So Many Reasons #4

Bits and Pieces
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Reason Four:  You’re the Only One




            Even before Kyuhyun’s mother text him to say that the performance went off well and that Kyuhyun had done a beautiful job, pictures had already begun to leak onto the internet.  Ryeowook just happened to be on his laptop and just happened to notice the pictures of the performance when he just happened to be on one of Kyuhyun’s fansites.  And he was stuck staring at the same picture for so long at that point, he wasn’t sure anymore how much time had passed.  Was it a half hour?  Longer? 

            This wasn’t the first time that Kyuhyun had acted in a theatrical performance.  And it certainly wasn’t the first time that he’d kissed an actress on the stage.  He’d done it dozens of times at this point.  Ryeowook had even watched him do it live and it didn’t bother him before.  But somehow it seemed different this time.  Was Kyuhyun just more relaxed now?  His acting skills got better with time and even he had admitted that the actresses he’d been paired with for The Moon that Embraces the Sun were particularly easy to work with compared to his past costars. 

            This time around Kyuhyun no longer seemed scared to touch his supposed love interest.  Instead of barely brushing their lips, he firmly planted his against hers.  Instead of a stiff posture as he kissed them, he seemed laid-back, even playful with her.  Kyuhyun no longer acted like kissing his costar was the worst part of the performance.  He seemed like he actually enjoyed doing it.

            At least, if one was looking at pictures on the computer for an hour or so before their husband returned home, that’s what it might seem like.

            When Ryeowook heard the lock click, he exited out of the site he was on and tried to look completely normal as his husband walked in the door of their apartment, shivering, and smiled as he caught sight of his husband on the couch.

            “How did it go?” Ryeowook asked, setting his computer off to the side.

            Kyuhyun kicked off his shoes and took off his coat.  “Really well!”

            Ryeowook smiled genuinely, having worried since his husband was still acting like a basket case when he left the house earlier, despite all the sleep he had and they fact that they were no longer fighting about the other night.  “You’re mother text me and said that she loved it and that you did wonderful, but you know how mothers are.  I didn’t know if I should trust her word until I heard it from you.”

            Kyuhyun stopped at the drawer in the entry to slip on his wedding ring before joining Ryeowook in the living room and sat down next to him on the couch.  “What have you been up to all night?”

            “Just composing music on the computer,” Ryeowook lied.

            “You didn’t look at the pictures from the performance?”

            Ryeowook shook his head.

            “You’re not lying, are you?  Because I can track what sites you’ve been on, you know,” he said, reaching for the computer.

            Ryeowook quickly slammed his laptop shut, which would automatically lock his husband out of it, and Kyuhyun began laughing heartily.  He then wrapped his arm around Ryeowook and kissed his cheek.  “How did I look?”

            “You look really good in red and gold,” Ryeowook said, feeling his cheeks warm and mentally cursing his husband for knowing him so well. 

            “And how upset are you over the kissing scenes?  You’re not jealous, are you?”

            “Why should I be jealous?  I’m the one who’s married to you,” Ryeowook said, looking down at his lap.  “I just didn’t realize there were so many kissing scenes.”

            “There’s only two on the lips and one on the cheek,” Kyuhyun clarified.  “You’re making it sound like we make out on stage the whole time.”

            “Well…it’s more than once,” Ryeowook mumbled.  “I don’t know why there has to be so many.”

            “Considering I’m supposed to fall in love with her…”

            “Your character is supposed to fall in love with her,” Ryeowook corrected.

            Kyuhyun rolled his eyes but complied.  “Considering my character is supposed to fall in love with hers, that’s kind of a given.  People in love tend to kiss a lot.”

            “But back then they—”

            Kyuhyun moved forward and kissed Ryeowook quickly.

            Ryeowook paused for a moment and looked at him in confusion.  “What was that for?”

            “I’m in love with you, so I wanted to kiss you.  I just couldn’t hold back,” Kyuhyun said, smirking at his husband.

            Ryeowook smacked him in the chest.  “Stop it!  I was trying to say something serious, stupid.  Anyway, back when this would have taken place, it was probably considered improper to kiss as much as the two of you did before being married.”

            “Actually, it was probably just frowned upon to kiss in public and people still did it when they were alone all the time.  This sounds oddly familiar,” he teased, leaning in to kiss his husband again. 

            “Well, this whole plot is mostly a romance comedy anyway, isn’t it?” Ryeowook asked.

            Kyuhyun nodded.  “A musical historical romance comedy, I suppose, if you want to be specific, although it’s dramatic in some parts as well,” he insisted.

            “But the whole point is the happily ever after, so really, everyone is waiting for that ending,” Ryeowook only said.  “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that most of the posts are of you and her kissing.”

            “Are they?” Kyuhyun asked.  “Is that why you’re so upset?”

            “I’m not upset,” Ryeowook swore, looking away. 

            “I don’t bel

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niaso18 #1
Chapter 68: I wish you will update this 🥲
Chapter 23: Even though we know what actually happened now, this doesn't make this chapter any less depressing, and I am in desperate need of a mood lifter. Still good, though
Chapter 5: Knowing now how Kyuhyun is with his actual nephews and how he gushes over them, makes this chapter really funny in hindsight.
Hi! I know it's a bit late of a comment but I need you to know that I really, really enjoy your works! The way you write make it easy for me to picture kyuwook in my head, their characters staying even thru all different plots you have in your mind. Thank you for sharing such a fantastic stories with us readers. I'm glad I found your work. Take care!
Chapter 68: please update <3
mykyunie #6
Chapter 67: I just love it. Update please
Chapter 52: I love the way you made use of all the pics and gifs. It adds to the whole experience and makes it easier for a new kyuwook shipper like me to understand what you are referencing to for a certain fic. Sometimes I'm glad that I just got into the whole KyuWook thing because it means there are already a lot of completed fic during their time together when they were active with SJ. However, there are times when I wish I was already a fan back then when evertything were happening and not when they're already in hiatus for military dury :( I find it hard to search for old posts related to the story at present since some are no longer available T_T That's why I really appreciate it when you include their pics and gifs. TYVM!
Chapter 34: I just want to tell that the concept you used to write about Valentin's is very great and made me think a lot and deeply in life. So I just wanted to thank you and wish you all the best.
Chapter 41: Lmao it's sad to read when Ryeowook called Choco an accesory cause now shes dead
Oh my god I really hope you update this one doon. This is my all time favourite from you