( The final chapter )

Everyone Longs for True Love ( Seungho/ fictional character fanfic)

Please listen to this song, one last favor. 




Seungho's view


I always knew that you hated her. But I never knew you hated her to the extent that you would try to destroy her, even if it meant that you would destroy yourself in the process. You hated her so much that you would go through the trouble of slowly burning every love letter she ever wrote to me , thinking I wouldn't notice. You hated her so much you tried to make me fall in love with you so I wouldn't think of her putrid name. You hated her so much you tried to become just like her. You hated everything about her, but you adored her every move.

How did it get this far? How did things get so out of hand? All I wanted was all of us to have the happy ending we all deserved. Megan, I loved you. I loved you when you would smile at me when I sang you a song I wrote myself. I loved you when you ran into my arms, welcoming me home from a long day at work. I loved you when you would place soft kisses on my forehead before we went to sleep. I loved you when you weren't trying to be Kelly. I loved you when you had your guard down.



"Are you related to her?" 

"I'm her boyfriend." 

"Call her family, quickly."

"Why? What's wrong? Is she going to be okay?"


You're so innocent, like a lost lamb you fell into my arms. Maybe that was why I really loved you, you were so pure hearted. While others scratched and clawed their way to top of the food chain, you ascended in a graceful manner.

You were the definition of perfection to me.  Just the sound of your name would make a thousand angels rejoice. In the same way the sound of your name would make my frown disappear.  From the way your hair glowed to the way you dressed perfectly for every occasion. All eyes were on you, you're the answer to all men's secret desires. And for that I reason I could only wonder why you loved me of all men. 


"She lost three pints of blood and is still losing more." 

"What can I do to help?"

"Call her family."


Maybe I should have left that day when I woke up in your bed. Maybe I shouldn't have given you a chance. Maybe I shouldn't have let you into my life. But why did I? Was it because there was something in your eyes that said you were broken just like me? Was it because I had noticed you sitting by that dogwood tree when the wind was dancing around in your hair? Or was it because I had first loved you when my eyes met yours in church?

Megan, I loved you the way you were. I loved you. Loved. When I first woke up in your bed you spilled your heart out to me and all I could do was hold you in my arms and pick up the pieces of your fragile heart, that was you. When you weaved your fingers through my hair and said that you were truly blessed to have me, that was you. When you took ballroom dancing classes because you said you enjoyed it, that was Kelly. When you read a five thousand page book on how to fix a computer, that was Kelly. I wanted you. I wanted to be with Megan, but the more I lived with you the more I saw Kelly. That is was what drove me into her arms.


"She has never spoken to me about her family." 

"Then I'm sorry there is no possible way to help her."

"Why? What's wrong? If she needs something I will donate it to her. Please just help her, she is all I have left." 


I was just a broken man.  A man who looked perfect on the outside, but inside there were millions of shards of glass lining every cavity in my body. I was trapped in my own body, but you opened my heart. You showed me that people didn't only want to use me for money. They didn't want to use me for power, they didn't want to use me for my looks. Everyone in my life had used me, even you. You used me for my love. A love you didn't even know that existed. You used me for my perfect exterior, you wanted to test me, to see how far you could push me until I caved in. You did it, you broke me, you freed my tortured soul. You saved me from following the steps of my father. Marrying a woman I didn't love, marrying her for money and power. I wanted to marry you, because you completed me. You made me a complete man.


"She has a very uncommon blood type, I'm hoping one of her family members have the same type for transfusion."

"Don't you have any of her type of blood stored?"

"Another patient that came in from the same crash with her had the same blood type and used up our supply. There aren't many people in this area with AB negative blood." 

"Test me! See if I can help her." 

"I doubt that you could,but go down that hall."


When I met Kelly I was attracted to her natural appeal. The appeal you had, the way you carried yourself with grace, the way you didn't wear makeup and over load on accessories, that was what caught my eye. She wasn't like other girls that I've met before you. She knew that she was beautiful, but she didn't flaunt it. She was what you would call a well rounded girl. She was attractive, smart, caring, and unprejudiced, that was what kept me attracted to her. I fell hard for her, I really did, Megan. She was perfect, so perfect I was often left wondering, why did she chose me? I guess we are a like in that way. We both loved Kelly, we both knew she was perfect.

I kept it. I kept the last letter Kelly ever wrote to me in my safe box, because I knew you would try to burn it if you found out it was in there. I couldn't let you, it was the only trace of the real Kelly I had left. I missed her, the more I saw you trying so hard to be like her, I wanted to be with the real Kelly. I couldn't forget her ending words in the letter, “Come back for me,Seungho.” A part of me wanted to come back running into her arms, but my hand was still wrapped tightly around yours. I loved Kelly, but I loved you too Megan. I longed to be with her as much as I longed for the day I would finally see the real you again, Megan.


"You're a match, but you're only allowed to give a maximum of two pints." 

"Just take how much you need, I don't need it!"

"Sir, please calm down. We will find a solution, we will just use your blood and see what we can do from there." 

"She is dying, I don't have time for you to make a choice. Take my blood."

"Sir, I cannot do that. I cannot continue knowing I will kill you if I take more than two pints of blood."

"This is bull!"


Why did you chose me? Why didn't you choose that other guy in our Communications class? The one with dark brown hair and nice smile, he looked like a good guy. He looked like he could have given you a beautiful future. He looked like he wouldn't have cheated on you, he didn't look messed up. Why would a goddess choose a peasant to be her lover?

