Beginning of New Troubles... Or Not?

New Start

Sorry! Extremely short chapter and my next update won't be until after at least two weeks from now. School is taking up most of my time with midterms coming up. I rated this mature for some foul language.


Nobody POV

"Don't you dare try to talk back to me you ." the queenka said to Luhan in the meanest voice she could muster. Luhan didn't even flinch. He merely scoffed at what she said.

"At least I don't act like or am a like you." Luhan sneered. Sehun got up and walked over to help Luhan get the queeka off his back. 

"Oh shut the up Krystal and Amber. If you don't want to be kicked out of this school, then off s." Sehun said expressionlessly but anger clearly evident in his voice. Krystal and Amber shuddered when they heard the anger in Sehun's voice.


The queenka, whose name was apparently Krystal (perfect name for her), was as stiff as a statue. Even I found the way Sehun was acting frightening. I turned towards Luhan.

"Luhan, get him to go sit back down and I'm used to this so don't worry. Leave her to me and take Sehun away before it gets worse." I whispered to Luhan and shooed them away. I stood in front of the now frozen Krystal and continued moving towards the trash area after shoving Krystal and her gang a little bit. I knew that by doing that, their menace would only be directed at me and not towards Luhan. 


"Move out of my way ." said the school's most popular girl. I looked away and continued in the direction I was  heading to before she said anything else. *Look, it's HIM. The gay bastard in our school. He prefers over s.  Ewwwwww. So disgusting.* whispered the other students around me. I ignored them and kept my head down since I've heard worse things than this. The cause of this is the guy I thought of as my boyfriend ex-boyfriend. This guy was in the popular group of guys in the school so I was curious as to why he would like me and ask me out. I said yes since I was gay and he recorded to whole thing. At the end of the recording (which was after I said yes), he laughed out loud into the recorder he was hiding.

"The rumors of Zhang Yixing being gay is true! This is sooooo disgusting! Guys come out of your hiding place to hear and see this!" he said while laughting. The next day, he played it all over the school and the speakers and school turned into hell. Day after day, I would get ganged up on and get hit repeatedly avoiding any visible body parts so they wouldn't get in trouble. My locker was scribbled on, I was constantly laughed at, made fun of, and threatened. Days passed like years and what felt like a lifetime to me, but turned out to have only been a year had passed since my only friends' departure. One day, I was beaten so bad that I had to stay home and miss dance practice for the second time in my life. My body was weak and limp and 'my face was so pale that I looked like a lifeless ghost' my sister told me when I was about to leave the house for dance practice. 

"You're staying home and rest today. Go take a shower and then go back to your room and lay down to get some more sleep." my mother ordered me as soon as she heard my sister say to me and saw how I looked. I took my much needed shower. Once I got into the batheroom, I undressed slowly trying to prevent touching any of the aching areas and got into the clear glass doored shower. My mind drifted away while washing myself to ignore the pain. A light knock was heard from the door.

"Lay, I'm coming in with the towels. I forgot to put them back earlier since the maids and butlers got their day off toda-" as my mom comes in and looks up through the glass shower doors to see my completely bruised body with cuts. Her shocked expression when she saw me reminded me of what condition my body was in. I snapped to attention and I froze in postion. She dropped the towels and widened in shock. I curled into the corner of the shower and hid myself without much care to how much it hurt to be in that postion in shame and fear. She ran out of the bathroom and probably downstairs to tell everyone else how ugly my body looks and how shameful it was. The next few minutes of silence which felt like hours made me start tearing up. My mother came up with the rest of my family members and I didn't dare look at their faces in fear of what expression I might see. The shower doors were slammed open and I shivered when I suddenly felt the cold air. Then the water stopped running and I was forced to stand up. I still had my eyes squeezed shut thinking that they were going to throw me out of the house. Tears were rolling out of my eyes non-stop. Then I felt something soft wrapped around my body and someone hug me. I made myself open my eyes to see what was going on. Instead of shame, anger, or disgust showing on their faces, I saw my mother and sister with tear streaked faces filled with concern and my father and brother with anger filling every centimeter of their face but I somehow knew this was not directed at me. 

"Y-you're not going to being ashamed and throw m-me out?" I asked confused. Shock expressions replaced some of the concern on their faces.

"Throw you out? Why would we do that?" my father asked me, voice laced with concern, curiosity, and shock.

"I'm in this condition because I'm gay and the whole school found out.You must know now that you have seen the condition of my body..." I said shakily.

"It's fine sweetheart. We already knew that a long time ago even if you didn't tell us. We are your family and we wanted to wait until you were comfortable telling us yourself. It would be weird if we didn't notice your uality after so long of you not having even a little bit of interest in girls. No matter what, you're our unicorn Lay." my mom told me comfortingly. I looked up at them with shock written all over my face to see all of them grinning from ear to ear. 

"We should get the family doctor to help heal our unicorn and once you're fully recovered, we have some big news to tell you." my sister announced as she got up from my bed and went to call the doctor. I recovered quickly after two weeks of rest, medications, and nutritious meals. When I was fully recovered, they told me that we were moving to Korea and they had already taken care of everything. Our house was mostly emptied out and they left for Korea a week before I did. I had to finish my dance lessons with my instructor and finish competing in the competition.

**End of Flashback**

I turned my head slightly to see their reactions and I was satisfied. Now I knew for sure that they wouldn't target Luhan for sticking up for me. I continued on with the rest of my schedule, and with Tao's help, I got to my class without any problems or being late. I waited for the day to end to go home, change, and then visit my family. As soon as I reached the driveway of the house, everyone rushed out to hug me and see if anything happened to me.

"Dad, I met with my old best friends in China today. Why are they at my school?" I asked in a serious and curious tone.

"I told you before that they were going to your school. Did you forget again?" Dad retorted back.

"Oh, oops. I guess it slipped my mind. Sorry." I replied sheepishly.

"Um, I know I agreed for you to live away from us, but I really want you to move back in with us. I'm too worried about leaving you alone. Plus, you know we all support you and am not against homouality." my mom told me hesitantly and worriedly. 

"I'll be fine mom. I need to start being more responsible and indpendent. That was the main reason I moved out in the first place. I promise to bring the guy to meet you first thing if I ever do get a boyfriend okay?" I told her reassuringly. The visit ended and I went home to eat, do homework, then relax and rest for the rest of the day. I woke up the next moring to get ready for school and then I remembered what happened at school the other day. The hellish school days are back again. The next couple hours of hell are probably going to make the day be longer and more tiring than it normally is. 

What do you think will happen next? As you can see I'm slowly proceeding with my story... What do you thing of it so far? Any comments will be greatly appreciated! I love reading any opinions given on my story!

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Chapter 25: I still love reading this story it's been a while since I last read it I reread the whole thing. ?
Chapter 23: this story is amazing
Chapter 20: God! I want to have house like this~ heee
And keep up the good work authornim.. heee
Chapter 19: This story is awesome im so suspicious of who was the one who hugged lay and its good if you can add pictures of their outfits & settings/scenes etc ♡♡♡getting excited for ur next chapter fighting! ☆☆☆
Chapter 18: Oh luhan. Hahaha. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 17: R u going to continue updating? Coz I cant wait 4 your nrct update
Chapter 15: Awwwww too cute these two. Fighting for the next chapter
DjTinkDome #8
Chapter 15: Awe!!!! I think u should make him wait a little bit longer. It would be so cute to read about Suho wig out a little bit not knowing the answer. Great update.
Chapter 15: Awww cuteeee
Chapter 14: Great chapter! Love it!!!