A Crazy Night, Part 3

Crazy Stupid Love
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun wanted to kill himself, he so wanted to kill himself for the moment. He just want to kiss Chanyeol and thank him for saving him from the worst ert Baekhyun ever met in his entire life. If Chanyeol hadn't come, Baekhyun would be and crying for sure.

Baekhyun wants to go home, he wants to get out from here and get away from that ing ert right away. But will the others do as he say if he ask them? Or should he wait for them to ask him? Or should he just sit here and die a little more?


“Baekie, do you wanna go home?”


Baekhyun nodded and looked up at Chanyeol who smiled calmly, he wants to go home like right away. Chanyeol nodded a little understanding and looked up at the others with his normal cute, y and handsome smile.


“I'm going to take him home, you guys can stay if you want too.”
“Are you sure that you don't need us anymore?”
“Not right now, but thanks for helping me looking after Baekie. Right Baekie?”


Baekhyun nodded and wiped out the last tears with the back off his hand, the others smiled and Kai even laid a hand on Baekhyun's head with a kind and calm smile.


“You will be alright?”
“Good, because we don't want you to hate us. Next time we all go out, we go to my cousins place or just to the cinema, okay?”


Baekhyun nodded and Chanyeol helped him up before Luhan and Lay gave Baekhyun one last hug. Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's hand and walked out among the people again to get to the exit, Baekhyun felt more tensed now when he knew that the ert Brad was walking around here somewhere.

Baekhyun wasn't so lucky today, because when he and Chanyeol had managed to get out and begun to walk towards home, Brad appeared again. Baekhyun seriously begun to get tired off that disgusting ert who wouldn't stop to follow him around.

Baekhyun just saw him step out from his car and smiled evil at their direction, Chanyeol's grip of Baekhyun's hand tighten fast. Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol and his furious expression, he didn't like that man either, Baekhyun could tell that.


“Isn't it Baekhyun-ah? We didn't get finish what we started, do you wanna come with me again?”
“Leave him alone your ert, go and find someone else.”
“Shut up giant, just because you're tall doesn't it mean that you're the strongest.”
“Chanyeol just let him be, seriously don't make it worse.”


Baekhyun's worried and scared voice reached Chanyeol's senses and he just nodded and decided to ignore the man. But was this the end off it all? No, because Brad Smith likes Baekhyun, and he always get what he wants, even if it means he must use force.

He walked out on the street and stopped both Chanyeol and Baekhyun by standing in the way for them both. Baekhyun felt the panic take over him, Brad knows Hapkido and is much better than Baekhyun, but Baekhyun's brother Baekbeom can beat this guy, it's because Baekbeom is Baekhyun's hapkido teacher.

Chanyeol sighed and let go off Baekhyun's hand, was he seriously going to fight Brad on his own? Or what is he thinking?! He can't beat Brad!


“What do you want?”
“I want him, Baekhyun.”
“You can't get him, that's it. Go home and leave him alone.”
“You don't understand, I always get what I want.”
“Well, not this time.”
“Are you up for a fight uh?”
“No, I was ready to tackle you down so Baekhyun could run home while I'm holding you here.”
“It sounds like you wanna fight, just because I'm in a good mood today, I will grant your wish.”
“Bring it on then!”
“Chanyeol wait! You don't understand, he isn't just an...!”


It was to late, Brad had already grabbed Chanyeol and pushed him down on the ground, he was to fast for Chanyeol. Baekhyun panicked, what should he do now?!


“Get off him Brad! Leave him alone!”
“Not until you come with me.”
“Leave him alone!”


Baekhyun panicked, he would collapse and cry at any second, when he heard another deep voice behind him. He turned around to see Kris and the others stand there with anger in their eyes, Baekhyun just backed off and let them take over this.


“You ing hurt my friend? Well we will ing hurt you!”


Kris and Kai grabbed Brad and dragged him away from Chanyeol who whined in pain before he got up and stared over at Brad who just got a punch right in the face by Chen who were more than furious. Kris and Kai threw Brad into a container before they walked over to Baekhyun and Chanyeol who got help up by Lay and Luhan.


“We noticed that Brad were gone, we got worried and came to check on you.”
“We were lucky that we heard the waitresses talk with each others about him.”
“Thanks guys, seriously thanks.”


Baekhyun felt the panic leave him, he could finally relax a little again. Chanyeol were okay, Brad had just pushed him down on the ground and held him there, his plan were to get Baekhyun to come with him, but it didn't work because of Kris and the others.

Baekhyun suddenly felt guilty, he just gt the others into trouble right now. He never thought that the night would end like this, especially now when Chanyeol laid his arm around his waist and smiled still happy at him. 'How can he still smile when he nearly got beat up?'


“Are you okay Baekie?”


Baekhyun wanted to cry so badly, his eyes got wet and he was pretty sure that the others saw this. Baekhyun nodded a little and tried his best to hold back the tears that tried to escape from his eyes. Chanyeol smiled happily again and grabbed Baekhyun's hand without hesitate, but the happy moment were destroyed by Brad who finally had managed to get out from that container, furious.


“You wanna put up a fight uh?! You all gonna pay!”
“For gods sake stop with that, you sound like a baby.”
“Yeah, grow up will you?”
“And get a life.”
“Lets go guys, leave the trash alone.”


Chanyeol dragged Baekhyun with him, Baekhyun were to shocked for the moment. No one have ever dared to say anything like this to Brad, it's crazy, stupid and just crazy! But Baekhyun have noticed that Chanyeol isn't normal, he is crazy and stupid, but he's also lovely.


Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol walked with Baekhyun beside him, he didn't want to let go off his hand yet, but it hit him, should he really leave Baekhyun alone now after all this? It would be really mean, after all it was his fault that he lost Baekhyun from the beginning. If he just had been a little more observant all this wouldn't had happen, and if he had just listen to Baekhyun the night may had ended a little better.


“Chanyeol, we going home, so we see you around.”

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P.S! Please check out my blog for an important post! It's pretty obvious which on it is, but please read it! It's about Baekyeol! I can say that much! Peace


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Chapter 29: Aww this was nice~ I got really intrigued by the description of this story and it was really fun. I liked the ending too ><
Chapter 29: Awww finally
Chapter 27: What the helll?!?!
Chapter 25: I shall flip if yeol's parents were the ones who tried to kill baek
Chapter 24: I wanna punch that Krystal bitxh
Chapter 23: Omg omg omg... They finally did it
Chapter 17: Yasss
Chapter 15: Uggghh such a bitxh
Chapter 13: Two idiots = ChanBaek