Is it Christmas Yet?

Picture Perfect

"Appa, Baba! Wake up, it's Christmas! Wake up, wake up!" Sehun shouts out loud as he jumps on his parents bed.

"Honey, it's Christmas Eve," Kris murmurs tiredly as Kyungsoo turns over to stare at the clock.

"Sehun, it's four in the morning. Go back to sleep, my child."

"But it's Christmas!" Sehun chirps again with both fists in the air as he falls forth onto his parents' blanket.

"Christmas time, Christmas time!" Both Tao and Jongin sings together as they run inside their parents' bedroom as well.

"Baby it's cold outside~" Tao adds in a different tune and Kyungsoo turns to glare at Kris.

"Haha... He must've heard me in the shower," Kris explains and Kyungsoo groggily gets out of bed.

"It's not Christmas day yet nor the time to be up so early with such cheerful spirit. Let's get back to bed," Kyungsoo tells his three boys.

"But Tao hyung's calendar says it's Christmas!" Sehun pouts with crossing his arms.

"Honey, it says Christmas Eve," Kris corrects his baby boy.

"Why should there be an 'Eve', baba?" Jongin curiously questions.

"Well..." the man pauses as he looks at his husband for help.

"It's to reassure you that Christmas is the next day. Almost like a reminder," Kyungsoo simply explains ever so tiredly and Kris hums in satisfactory.

"So if we go back to sleep and wake up when you want us to, then it's Christmas?" Sehun asks again.

"I don't think Christmas works that way, Sehunnie. It can't be tomorrow when we wake up in a bit," older brother Tao replies.

"When will it be tomorrow then? I want it to be Christmas!" The young one hyperactively jumps on the bed once more.

"It won't be Christmas if Santa sees our little boy being naughty, right?" Kyungsoo tries his best to convince his young son.

Sehun then gasps and jumps into his Appa Kyungsoo's arms, "take me to sleep now, because I am a good boy!"

Kris and Kyungsoo gurgles at their silly son as the two takes their three sons to bed.

"Appa," Sehun quietly whispers.


"I will get to open all my presents soon, right?"

"Yes my dear. Now get some sleep. We have to attend an early Christmas dinner at Uncle Umin and Uncle Lulu's house later, okay?"


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Jasgotlucky #1
Chapter 23: Such sweet stories about the Wu-Do family!
Chapter 23: This warms my heart. I want to cuddle with this story or little sehun i can't decide
Chapter 23: I love you boys, such a little kids yet thinking so well. I'm so proud of Kris and Kyungsoo in this story. They raise them well.
shinoside #4
Chapter 23: Aww sehunnie, your parents are the best. Mother is just a title. The woman can give birth to you but they are not necessarily will be a good mother.
akared #5
Chapter 23: gosh, I nearly forgot about my mama..
really, thanks for this update!
I'm gonna wish my mama soon!
Chapter 23: Awww Sehunnie darling don't mind those ugly're lucky to have two daddies that love you and your brothers more than anything...and of course they love each other too much...give me the addresses of all those spoiled brats that told you that having two dads was disgusting , I'm gonna teach them a lesson that they won't be able to forget..or you know what I'm going to wait for them outside of your school...nobody makes my Kyungie and Sehunnie cry without paying the price for their tears (oh god I'm insane)
akared #7
Chapter 2: the naughty husband....hoho...
akared #8
Chapter 1: good kids!
shinoside #9
Chapter 22: I just came across this and I'm enjoying this a lot!!