Halloween Costumes!

Picture Perfect

"They're just going to wear it for one time. We don't need to buy them a costume, okay? Let's just have Yixing sew them each one like what he's doing with-"

"How about I just sew up your mouth?"

Kris and Kyungsoo has been bickering all week long about buying and or just sewing costumes for the kids. Halloween isn't really Kris's thing and he just wants his boys to sit at home and relax with some cute cartoon Halloween films. But Kyungsoo insists that the boys should go trick-or-treating as the boys always had to wait until Jongin and Sehun were of age and liable to go. Tao's been talking about being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle since September bloomed and Kyungsoo wants his boys to have fun.

"Fine, I'm not paying for it though," Kris snaps angrily as he thinks that costumes are just a waste of money.

Kyungsoo scowls at his husband and whacks the giant's head with a toy sword, "who says that only you provide for the family?"

The two crosses arms and faces away from each other as their kids busied themselves with looking at awesome costumes.

"Appa, appa! Can I try this one on?" Sehun carries a dragon like costume wear up to his Appa Kyungsoo. Nodding his head with an assuring smile, Kyungsoo makes Kris watch the cart and their other two boys as Sehun tries on the costume he picked.

"I want to be a ballerina," Jongin tells Tao who is busying awing at Ninja Turtle costumes.

"A ballerina? That's for girls!" Tao remarks and laughs at his little brother.

Kris sees the saddening look on Jongin's face who puts the hot pink tutu back in its place. Like Kyungsoo had told him weeks ago, "Halloween will be fun if you just join with us and make the boys happy. If you don't pretend to be who you want to be for that specific day, do you think the boys would ever just want to dress up for fun as well? Think about, okay?"

Tao picks out a Power Ranger and Ninja Turtle costume and tells Kris that he's going to try it on. Kris points out to his son where Kyungsoo is and the boy rushes over quickly. Looking back at the gloomy Jongin, Kris knelt down before his son and gave out a warm smile, "do you not like anything?"

Jongin lowers his head to look at his feet and shrugged. "Appa Kyungsoo said we can be anything we want on Halloween, but if I'm going to be a girl... I would be teased for."

The little boy then stepped away from the costumes and stood next to the cart as he played with the metal bars. Kris gloomily sighs but tells Jongin that he can pick out another costume instead. The young one shakes his head saying that he doesn't want to be anything for Halloween and simply smiles so that Kris wouldn't feel so bad. Kyungsoo returns with his two sons and Tao made up his mind by wanting to be a Ninja Turtle and Sehun saying that he wants to be a dinosaur (dragon) with showing his costume off to his Baba Kris.

After settling down at home from the long day shopping, Kris still sees Jongin moping around and about. Kyungsoo couldn't get Jongin to spill out anything, so he gave up and had Kris tried to cheer up the boy. 

"Jongin-ah, don't be so sad over a costume, okay? Your Appa Soosoo is getting worried," Kris wasn't always the best at comforting his kids but he still tries.

Jongin slowly spreads his lips to a tiny smile and replies, "I just thought it'd be fun being someone who I wasn't for a day, that's all. Sorry if I made Appa Soosoo sad, Baba Fan."

Hearing this from his son, Kris then pulled his little boy in for a hug, "how we go back to the shop tomorrow after the daycare and get it for you?"

Young Jongin lits his head up with excitement as Kris chuckles at his son's expression.

"Thanks baba! You're the best!"

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Jasgotlucky #1
Chapter 23: Such sweet stories about the Wu-Do family!
Chapter 23: This warms my heart. I want to cuddle with this story or little sehun i can't decide
Chapter 23: I love you boys, such a little kids yet thinking so well. I'm so proud of Kris and Kyungsoo in this story. They raise them well.
shinoside #4
Chapter 23: Aww sehunnie, your parents are the best. Mother is just a title. The woman can give birth to you but they are not necessarily will be a good mother.
akared #5
Chapter 23: gosh, I nearly forgot about my mama..
really, thanks for this update!
I'm gonna wish my mama soon!
Chapter 23: Awww Sehunnie darling don't mind those ugly kids...you're lucky to have two daddies that love you and your brothers more than anything...and of course they love each other too much...give me the addresses of all those spoiled brats that told you that having two dads was disgusting , I'm gonna teach them a lesson that they won't be able to forget..or you know what I'm going to wait for them outside of your school...nobody makes my Kyungie and Sehunnie cry without paying the price for their tears (oh god I'm insane)
akared #7
Chapter 2: the naughty husband....hoho...
akared #8
Chapter 1: good kids!
shinoside #9
Chapter 22: I just came across this and I'm enjoying this a lot!!