowly as if he was trying to get used to the light. I grabbed my phone and texted Tao and Xiumin before I forgot. I called for the nurse to check on his condition. As the nurse checked Lay, I left to give them some privacy and waited for Tao and Xiumin to get here.

"Luhan! How's Lay? Is he alright?" Xiumin questioned me as soon as he was within hearing range. I tried to calm him down before I took him and Tao in to see Lay. 

"He should be alright, but just in case, he should go home early today. Only one of you can take him home. I'll give the office an excuse for whoever is going with him and...Yixing was it?" Lay nodded at the mention of his name and the nurse comfirmed that Xiumin was going with Lay. She wrote a note for the two of them and we had to go back to class. The three of us had a small argument on who was taking Lay home and Xiumin won. The rest of my day passed by quickly and Sehun met me at the door of my last class to go home.

"So why did you run off dragging that new guy with you at lunch today? I didn't see you for the rest of the day and you didn't even text me to give me an explanation." Sehun questioned and slightly complained to me. I had completely forgotten about Sehun with all the events that had happened with Lay. I quickly explained what happened and I noticed Tao doing the same with Kris. When all of ten of us were gathered together to leave, I explained everything to everyone to clear most of their questions before they asked any. 



I got supported by Xiumin as he led me to my home after giving him the address on a slip of paper. Halfway home, I suddenly remembered the car I drove and asked what I should do about it. He sighed at my forgetfulness, which caused me to slightly flinch when I thought Xiumin might hate me, and told me that he would go back to the school after making sure I ate and was back in bed asleep. I grinned back sheepishly and scatched my head when he answered that way. Once he saw my grin, he relaxed and ruffled my hair while also smiling gently. I noticed how he got skinnier and he wasn't always eating something anymore when I gave him the car keys. I tilted my head slightly in confusion but I shrugged it off since we had arrived at my apartment. He got me to take a shower while he cooked and he made me eat more than I thought my stomach could hold. After that, he had me brush my teeth, wash my face, and change into a new pair of pajamas. He tucked me into bed and waited until I fell asleep. I heard my bedroom door click shut and the front door's lock turn and shut. That was the last thing I remembered before I fell into a deep sleep and slept like I haven't done so for the last few days. It was like I was dead to the rest of the world, unable to feel anything or hear anything. I felt at peace for the first time in a long time.

WASSUP! How do you like the layouts that come with music I set up recently on the previous chapters? I hope you liked them. Comments are appreciated!

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Chapter 25: I still love reading this story it's been a while since I last read it I reread the whole thing. ?
Chapter 23: this story is amazing
Chapter 20: God! I want to have house like this~ heee
And keep up the good work authornim.. heee
Chapter 19: This story is awesome im so suspicious of who was the one who hugged lay and its good if you can add pictures of their outfits & settings/scenes etc ♡♡♡getting excited for ur next chapter fighting! ☆☆☆
Chapter 18: Oh luhan. Hahaha. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 17: R u going to continue updating? Coz I cant wait 4 your nrct update
Chapter 15: Awwwww too cute these two. Fighting for the next chapter
DjTinkDome #8
Chapter 15: Awe!!!! I think u should make him wait a little bit longer. It would be so cute to read about Suho wig out a little bit not knowing the answer. Great update.
Chapter 15: Awww cuteeee
Chapter 14: Great chapter! Love it!!!