
New Start

Nobody POV

Xiumin closed the door after him and walked back to the school. He was going to meet up with his other friends and ask if any of them could drive. Back at the school, Luhan had just finished explaining to the others what had happened. Suho was very worried about Yixing and asked for his address to go check on him. Unfortunately, only Xiumin knew his address then so he couldn't answer him. Xiumin arrived a couple minutes after the question was asked and left unanswered. Xiumin was slightly out of breath from rushing back to the school. 

"Does anyone know how to drive?" Xiumin finally asked after catching his breath. Suho, Kris, and Sehun were the only ones who raised their hands. Xiumin decided to give Suho Lay's car keyes and asked him to drive it back to Lay's apartment. They didn't know which car it was so they walked through the parking lot using the keyes to try and find it. They finally found it and the car turned out to be a Lamborghini. The car was in perfect condition and was very new. Every centimeter of the car sparkled and the inside of the car was completely spotless.

"Woah..." All of them were shocked and awed speechless. Even Xiumin, Luhan, and Tao, who didn't even know Lay could drive. After another few minutes, Suho sat on the driver's seat and Xiumin sat next to him. Sehun and Kris drove their own cars with the rest of them and followed behind Suho as Xiumin gave directions to the apartment.

Xiumin POV

I quickly gave the directions to Suho and we arrived at the apartment. The others were following close behind as to not lose us. As soon as we arrived and parked, I took the keyes from Suho and met up with Luhan and Tao. Then I pushed them along to hurry and check on how Lay was doing. I opened the doors using the extra house keyes from the same chain as the car keyes. I walked as quickly as I could to Lay's bedroom and saw him still sleeping. I closed the door behind me as quietly as I could and gathered all of my friends into the living room. I told them to be as quiet as they could be because Lay was still sound asleep. After another hour passed, only Suho, Chen, and I remained. Luhan and Tao were reluctant to leave, but their parents had called them home saying there was important business they needed them to attend with them. My parents also called me but I stayed for another five minutes to tell Suho what I needed him to do.

"Suho, can you stay here and watch over Lay for the rest of the night? My parents need me to go on some urgent business with them. Chen's going to walk me home."

"Yeah, of course. I'm worried about him. I texted my parents earlier and they said it would be fine." Suho said while smiling gently. I  was sincerely glad to have such a nice, kind, and gentle friend.

"Okay, um, once it's 10 o'clock please try to wake him up and take a bath. Once he's done, please make sure he eats something then brush his teeth and wash his face. Make sure to check on him every few hours just in case he's awake earlier than 10 o'clock. If he is, can you have him eat and make sure he eats some fruit. Then, if he doesn't want to go back to sleep, have him snuggle up in a blanket on the couch and watch a movie. Make sure he doesn't strain himself or do any exercise. His body isn't in the condition to do that. Call me, Luahn, or Tao if you need any help. Thanks Suho." I said as quickly as I could and left in a hurry with Chen right behind me. 

Suho POV

I was taken aback by how Xiumin talked. Once he left, I sighed in relief and went to check on Lay. I walked into the room and tucked Lay's arms into the blanket. His eyelashes seemed to flutter slightly and I held my breath thinking that I woke him up. When he didn't, I let it go. His breathing seemed a little shallow. I continued to listen to it for another twenty minutes when he suddenly went back to normal. When he seemed to be sleeping more peacefully, I got up quietly and went back to the living room. Once I saw the clock strike ten, I went into Lay's room to wake him up. He stirred slightly and mumbled something before he fell alseep again. I chuckled at how adorable it was. I woke him up and supported him to the bathroom. I had him sit down on one of the stools inside the bathroom while I got the water ready. Lay started taking off his clothes once he saw that I was done. He first took off his shirt and when I saw him turn around as if to hide his embarrasment when I suddenly noticed the disappearing bruises that covered his body. I walked over to him and tapped on his shoulder.

"Hmm?" Lay answered back for the tap on his shoulder. 

"How did you get these bruises Lay?" I asked in a concerned voice. His body froze and tensed up. I was start to blabber apologies for making him uncomfortable. Then he suddenly smiled gently. His dimpled smile dazzled me. My world seemed to stop and it only made start babbling more. I just took a deep breath and stopped all at once to stop any further embarrasment. 

"Please don't tell anyone else this. I don't want them to worry or pity me. You have to keep this a secret from everyone you know. Okay, um, these bruises are from being bullied at my old school in China for being gay.  Don't pity me because my family helped me and I'm almost over it anyways." Lay replied seriously while smiling gently. I frowned slightly when I heard him say that he had been bullied, but smiled back at him in relief after seeing him smile. I blindfolded my eyes as Lay took the rest of his clothes off. Once I heard him get into the bath tub, he handed me the shampoo and I helped him wash his hair. He did the same with the conditioner. Once I got to the body soap, I grabbed the nearby mini towel and used it to wipe and wash the top part of his body. I had him do the rest himself since I felt like my face was turning redder than a cherry. I turned away from the bath tub and took off the blindfold. With my back turned to him, I walked towards the door and told him to quickly finish up. About five minutes later, he came out dressed in his new pair of pajamas and dripping wet hair. I quickly grabbed a new dry towel and started drying his hair for him. 

" dinner or movie first? Then once it's twelve you have to be back in bed." I asked him.

"Can we do both the movie and dinner at the same time?" He asked me while grinning sheepishly. I answered by nodding at him and ushered him onto the couches. I got a big, poofy, thick, and warm blanket for him and had him snuggle into it as I had him tell me the movie he wanted to watch. Once it started, I went to the kitchen and cooked something quickly for him to eat. I brought it over and when he saw me, he lifted up the blanket and had me sit next to him. He layed his head on my shoulder and my heart started beating faster. 

"Can you feed me?" He asked me innocently with wide eyes and a small smile. I couldn't say no, so I started feeding him the food I cooked.

"This is delicious!" he said as he finished swallowing. I blushed at the compliment. Lay opened his mouth for more and I had to chuckle at how adorable he was being. Once he was finished, I got up to clean up and ended getting pulled back down. I looked at him in confusion when I fell back onto the couch with a thump. He asked me to just do it later and just cuddle with him for now. I slightly shrugged and then relaxed when I felt myself tilting again. I fell against his chest and I heard his heartbeat go thump.....thump....thump...thump..thump. I felt it getting faster and I turned red when I realized the position we were in. I felt the arms around tighten and my heart started beating faster again.


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Chapter 25: I still love reading this story it's been a while since I last read it I reread the whole thing. ?
Chapter 23: this story is amazing
Chapter 20: God! I want to have house like this~ heee
And keep up the good work authornim.. heee
Chapter 19: This story is awesome im so suspicious of who was the one who hugged lay and its good if you can add pictures of their outfits & settings/scenes etc ♡♡♡getting excited for ur next chapter fighting! ☆☆☆
Chapter 18: Oh luhan. Hahaha. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 17: R u going to continue updating? Coz I cant wait 4 your nrct update
Chapter 15: Awwwww too cute these two. Fighting for the next chapter
DjTinkDome #8
Chapter 15: Awe!!!! I think u should make him wait a little bit longer. It would be so cute to read about Suho wig out a little bit not knowing the answer. Great update.
Chapter 15: Awww cuteeee
Chapter 14: Great chapter! Love it!!!