Chapter - 5

One-sided love afterall [ Discontinued ]

When Jun Hyung got home, his dorm mates were still awake watching TV.

"Yah! Where did you go? I got home before you!" Ki Kwang scolded.

"I went for a drive with Chaerin after sending Hara home. I was asking her why she was moody, that's all. But she didn't bother to answer them," Jun Hyung sighed.

"Yah! When are yuo gonna confess?" Doo Joon, the eldest of the dorm asked.

"I don't know,I don't even think she likes me more than a brother.." Jun Hyung trailed off, walking towards the couch and sat beside Doo Joon.

"You better confess before someone else does and make her their girlfriend. Chaerin is as precious as gold. She's every guys' dream!" Hyun Seung warned.

Jun Hyung shrugged. Ki Kwang went to sit on the floor with Dong Woon and Yoseob.

"You should confess. She needs someone by her side," Ki Kwang said eyes glued on the TV.

All of his friends looked at him in disbelief. Ki Kwang shrugged.

"How did you even know that?" Yoseob asked full of curiosity,

"The way she acts, the look in her eyes," Ki Kwang said.

"Hyung, isn't it weird that you observe her?" Dong Woon asked.

"Why? I am just looking out for her. She's fragile," Ki Kwang said.

"Yeah right! She's fragile!" Jun Hyung scoffed.

"Think whatever you like.." Ki Kwang said mockingly.

Ki Kwang knew Chaerin better than Jun Hyung. Even though Jun Hyung hates to admit it, it's true! Ki Kwang stood up and went to his room. Jun HYung did the same. They shared the same room.

"You like her?" Jun Hyung asked sitting on his bed while Ki Kwang sat at the study table.

" No, I am just looking after her like we do to Nicole and Hara," Ki Kwang said defending himself.

Then, there was an awkward silence.

"Hate to admit it,but you seem to know her better than me. How do you think she's gonna react when I confess?" Jun Hyung aksed, breaking the silence.

"I don't know, probably happy?i don't know. But what 'bout Hara?"

"I want to confess tomorrow. I'll deal with Hara myself."

"So you're gonna make her you're girlfriend?"

"No, i'm just gonna confess. Nothing more. Not yet."

Ki Kwang sighed and off the lights and goodnight to Jun Hyung.

I hope she'll be happy, Ki Kwang thought.


Updated. What do you think?? You guys wanted a point of viem of Jun Hyung.. So, here you go. :D

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oppasgizibe #1
Chapter 27: Aww you didn't continue your story it was good
I voted up to you cuz I know how hard it is sometimes to get back into writing
When that happens to me, I write one-shots or I just write stories on Word
I dont like myungstal. WaiiiiiiTT^TT
Oooh ashipta T.T well i'll my imagination work then ;)
I will try to read your others fics ! Fighting !
Are you going to come back to it later on or just like completely putting it out.
shineexsmxfamily #6
update please and continue this fic please!!
XxTenshi_KwonxX #7
Updateeee please don't give up <3
Yeay... they're friends again ;) I really like CLKikwang <3
Up to chapter 15. I don't hate Jun Hyung but I really dislike him here either for Hara or for CL. I like CL & Kikwang more. But then good friend like him are always needed ;) And Hara... please have some self pride...
And...why must she leave the group? Isn't Nicole's her best friend? Urgh depressed! Nice story <3
I haven't finish reading yet. but since Junhyung didn't care bout Hara I think Hara should be with someone else...