Chapter - 3

One-sided love afterall [ Discontinued ]

On the way to the cafe, Chaerin just kept shut. She was trapped in her own mind thinking about her life. She looked at Jun Hyung and Hara who were playing with each other. She felt jealous and sad looking at the 'perfect picture' (as she called it). She walked slightly faster than them to avoid anymore sadness. 

When they arrived, Chaerin came in first pushing the door open. Followed by Jun Hyung and Hara. Chaerin spoted Jinwoon waving frantically for them to come to the table quickly.

"Why are you guys late?" Jinwoon asked annoyed.

Hara and Jun Hyung pointed to Chaerin. She let out a sigh.

"Sorry... I will keep track of time more often then." Chaerin said monotoned.

The group looked at her with confused looks as to why she was suddenly down. They decided not to ask as Chaerin would just deny it. It was then a silent atmosphere.

"Hey guys! Why don't we buy the ice-creams now." Jinwoon suggested brightening up the awkward atmosphere.

Everyone smiled except for Chaerin who just shrugged. She knew what was coming. No. Everyone knew.

"Scissors, Paper, Stone!" Jinwoon called out suddenly.

Nicole; Stone

Jinwoon; Scissors

Ki Kwang; stone

Hara; Stone

Jun Hyung; Scissors

Chaerin; Stone

"AHRG! How can this happen!??! I'm usually good!!" Jinwoon complained.

Jun Hyung gave an irritated look at Chaerin as she was smirking at him.

"Scissors, Paper, Stone!" Jinwoon shouted. A little too loud.

Jinwoon showed a scissors while Junhyung showed paper.

"WHAT!??! HOW CAN I LOSE TO YOU!! I ALWAYS WIN!" Jun Hyung exploded.

Everyone just laughed even Chaerin. She found Jun Hyung cute when he makes a big deal out of the little things.

"You're a loser Yong Jun Hyung! I want CHOCOLATE" Ki Kwang teased.

Jun Hyung was getting annoyed by the second with the teasing. 

"Cookies and Cream for me~" Chaerin said sweetly.

"Rocky Road," Jinwoon and Nicole said at the same time.

"Junnie~ What are you having??" Hara asked cutely.

"Cookies and cream or chocolate.. I don't know." He said

"Then, I'll have the same as you!" 

"So, it's 1 Chocolate, 1 Cookies and Cream, 2 Rocky Road and 2 Chocolate. But I need some help me carry the 2 trays," Jun Hyung said then smirked at Jinwoon.

"YAH! That's not fair!" Jinwoon argued.

Even Hara didn't want to carry it. Everyone was there looking at him nervously.

"You! Come!" Jun Hyung ordered pointing to Chaerin.

She sighed. Hara pouted at the thought that Jun Hyung didn't pick her. Chaerin got up lazily without whining. It's weird because she always whines when she was picked. Everyone was worried. Jun Hyung and Chaerin walked to the counter. After Jun Hyung ordered, he looked at Chaerin who was looking out through the transparent door.

"Chaerin-ah, what's wrong with you? You're different from your forever smiling Chaerin," Jun Hyung asked worried.

Chaerin smiled. Then shook her head,

"Nothing. I'm just a little tired." Chaerin denied.

Actually, she WAS sad. She was wondering how come she wasn't as straight forward as Hara. Why couldn't she just confess? Why was the path of her love life getting darker? But, Jun Hyung accepted that she was just tired.

"Here's your order," The man said.


Hey, I don't really know ehere i'm going with this story. Sorry. I'll figure it out somehow. Or you guys can give me suggestion!! :DD

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oppasgizibe #1
Chapter 27: Aww you didn't continue your story it was good
I voted up to you cuz I know how hard it is sometimes to get back into writing
When that happens to me, I write one-shots or I just write stories on Word
I dont like myungstal. WaiiiiiiTT^TT
Oooh ashipta T.T well i'll my imagination work then ;)
I will try to read your others fics ! Fighting !
Are you going to come back to it later on or just like completely putting it out.
shineexsmxfamily #6
update please and continue this fic please!!
XxTenshi_KwonxX #7
Updateeee please don't give up <3
Yeay... they're friends again ;) I really like CLKikwang <3
Up to chapter 15. I don't hate Jun Hyung but I really dislike him here either for Hara or for CL. I like CL & Kikwang more. But then good friend like him are always needed ;) And Hara... please have some self pride...
And...why must she leave the group? Isn't Nicole's her best friend? Urgh depressed! Nice story <3
I haven't finish reading yet. but since Junhyung didn't care bout Hara I think Hara should be with someone else...