Little Big Brother

Picture Perfect

"Kyungsoo-yah," Yixing greets his friend happily as he opens the door for him and second grader Sehun, who came to visit.

"Hi. How are you?" Kyungsoo questions while giving him a hug.

"I'm great, but not really too."

"Oh? Why so?"

"Ever since Baekhyun, Jongdae, and Chanyeol started the fifth grade, Baekhyun's been getting into fights. Joonmyeon is in the boys' room cleaning off Baekhyun's injuries," Yixing replies softly.

"Uncle Soosoo!" Jongdae and Chanyeol exclaims together as they run forth to give him a hug. 

"Uwahh, Sehunnie is here too," Chanyeol giggly pulls the youngster in for a tight hug.

"Channie hyung... Can't breathe..." Sehun speaks with less amount of air.

"Sorry," Chanyeol chuckles and releases the boy after hugging him.

Jongdae rolls his eyes at his silly brother and then pulls Sehun out to the backyard to play. Yixing warns the boys to play carefully with Sehun because he's still a baby, but Sehun argues back saying he's a man. Kyungsoo shrugs and tells Yixing that it's all Kris's babysitting. 

"Speaking of Yi Fan, where is he? Usually he's the one sticking around with Sehun, not you," Yixing says as the two adults makes way to find Joonmyeon and Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo slightly exhales and then answers, "ever since Kris had his promotion last year, he barely had any time to come home early for the same routines, so we decided to switch shifts."

"Ahh," Yixing nods his head.

"Now are you going to fight against the boys again?" Both Yixing and Kyungsoo can hear Joonmyeon questioning little Baekhyun.

"But papa, you didn't know what they were saying..." Baekhyun replies quietly with his head hung low.

"Honey, let them talk, okay? Don't mind what others say and just worry about yourself and your brothers. You're the oldest one here and I would love it if you be a great role model for the younger two," Joonmyeon responds quickly after.

Baekhyun gazes up at his father with angry watery eyes and quickly wipes his tears away with his hands, "I want Baba Xingxing! You don't understand me!"

Joonmyeon sighs with frustration when Baekhyun covers his eyes and starts to cry again. Kyungsoo then places a hand on his distress friend's shoulder while Yixing comes to talk with their son. 

Sitting in the backyard watching their kids play together, Joonmyeon silently hums as he starts to feel guilty about trying to comfort his eldest son. Kyungsoo notices that his friend isn't feeling the brightest ever since they left Yixing to comfort Baekhyun, so Kyungsoo decides on speaking up.

"Your boys are growing," Kyungsoo breaks the silent ice finally.

"Ah, yeh," Joonmyeon mumbles a short reply.

Kyungsoo lightly shakes Joonmyeon and then laughs when his friend looks at him confusedly. "I feel like Kris would explain things to you easier because he's mostly with the kids, but he's not here so I'll speak for him." Joonmyeon found this quite interesting and shifts his body towards Kyungsoo. 

"I know that it's getting harder for the boys as they're growing up. They'll be going through the hardships of bullying for having two fathers or possibly something else. But hey, you're very lucky to have Yixing to calm the kids down whenever they are stressing out. However, you would have to be understanding and open ears to listen to them as well. It will make the boys feel better and know that their father is by their side always."

"Appa Soosoo, I'm thirsty," Sehun says as he comes running towards his father.

"I'll grab the boys some water," Joonmyeon insists and then disappears inside the house.

Yixing appears inside the kitchen after his husband and snakes an arm around to hug him. Joonmyeon smiles, loving this feeling being given from his beloved.

"How is he?" Joonmyeon asks about his son.

"Baekhyun fell asleep. He's tired from the hardship he went through today, so I let him nap," Yixing replies.

Joonmyeon turns around to face his husband and plants a tiny kiss on the man's lips, "you spoil our kids too much."

"Hm?" Yixing raises a questioning eyebrow at his lover. "At least I'm the favorable father," he responds with a chica attitude and Joonmyeon chortles.

"And I thank you for being the best father to our kids and an amazing husband for me," Joonmyeon says with a joyful smile on his face.

After Kyungsoo and Sehun leaves, Baekhyun gets awoken for dinner and the boy stubbornly sits next to his father Yixing. Joonmyeon feels sad, but maybe he should give his son space for now. 

Chanyeol then sits next to his big brother Baekhyun and says, "hyung, don't worry about those bullies, because I am taller than them and will scare them away for you."

Baekhyun looks at his youngest brother and sheepishly smiles. Jongdae too, pumps a fist into the air and says, "I may not be tall, but I am your brother and will have your back."

Joonmyeon and Yixing applauds for the boys for being tough and are glad that Baekhyun and Jongdae are accepting Chanyeol more than ever. Dinner is finally served and the dining room was filled with great laughter throughout the night.




"Hey buckwheat, are you going to talk tough to us again?" Baekhyun's bullies came and attack him again the next morning.

"Don't mess with my brother!" Chanyeol shouts with Jongdae crossing his arms by his side.

"Who the heck is that?" A bully questions about the tall kid.

"That is my little big brother," Baekhyun retorts as Chanyeol storms up to the bullies with his mighty height.

"You're lucky this time," another bully mumbles and scrams when Chanyeol obviously scared them away.

"Hyung is okay, right?" Chanyeol asks with worry.

"We'll walk with you to class," Jongdae offers next.

Baekhyun smiles with his brothers and hugs them, squeezing them three closely together because he's grateful for awesome brothers.






a/n: just thought i should not forget to write about the minor family of sulay's. :3

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Jasgotlucky #1
Chapter 23: Such sweet stories about the Wu-Do family!
Chapter 23: This warms my heart. I want to cuddle with this story or little sehun i can't decide
Chapter 23: I love you boys, such a little kids yet thinking so well. I'm so proud of Kris and Kyungsoo in this story. They raise them well.
shinoside #4
Chapter 23: Aww sehunnie, your parents are the best. Mother is just a title. The woman can give birth to you but they are not necessarily will be a good mother.
akared #5
Chapter 23: gosh, I nearly forgot about my mama..
really, thanks for this update!
I'm gonna wish my mama soon!
Chapter 23: Awww Sehunnie darling don't mind those ugly're lucky to have two daddies that love you and your brothers more than anything...and of course they love each other too much...give me the addresses of all those spoiled brats that told you that having two dads was disgusting , I'm gonna teach them a lesson that they won't be able to forget..or you know what I'm going to wait for them outside of your school...nobody makes my Kyungie and Sehunnie cry without paying the price for their tears (oh god I'm insane)
akared #7
Chapter 2: the naughty husband....hoho...
akared #8
Chapter 1: good kids!
shinoside #9
Chapter 22: I just came across this and I'm enjoying this a lot!!