Transfer Student Yixing

New Start

Nobody POV

"Thank you Yixing. Your seat is next to Chanyeol." the teacher pointed the direction of the seat. Yixing walked over to his seat slowly and sat down next the the boy named Chanyeol.

"Hi," Chanyeol said the Yixing as he sat down. "It's nice to meet you." Yixing just simply nodded in reply and looked at the teacher. 

"Okay everyone, class is starting, take your seats." the teacher said once she saw that Yixing was seated and comfortable. The lesson began while Yixing somehow managed to return to a daze. The classes ended an hour later and Yixing was snapped from his daze when the bell rang for the end of that period.

"Come with me." Chanyeol stated waving Yixing over to where he was.

"Sure." Yixing replied back while thinking why he was following Chanyeol obediently and where they were going. It was lunch for the both of them, so they went into the cafeteria and got their food. Then Chanyeol went towards the table with nine guys that were already sitting down and eating. 

"Hey everyone, I want to introduce someone to you." Chanyeol declared loud enough for the chatting guys to hear. They all looked at the person standing next to Chanyeol. Yixing looked up from his tray after giving up trying to figure out what the brown lump was. Three out of the nine boys widen theirs eyes when they see who it is. 


When I looked up and saw my old friends from China, my brain seemed to enter a stage of shock. 

*Flashback to one year ago*

"Luhan, Xiumin, Tao, I'll miss you." I said to my best friends while crying. 

"We will miss you too Lay. E-mail us when you can." Luhan said at the verge of crying.

"Take care of yourself okay?" Tao said in a shaky voice. I could only nod. 

"Lay, visit me and meet my family when and if you ever go to Korea." Xiumin said to me. I nodded again quickly. Then the announcement for their plane arrived. They said their final goodybyes and left me alone at the airport to board their plane. I was even more tired than I usually am. First, I skipped dance practice the first time in my life to send off my friends and it was still early in the morning. I decided to skip school and just stay home to rest. 

"Mom, I'm going back to sleep." I said sleepily and sadly.

"Aren't you suppose to be in school?" My mom asked softly knowing that I just sent off my best and only friends at the airport. When she heard no reply, she knew that I had already gone to my room to sleep.

**End of Flashback**

I opened my mouth in shock and tears rolled down from the corner of my eyes. I saw blurry figures getting up and rushing over to me and crushed me in a hug. I wiped my tears away to see more clearly and saw that Tao and Luhan were the ones who were hugging me. I looked at the others to see Xiumin smiling at me and I grinned back. I felt menacing auras directed towards me and looked towards the directions I felt it from. It was coming from a tall -faced guy, a guy that had the aura of a troll, and an expressionless guy. 

"Hey guys. What's up?" another guy said while walking over. I looked at the nearing person and felt that he looked rather familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I've seen him before and who it was.

"Hey Joonmyun. We have a new person joining us today." an owl eyed guy replied.

"Oh, who is it?" Suho questioned back curiously.

"It's Lay!" Luhan cheerfully exclaimed back. The expressionless guy's menacing aura just got darker. I cowered a little since it scared me just a bit. 

"Chanyeol hasn't even introduced him to us yet, how do you know him?" the expressionless guy finally asked.

"I thought his name was Yixing." Chanyeol said confused.

"Oh, that's his real name. Lay is the nickname we and his family came up with." Tao answered the utterly confused Chanyeol. Now, the ed-faced guy's aura got darker. The two dark menacing auras made me cower even more. I was now hiding behind Luhan and Tao while peaking over at the guy who just arrived trying to think of where I have seen him before. The realization of him eating with my family last night finally hit me. 

"Oh! You're Suho!" I exclaimed after while clapping my hands and laughing joyfully because this was the first time I ever managed to remember something. I felt the two menacing auras again since I came out of my hiding spot to say that and I quickly hid behind my two Chinese friends again. Xiumin got up and pulled me down to sit next to him and start eating. The guy with the troll aura stole my food and I stared in confusion at what he was doing. Xiumin smacked his hands while he was taking it, but he still managed to eat it. 

"Yixing is our best friend from China." Luhan explained to the expressionless guy.

"Oops, I forgot to introduce everyone to you." Chanyeol exclaimed, "Xiumin, do it for me." Xiumin sighed and got up to do the introductions.

"The expressionless guy is Sehun, the y-faced guy is Kris, the owl-eyed guy is Kyungsoo, the tanned guy is Kai, the guy next to me or the troll is Chen, the guy with eyeliner on is Baekhyun, and then you already know Suho, creepy smiling Chanyeol, Luhan, Tao, and me!" said Xiumin pointing to each person he names. Sehun, Kris, Chen, and Chanyeol glared at Xiumin.

"What? Those are your most obvious and outstanding features. Plus, Chanyeol was supposed to do it, not me. Hmph." Xiumin said in triumph at getting revenge on Chanyeol for himself and revenge on Sehun, Kris, and Chen for me.

"Sooooo.... how did you already know Suho?" Luhan asked curiously.

"He ate dinner with my family last night." Lay replied dazed amd barely awake after the introductions and menacing auras disappeared.

"Why would he be eating dinner with your family?" Tao questioned me.

"It somehow just ended up being that way." Suho replied for me. I heard Chen bickering with Xiumin about stealing my food while I was dazed. My stomach rumbled since I only managed to eat a cup of fruits before Chen stole the rest of my lunch and I remembered I didn't eat breakfast. I just ignored that rumble and stayed dazed while I took my tray up. 

"Oops, sorry." I said when I bumped into someone or something and snapping out of my daze for what felt like the third time that day. I looked up and realized that I poured the remenants of the tray onto a girl and some of the girls in her group. They glared at me. At that moment I thought, 'If looks could kill, I'd be dead.' 

"I will get you for this. Don't expect the rest of your school year to go by peacefully." she told me menacingly and threateningly. I shuddered and backed up.

Luhan POV

I looked up from my conversation with Sehun and wondered what was taking Lay so long. What I saw made me groan, since Lay had dumped his lunch onto the queenkas of the school. I got up from my seat and went of towards Lay. 

"He apologized already, so leave him alone would you?" I said to the queenkas when I saw Lay backing up. "Plus it was an accident, so shut up and take the apology then leave." 

The whole cafeteria went silent when they heard me talking to the queenkas in that manner.


Oh boy. I think what Luhan did to help me wasn't a very good idea.


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Chapter 25: I still love reading this story it's been a while since I last read it I reread the whole thing. ?
Chapter 23: this story is amazing
Chapter 20: God! I want to have house like this~ heee
And keep up the good work authornim.. heee
Chapter 19: This story is awesome im so suspicious of who was the one who hugged lay and its good if you can add pictures of their outfits & settings/scenes etc ♡♡♡getting excited for ur next chapter fighting! ☆☆☆
Chapter 18: Oh luhan. Hahaha. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 17: R u going to continue updating? Coz I cant wait 4 your nrct update
Chapter 15: Awwwww too cute these two. Fighting for the next chapter
DjTinkDome #8
Chapter 15: Awe!!!! I think u should make him wait a little bit longer. It would be so cute to read about Suho wig out a little bit not knowing the answer. Great update.
Chapter 15: Awww cuteeee
Chapter 14: Great chapter! Love it!!!