When I Grow Up

Picture Perfect

Preparing for bed as each animal pajama character was being worn, Jongin climbs up on his top bunk, whilst Sehun sleeps on the bottom bunk, and Tao gets a tiny bed all for himself. Kyungsoo takes out a book off the shelf from his boys' bookshelf, and starts reading them a bedtime story. Usually within seconds, the boys would fall asleep after asking so much questions. However, the three boys were growing up and not feeling tired anymore.

"Appa Soosoo, if that puppy can grow up to be a big strong dog. When I grow up, I want to be a strong kung fu fighter," Tao speaks from his bed, causing his father to laugh half heartedly.

"Oh, Appa Soosoo! Today at daycare, I learned that I can be anything when I grow up. One girl beside me wanted to become an ice skater. Can I be a ballerina?" Jongin asks quickly too, having Kyungsoo full of smiles hearing his young boys' dreams.

"What about you, Sehun? Do you want to be anything when you grow up?" He decides on asking his youngest.

Sehun thinks for a bit and then shakes his head, "I just want to color."

Kyungsoo laughs at his bright son's words and kisses his boys goodnight. Shutting the bedroom light off and turning on scaredy cat Taozi's night light, Kyungsoo made sure his sons were sound asleep.

Crawling in bed next to his husband, Kyungsoo kisses Kris' cheek. Kris turns to look at the attention he's receiving and smiles.

"ZiTao wants to become a kung fu fighter and Jongin wants to take ballet. As for Sehun, he rather just colors," Kyungsoo starts off the conversation about their sons' dreams.

Kris chuckles at his silly sons and pulls Kyungsoo up close to him for another breath taking kiss. "Then tomorrow after Tao gets off school, we'll enroll him to a martial arts school. As for Jongin, we'll wait until he's five. I think I like Sehun staying home with me and just coloring."

The husbands laughed at each other and cuddled in bed together.

"What did you want to be when you grow up, Kris?"

"I became who I am today. A father to my wonderful kids and a great husband to you."

"You cheesy old man."

"I'm not old yet!"

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Jasgotlucky #1
Chapter 23: Such sweet stories about the Wu-Do family!
Chapter 23: This warms my heart. I want to cuddle with this story or little sehun i can't decide
Chapter 23: I love you boys, such a little kids yet thinking so well. I'm so proud of Kris and Kyungsoo in this story. They raise them well.
shinoside #4
Chapter 23: Aww sehunnie, your parents are the best. Mother is just a title. The woman can give birth to you but they are not necessarily will be a good mother.
akared #5
Chapter 23: gosh, I nearly forgot about my mama..
really, thanks for this update!
I'm gonna wish my mama soon!
Chapter 23: Awww Sehunnie darling don't mind those ugly kids...you're lucky to have two daddies that love you and your brothers more than anything...and of course they love each other too much...give me the addresses of all those spoiled brats that told you that having two dads was disgusting , I'm gonna teach them a lesson that they won't be able to forget..or you know what I'm going to wait for them outside of your school...nobody makes my Kyungie and Sehunnie cry without paying the price for their tears (oh god I'm insane)
akared #7
Chapter 2: the naughty husband....hoho...
akared #8
Chapter 1: good kids!
shinoside #9
Chapter 22: I just came across this and I'm enjoying this a lot!!