You feel like I betrayed you, don't you? You finally figured out that I was dating your best friend for four years.You're probably thinking, how did this all start? Has he been lying to me? No, Kelly. I never did. We were both tricked by Megan.

You see, she tricked you into thinking I was cheating on you with a man. She had tricked me into believing that she would help me get you back. She said she sent you letters, she called you, left you messages to ask what I had done to make you hate me. She never did any of that. Then she started suggesting we trick you into thinking we were dating so you would be so angry you would have to talk to us. She would tell me false information about how you're not mad anymore and now you had a new boyfriend. Of course, by that point, I had started falling for Megan, and I gave up on the idea of us. 

She's evil, I know, but I loved her. Maybe it is because we are both of the same kind. We both are tortured souls who need each other. We are two broken halves that fit each other perfectly. 


"So all you need is about four pints of blood?" 

"Maybe more." 


"Sir, I wouldn't do that. When she wakes up and finds that you're not here I think she will be very sad." 

"She doesn't want to see me anyway." 


You know Megan, I loved you before I ever loved Kelly. I only loved Kelly so deeply because her love was true. She is everything that you are, and maybe even more, but I loved you more because you weren't perfect. So when I fell in love with you for the second time, after you tricked me into believing Kelly had moved on, I tried to love you. The problem was that you tried to be Kelly, when all I wanted was you to be yourself. 

So maybe it was my fault that I drove you to the brink of destruction. Maybe it was the thought of losing me to Kelly that drove you straight into her car. Maybe that was why I never told you she was the other woman.

Oh , but you're evil, so evil that you would kill your own friend. So heartless that you would take away your lover's only source of happiness. Is this the person I've been in love with for the past four years? I'm not sure who you are anymore, I'm not sure if I even knew the real Megan to begin with, and that is a scary thought. I shared everything with you, I opened up my heart to you, and you haven't done the same for me. To be emotionally, completely and defenseless in front of you is the scariest thing.

So it was my fault, all of this was all my doing. You hated me so much, you wanted to kill what I loved most. She was innocent, I was the one you wanted to kill. So why didn't you? She was innocent from beginning to end, she never knew that her best friend was plotting against her. She never knew that the man she had waited for so long for was still secretly in love with her best friend. I was wrong for hurting you ,so I'll say sorry. I’m in love with Kelly, I’m not sorry, and I’m not wrong for doing so.


"You don't have to do this! We will find someone else who is compatible!" 

"Just tell her I loved her." 


 I wish that all of this never happened. I planned on tell you today when you got home about everything. I planned on asking you to marry me tonight not because yesterday your doctor called and told me your test came out positive. It is because things between us had finally settled down, Megan is happy with someone else, now I can finally make you my wife. Four hours ago I was sitting at the computer in our living room looking up baby names and polishing the ring I got for you. I was so overjoyed that I would get to be a father, and I had the pleasure of having you be my wife and mother to my beautiful child. Our dead, unborn, beautiful child..

I'm sorry Kelly. I'm sorry that you were stuck in the middle of this messed up , unknown love triangle.  I'm sorry, I wish I could make up for all the pain I've caused you. I shouldn't have left Boston. I shouldn't have trusted her. I shouldn't have ever fallen in love with you..


I got into my black Cadillac, my first car. The first car I bought with my own money. The car that has been with me for the past four years. I didn't bother seat belting, seat belts are for people who want to live. Hahaha. Mom use to say I would die from not putting on my seat belt. You're so right. Hahaha, so ironically right. 

I looked at the midnight sky that was sprinkled with stars, I loved the sight of the dark sky with the contrasting bright stars blanketed into the night sky. I'm sure you'll love it too when you're able to get out of the hospital. I rolled down the window and let the paralyzing wind slash at my face. I'll miss this feeling, the summer breeze flowing into the car as I hold your hand. Don't be sad, I give you permission to hold hands with another man and enjoy the summer breeze, just like you did with me. 

I rounded the corner, I had driven exactly around the block and my destination was coming closer. I slammed my foot down onto the gas pedal. Don't be sad, at least I got to test out how fast this Cadillac can go. Don't cry, I know you'll smear my hand written letter with your tears. Silly, don't cry for me, I was never worth it. Just be happy I thought of you, I thought you would appreciate this letter more if it wasn't smeared with my blood. I'm writing this on a clipboard sitting outside of your emergency room, as I think of quick ways to kill myself.

So I guess this would be the end? I'll see you later, hopefully when you're old and have done everything you've wanted. I wish I could have walked down the aisle with you before I did this..

Love always,  Forget,



In your veins, flowing through you is my blood. Cherish it, Megan. 

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Hello :) I'd like to inform you that your story has been nominated for Best Romance at World of Literature 2014 Fanfiction Awards. You may find us here: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/748372/
Have a wonderful day! Karma~
Chapter 20: Hey buddy! I had to come over and see how you ended the story. XD

And might I say you did a wonderful job? :D
Chapter 20: what in the...? Despite everything she did to him? and and and whaaat??
please tell me he's not really dead TT______TT
Chapter 19: I'm even more confused now TT__TT.... I don't understand ;A;
Chapter 17: okay, I'm confused. Seriously. At first I was like, Seungho, cheater? (girlfriend stealer maybe LOL but cheater?) and then BAM... WHAT ... don't toy with my emotions I demand an explanation! my brain's turned to mush TT__TT
Woo-Young-Lover #6
I Love it .. its so interesting