
New Start

Skipping school it is!  This chapter will cover a couple days. I'm undecided whether to make most of this chapter about this skip day or not... Hmm... I'll see how it goes.


Suho's POV

I was forced awake by the loud noise that Baekhyun and Chanyeol was making. With a groan, I opened my eyes and once my eyes focused, I was shocked to find Lay hovering over me as if he was about to shake me awake. He seemed surprised for a moment, but then a smile graced his face. I was glad that he seemed much better than he did yesterday. When I got up, I gently grabbed his hand and led him to the bathroom. I closed the door after me and he looked at me with a confused expression. I used both hand and cupped his face while putting my forehead on top of his.

"I don't remember if I've told you yet, but I love you and that will not change," I told him with the most solemn voice I could muster without cracking from the pressure and fear of rejection from this angel of a boy in front of me.

"You can expect me to protect you and care for you no matter what happens. I hate seeing you hurt and hurt even more if you do not trust me enough to tell me anything. Please trust me okay?" I continued half begging and half crying to him. He seemed surprised for a moment, but then he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"I trust you. I know I have positive feelings for you but I don't know just yet if it is love. I've never truly been in love before. Give me a little more time to respond to you so that I don't end up hurting both of us. Baekhyun has told me the same thing a little earlier." He told me with a smile and thanked me afterwards. Lay then grabbed a towel from a rack and wet it then wring it before gently wiping my snot and tear covered face. 

"Don't you think it is too early for all this seriousness? Look your handsome face is all meesed up now." he teased me. Although he seemed to be adminishing me a little bit, he still held the towel in his hand and gently wiped my face clean. I smiled back at him.

"Come. Let's go back. They probably have already decided whether to skip or go to school today." Lay said with a tone that seemed to be both soft and loving. When we reached the room, the other ten started clapping and whistling. I rolled my eyes at them and shook my head before telling them that Lay hasn't decided yet.

"So are we skipping?" I asked them with raised eyebrows. All of them nodded at me at the same time. I found an empty spot to sit and ask them about what we should do today since we are skipping. It's Friday anyways. Tomorrow is the weekend and there is no school, so it can be as if we have a short term break.

"I vote we go shopping then food and last movie before coming back for a sleep over. As for the sleep over, where should it be at?" Luhan said first. Sehun unhesitantly nodded next to him. I wanted to roll my eyes from how Sehun always supports Luhan without hesitation. But I had to admit that it sounded like a good way to spend the day. I waited to see if there are any other suggestions.

"We could go shopping then come back to Lay's apartment to cook and have movie night here before sleeping over. It would be okay for us to stay over and use your kitchen again tonight?" Baekhyun asked and said at the same time. Lay was stunned at the sudden question directed at him, but he immediately nodded and gave his permission. I thought this seemed like an even better idea since Lay's body was still covered in injuries. Baekhyun had paused for a moment and moved away from Kyungsoo before continuing.

"Kyungsoo can make food for all of us! He makes good food and Lay really should try it. Although twelve people is a lot of people to cook for, Kyungie should still let Lay try your food right?" Baekhyun said moving an inch away for every word he speaks. Kyungsoo was really mad that Baekhyun was deciding for him without any choice. But as Baekhyun continued and reminded him that Lay has not tried his cooking yet, his heart softened and gave a sound of agreement.

Kai's POV

When Baekhyun first decided for Kyungie without asking him first, I was just waiting for Kyung to start beating Baekhyun. Unexpectedly, nothing happened and Kyungie even agreed. I just shrugged and then started thinking about the dance competition. I should ask Lay is we are still entering and practicing it. It would be better to cancel our participation, however, I want his opinion and not just decide on my own. His recovery comes first, and everything else can wait. Yep, it can wait. Wait. My legs starteed becoming jittery. Ah, even if I wait, just in case, I should continue practicing.

The sleepover and dinner at Lay's is rowdy as it always is when all of us are together and the day finally came to an end when everyone saw that Lay was tired and needed some more sleep.

The next day...

I just finished practicing to dance routine and was wiping off my sweat when I saw Kyungie enter my room with a bottle of water and a change of clothes.

