Chapter - 21

One-sided love afterall [ Discontinued ]


The next day, Changsun decided to send Chaerin to school. When they safely reached school, Changsun went inside. They were giggling and telling each other lame jokes. “So, I was like unless you’re the earth, the world does not revolves around you.” And they laughed hard.

When they reached her locker , Myungsoo was waiting for her. He was smiling until he say some guy with her giggling and laughing away. He frowned. Chaerin didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend, Myungsoo thought. As they approached him, he saw Changsun pulling her into a hug and she kissed his cheek. With that, they went separate ways.

Chaerin went to her locker and saw Myungsoo and flashed him a smile. Myungsoo just stared at her and frowned. Chaerin saw this and frowned too. Myungsoo looked at her one last time and left. Chaerin was shock. She quickly took her things from the locker and went to Myungsoo’s  direction which was heading towards the first class.

She sat down in her chair and beside her was a sleeping Ki Kwang . She turned around to face Myungsoo. “Yah, what’s wrong?” Chaerin asked worriedly. But to her dismay, Myungsoo ignored her and just stared outside the window. Chaerin frowned even more and nudge Ki Kwang continuously.

“UGH! What?” Ki Kwang groaned. Chaerin pouted. “Wh-what’s wrong?” Ki Kwang asked worriedly.

Chaerin pointed to Myungsoo and said, “He’s ignoring me. I think he’s pissed and me.” Chaerin couldn’t help but feel sad. She doesn’t want to lose another friend. “I’ll talk to him later.” Ki Kwang assured. 


Hey guys, just a quick update. I'm DEAD sorry. Seriously. I wanted to write longer but I felt like you guys have been waiting for so long. SO SO SO SORRY. :(




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oppasgizibe #1
Chapter 27: Aww you didn't continue your story it was good
I voted up to you cuz I know how hard it is sometimes to get back into writing
When that happens to me, I write one-shots or I just write stories on Word
I dont like myungstal. WaiiiiiiTT^TT
Oooh ashipta T.T well i'll my imagination work then ;)
I will try to read your others fics ! Fighting !
Are you going to come back to it later on or just like completely putting it out.
shineexsmxfamily #6
update please and continue this fic please!!
XxTenshi_KwonxX #7
Updateeee please don't give up <3
Yeay... they're friends again ;) I really like CLKikwang <3
Up to chapter 15. I don't hate Jun Hyung but I really dislike him here either for Hara or for CL. I like CL & Kikwang more. But then good friend like him are always needed ;) And Hara... please have some self pride...
And...why must she leave the group? Isn't Nicole's her best friend? Urgh depressed! Nice story <3
I haven't finish reading yet. but since Junhyung didn't care bout Hara I think Hara should be with someone else...