
New Start

So I know I said that I would update a few days ago, but midterms arrived and I forgot about it so I was busy for some time. 


Baekhyun's POV

I woke up to the sound of footsteps trying to tiptoe around my body then a soft feeling covering my cold body. I kept my eyes shut for a couple more minutes before getting up and walking towards the room with light on. As expected, the person was Lay and he still seemed a little shaken. I saw a shadow of the old me in him at this moment and sadness welled up in me. Unable to help myself, I walked up behind him and hugged him while snuggling my head towards the crook of his neck. His body tensed for a moment before relaxing and slowly turned around while still in my arms. In the softest voice as if afraid to scare me away, he asked me what why I wasn't asleep. Then he patted my head and tilted my chin up to look him in the eyes before asking me what was wrong. An unbearable feeling of suffering rose up from my heart. I started wondering why such a sweet person was treated like how I used to be. I wondered why people just couldn't see past traditional values when faced with people that have the sweetest personality yet end up suffering because of the stupid people's words and actions.

Lay's eyes were layered with confusion and he asked me what happened this afternoon that he ended up in bed. I stiffened for a moment before gently grabbing his hand and leading him to sit down before I explained to him what happened this afternoon. A little desperate and sad, I told him that we cared and that none of the students would ever be able to do anything to anyone in this group. Firstly because of background and second because this group sticks up for each other and will use violence without hesitation if necessary. The panic in his eyes settled down and I sighed a breath of relief but before I could let it all out, my breath was once again caught in my throat. Lay's eyes were b with tears and he was biting his lips seeming desparate to keep them from rolling out. Frantic, I moved around aimlessly when finally resting my arms around his trembling shoulders then rubbing his back like my mother would whenever I broke down and cried. In the gentlest voice I could muster without breaking down, I told him that it was okay to cry. After crying, people always feel much better and it is easier to ge over any problems. Bottling things up tended to lead people to destruction.

Some time later, Lay had calmed down. He moved away from my hug and thanked me with a soft smile. I gave him a small smile in return.

"I feel a little tired and there will be school in a couple more hours. Want to go back to sleep for longer before school?" I questioned while looking a little worn out. Lay smiled and nodded back at me. I turned around, paused for a second before turning back towards Lay.

"We all love and care for you. Never face any problems that you have trouble taking on alone alright? Seeing you like this hurts more than if we were to suffer through the same things you do. Okay?" I scrunched my face slightly until I see him nod and say yes. Then a smile spread on my face and I happily dragged held Lay's hand back to his room to sleep for a little longer.

Chanyeol's POV

I woke up when I felt the presence of Baekhyun suddenly disappear. When my eyes opened, everything was blurry for a moment before everything cleared up. I quietly walked towards the area where I heard voices and saw the scene of Baekhyun hugging Lay with a crestfallen expression. I felt both heartbroken at how Baekhyun looked at that moment and a little jealous that Baekhyun was hugging someone that was not me. But when I saw Lay's expression and remembered everything that happened yesterday, I calmed myself down and felt a little ashamed of the way I thought. I continued to watch the two of them intereact with one another without making the slightest noise. When I saw the moment that they were returning back to the room, I hurriedly tried to return to my previous position on the floor, but of course, I just had to trip over my own feet. I cursed under my breath because they were getting closer to where I was at and definitely heard the racket that I had made.

"Hey Baekkie..." I bashfully said. His eyes were wide open and so were Lay's. Baekhyun raised his eyebrows at me but helped me up nonetheless. Lay was shocked at first but then looked more amused than mad at the fact that I was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Why are you awake right now? And what did you hear?" Baekhyun suspiciously asked me.

"Your presence suddenly disappeared so I woke up," I simply stated. Baekhyun turned red all the way up to his ears. I was a little confused because it has been some time since we have been dating. Yet, although we have done more, Baekhyun still blushed (albeit beautifully) at the simplest things... I wonder why? Oh well, not time to think too much. Lay was off to the side, smiling at the two of us and seemed to be holding back from expressing something. 

"So... are we going to sleep a little more before going to school, not sleep and just go to school, or skipping school?" Lay questioned Baekhyun and I. Is that a hint of teasing that I just heard? Nah. It's Lay we're talking about. He's the sweetest thing alive (aside from Baekhyun of course—I'm excluded from this) and he wouldn't do anything like that. He isn't like the other nine who have the worst habits of pranking, joking, or teasing people.

Lay's POV

I simply smile at the interaction between the two of them. I wanted to coo at them for being so cute together, but I held it back to avoid them being uncomfortable and Baekhyun possibly getting mad at Chanyeol for making him embarassed. I asked them the question of what exactly we were going to do since there was silence for quite a while. These words seemed to have woken Baekhyun from his thoughts.

"Let's ask the others if they are planning to go to school today before we decide whether we'll skip school today or not," Baekhyun answered back after some thought. We entered the room with the intention to wake everyone only to find.......


I know this is late and once again sorry! I love reading any comments you have and remember to suscribe and upvote if you haven't yet. I feel like this fanfic is a lot longer than I expected it to be... I don't know if I should be happy or sad about this fact. Oh well. That's that. So what do you think this group of three saw when they entered the room? Not too exciting but hey, it's another chapter lol ;) and there should be some amusing things happening next chapter. Do you guys think that they will go to school or skip? I'm actually not sure which to choose so please vote on which option they should choose! I'll go and create another chapter based on the route you guys choose... I was pretty suprised when some people actually guessed right in the poll. All I can say is that you guys are awesome! Remember...comment, comment, and comment! I love reading them.





I almost forgot. The dance competition should be happening in about three to five chapters!

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Chapter 25: I still love reading this story it's been a while since I last read it I reread the whole thing. ?
Chapter 23: this story is amazing
Chapter 20: God! I want to have house like this~ heee
And keep up the good work authornim.. heee
Chapter 19: This story is awesome im so suspicious of who was the one who hugged lay and its good if you can add pictures of their outfits & settings/scenes etc ♡♡♡getting excited for ur next chapter fighting! ☆☆☆
Chapter 18: Oh luhan. Hahaha. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 17: R u going to continue updating? Coz I cant wait 4 your nrct update
Chapter 15: Awwwww too cute these two. Fighting for the next chapter
DjTinkDome #8
Chapter 15: Awe!!!! I think u should make him wait a little bit longer. It would be so cute to read about Suho wig out a little bit not knowing the answer. Great update.
Chapter 15: Awww cuteeee
Chapter 14: Great chapter! Love it!!!