"Your mom told me you were making a ruckus while you were in your room so I figured you were practicing. Once the noise stopped, I got some warm water for you since you just worked up some sweat so cold water would not be good for your body just yet. Get changed and shower so we can leave soon." Kyungie order me.

"Where are we going? We have school the day after tomorrow and everyone is occupied with their own boyfriend on Saturdays." I tilted my head in confusion. Kyungie sighed and gave me a knock on the head. I whined a little and he finally told me that Lay wanted to talk to me today about something important coming up. Apparently, late last night, Lay had told me this and I ended up telling Kyungie in case I would forget since it was late and my head felt a little muddled. Well, good thing I have Kyung as insurance otherwise I probably would have left Lay hanging dry today waiting for me since I haven't exactly given him a way to contact me.  I hurriedly changed after a quick shower to wash away the smell of sweat then changed into the clothes Kyung brought me before rushing after Kyung to go to Lay's.

When I rung the doorbell, I heard a running noise then a cry of pain following the sound of something kicked. The door opened and I found a disheveled Lay looking at me.

"Uhh... Hey! Come on in!" Lay said with a slightly pained voice. I entered with Kyung and I saw Lay limping a little behind us. Upon reaching the living room, the sofa had moved quite a bit from its previous position and the sofa was quite a large one. I looked from the sofa to Lay and repeated a few times. Kyung watched my reaction before helping Lay to a seat and asked to see the injuries. Lay slowly lifted his pant leg and I saw a bruise forming on his leg. After he shook his head in denial when Kyung asked if his leg hurt, he looked at me and told me that he wanted to talk about the dance competition that was happening soon. I was a little nervous seeing him talk about it so soon when he had just inflicted another injury on his body. As I was anticipating the competition and was eager to join it but if Lay didn't want to as he felt his body was unable to take it then I just need to swallow my disappointment and tell him it was okay with a smile.

"I wanted to say that I still want to enter the competition with you and we really need to practice for the next few days." Lay said with a faint smile. I was prepared to tell him it was okay not to participate and relax with a smile but the words were stuck in my throat.

"B-but your injuries..." I stuttered a little from surprise. He simply shook his head and said in a quiet voice that he's had worse and dancing was the one thing that can make him relax and feel good about himself. I patted his shoulder to comfort him while Kyung hugged him—WAIT. KYUNGIE MOVE AWAY FROM HIM. A PAT IS GOOD ENOUGH NO NEED FOR THE HUG!—is not what I said even though I really wanted to. All that is left is the planning on how our schedule will be like with the practice and I walked home clinging to an annoyed Kyungie that kept telling me to get off.


Hello readers! It's been a while but here's an update! Skip day it is although I felt a little reluctant and Sunday will be skipped over entirely as I have no idea what to have filled in for that day. I realized that some pictures are missing from previous chapter so I fixed one and will find new images for the others. As always remember to comment and I am always open to suggestions of how to continue this story! Love you guys for staying with me this entire time and I will continue to try my best so please subscribe if you have not yet. >_< Anxious about his this story is progessing and I feel like it is becoming worse... Thank you for reading!

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Who do you think is the person hugging Lay? Just wondering. It may not be who you think it is.



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Chapter 25: I still love reading this story it's been a while since I last read it I reread the whole thing. ?
Chapter 23: this story is amazing
Chapter 20: God! I want to have house like this~ heee
And keep up the good work authornim.. heee
Chapter 19: This story is awesome im so suspicious of who was the one who hugged lay and its good if you can add pictures of their outfits & settings/scenes etc ♡♡♡getting excited for ur next chapter fighting! ☆☆☆
Chapter 18: Oh luhan. Hahaha. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 17: R u going to continue updating? Coz I cant wait 4 your nrct update
Chapter 15: Awwwww too cute these two. Fighting for the next chapter
DjTinkDome #8
Chapter 15: Awe!!!! I think u should make him wait a little bit longer. It would be so cute to read about Suho wig out a little bit not knowing the answer. Great update.
Chapter 15: Awww cuteeee
Chapter 14: Great chapter! Love it!!!