Dance Class

New Start

Wah! I'm soo sorry for not updating for a while. Thanks to those that didn't unsubscirbe, thank you very much!


*Recap of the last chapter:

After entering the building for a while, we finally stopped in front of a door and my heartbeat quickened in anxiety about my new dance teacher and dancing partners. 

"Welcome to my class Yixing. First things first, introduce yourself to the rest of the class." the teacher exclaimed in a booming voice. 

"O-okay... Nice to meet you. My name is Yixing." I managed to stutter out.

"Next thing I need you to do is to show us how well you dance. Are you ready?" he exclaimed intimidatingly. I simply nodded before taking a deeep breath and I began to move...


Dance Teacher's POV

I had heard that a talented dancer was entering my class and I was anticipating them, but the nerve of this student to be late (even if it's only a little) on their first day! I wanted to at least see how good he is so I'll have him show the whole class how well he can dance and in front of an audience that he will later later on be spending time with. I saw him take a deep breath before beginning, and by the way he started, I could tell that he was a seasoned dancer and an exceptional one at that. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about how I was glad what I had heard was true but the main thing I was thinking was that his dancing was maybe a little more better than Kai's. Their styles were slightly different, but they would dance well together. Kai's dancing was more... well y? Is that the word to describe it? And his style was more towards perfection. Aaaah... Whatever, I'm bad at descibing things anyway. I'll stop now. The dance was coming to an end, and silence covered the room. Since Kai was going to be late today, all the other students that were there aren't exactly close to Kai's or this guy's dancing so everyone was in awe. I stood there with my arms crossed and nodding my head in understanding for a while.

"Um... So what do you think?" He asked me in a timid voice, and I snapped to attention feeling like an idiot since he had finished his dance a while ago and everyone was just waiting for reply of some kind from me. I cleared my throat quite loudly and spoke in a loud voice that projected throughout the room.

"It was great. So everyone, understand what you need work more and practice on?" I asked with the intimidating and clear yet friendly voice. Everyone gave me a smile that seemed to be out of adoration before replying.

"Yes~" They all replied in unison.

"So everyone knows there is a dancing competition coming up in three weeks, and there must be at least 2 to 6 people per group  okay? Remember to sign up and fill out a form then give it to me okay?" I said before waving them off to do their stuff. Then I motioned for the new guy to come over.

"I want you to pair up with Kai and dance in the competition. He'll be getting here later on and other than him, there isn't really anyone else that's on par with your dancing. I want you to loosen up around your shoulders when you're dancing from now on. If you don't you could end up seriously injuring it." I said all at once and he just simply kept nodding. When he was about to leave, I quickly asked him an important question that I had forgotten to ask.

"What is your name?" I spit out dumbly since that was the type of question you would originally ask when you first meet someone and he had already told everyone his name at the beginning when he first entered the class at my order. He suddenly laughed and I realized that he had dimples, but I unfortunately blushed out of embarrasement which just made him laugh all the more. I gave a small huff before continuing to stare at him.

"So?" I impatiently continued, "What is it? I'm not very good at names."

"It's Yixing, but all of the dance teachers I've ever had always call me Lay, so You can call me that too. Well I'm going to stretch out a bit before this Kai guy gets here so we can begin as soon as he arrives and we get over the introductions." He said with a relaxed smile. I was glad he had already settled and relaxed into my class because it would have been a pity if he just couldn't fit in or become comfortable in my class and moved to another one. I would have had a great loss. I stretched myself out before walking around to check on all of my students and see how they were doing. As I was walking around and pointing out for some of them to loosen up of stretch and warm-up some more before dancing, I heard the door open and I realized that Kai had arrived.

"Hey! Kai! Get over here! I know who'll be your dance partner in the coming up compettition. I'm sure he'll be able to do more than just keep up with you." I shouted at him with a smirk on my face. Kai was my best bud since I was a child, and there was no way I was going to let this chance to rub in his smug face that there was someone just as good or even better than him at dancing.

Kai's POV

I entered the dance room and as soon as I put a foot through the door, Taemin shouts over at me in the loud voice he has. I rub my head and groaned a little, before walking over to him cautiously since that voice of his showed that he was up to no good. 

"What?" I said grouchily and roughly.

"Come here!" He said while roughly dragging me towards a specific spot with two guys stood. As we got closer, I realized that these two people were Suho and Lay. My eyes widened in suprised since I had no idea that Lay danced, mush less Suho.

"Oh, hey Kai."Suho greeted me in his normal cheerful and gentle way. Lay looked up at me, then at Taeming in confusion. I guess he doesn't know what's going on right now either. I raised my eyebrows at Taemin, but he only had a big grin on his face and an iron grip on my arm to make sure that I didn't run away. Man! Where does this little guy get his strength from?! I gave a big sigh, before a light bulb seemed to light up above Lay's head. Or did I just imagine that?I knew for sure that I didn't imagine him hitting his fist into his palm as if he connected some dots in his head and understood what was going on. A gentle small graced his face, and I was taken aback since this was the first time a saw a smile from him directed at me. I relaxed almost immediately, and Lay started shuffeling around his bag and got out some papers that had music on them.

"You guys porbably already understand what's going on now, but to make sure we're clear, you two are going to be working together in a group for the upcoming competition okay?" and with that Taemin left to attend and instruct the other students leaving us no room to object and the sign up sheet randoming floating down the middle gap of us three. 

"Here's some music I composed and lyrics that come with them that I thought we could dance to in the upcoming competition. Want to take a look? Since it was a competition, I thought that it would be better to create our own and be original to stand out." he said while stuffing the papers in my hand before bending down to get the sign up sheet. I began looking over the music sheets and was flabergasted at how amazing they were. I was beyond excited to begin the dance choreography with him, but then I realized something.

"Hey, Suho. Don't tell me this is the type of guy that really goes with the flow most of the time isn't he?" I whispered into Suho's ear. He gave sheepish smile.

"Haha... Uh... Maybe? Is that bad?" He asked me as a reply. A question with a question? These are what keeps a conversation going man. Before I could answer, Lay turned back around and stomped towards us. With his hands on his hips, and his hips slanted, he asked us a question in a slightly more than forceful manner.

"What?" he stated or sorta kinda asked. I had no idea what to say back to him. Afterall, he seems a little pissed?


What do you think had just happened? And what do you think Lay had misunderstood? Has Kai done something again? 

Kekeke... Wait until the next update to find out! I know my updates are slow and inconsistent, but I'm really trying my best so please don't unsubscibe. Also for those who haven't suscribed, remember to subscirbe and comment below!!! :DDD

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Chapter 25: I still love reading this story it's been a while since I last read it I reread the whole thing. ?
Chapter 23: this story is amazing
Chapter 20: God! I want to have house like this~ heee
And keep up the good work authornim.. heee
Chapter 19: This story is awesome im so suspicious of who was the one who hugged lay and its good if you can add pictures of their outfits & settings/scenes etc ♡♡♡getting excited for ur next chapter fighting! ☆☆☆
Chapter 18: Oh luhan. Hahaha. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 17: R u going to continue updating? Coz I cant wait 4 your nrct update
Chapter 15: Awwwww too cute these two. Fighting for the next chapter
DjTinkDome #8
Chapter 15: Awe!!!! I think u should make him wait a little bit longer. It would be so cute to read about Suho wig out a little bit not knowing the answer. Great update.
Chapter 15: Awww cuteeee
Chapter 14: Great chapter! Love it!!!