His Rescue

Hello Cold World II: The Colors Of Thunder

Chapter 30

His Rescue




Arriving at the hospital, a crowd of doctors, nurses and patients were blocking the main entrance. Police cars were spread across the street, signaling that they were on the site, questioning several people to know what exactly happened. "What are we going to do about them?"


"Once they'll see us, they'll know that it's about them so they'll back off, or maybe help us…"


"What about the staff and the rest of the patients?"


"I don't know." The leader looked back at the front, trying to see if there was in any way they could go in without causing more trouble than there already was. "Isn't Seonyul's dad over there?" They all looked at the direction the youngest of them all was pointing to, recognizing the doctor they've met several days ago. "He needs to know we're here. Soon enough we'll have the others coming as well and we need to have the whole space emptied out before any of the public gets hurt or finds out the real reason for their sudden 'evacuation'."




The sudden click of a door opening, caught the boys attention as they turned their heads to the side, seeing Cheondung walking out of the vehicle, his gun ready for use. "Yah! Where are you going?!" G.O quickly followed him as he stepped out of the car too, grabbing onto his friend's arm.


"She needs me! I'm not going to sit here and do nothing while she's in there, suffering or even being tortured for all we know!" He pulled himself away, only to be blocked by Mir who was standing in front of him, stopping him from moving forward. "Back off Mir."




"I said, back off!"


"And I said no!" Cheondung grabbed onto Mir's collar but was soon pulled away by the rest of the boys who came out of the car. "I'm not going to stay here and do nothing! I'm going in!" He was pulled back by G.O again, who stood in front of him, his hand directly on his chest, to stop him from moving any further. "You're not the only one who wants to save her Sanghyun, we all do, but we need to be careful and able to come up with some sort of plan so nobody's life is at risk, especially if we have to get her out of there alive."


"But -"


"I know you're worried, I am too and I want to save her as much as you want, but we can't be reckless about this. I promise you we'll get her out of here… We'll get her back." He dropped his arm, keeping his eyes on the younger one. Cheondung turned his head to look at the crowd, a nostalgic feeling slowly coming through his heart. He looked back at G.O with a tearful gaze, not wanting to repeat what happened three years ago. "I can't lose her Hyung. I've lost so much already, I don't want to lose her too… I can't be late this time"


"I know."


"You guys are Ji-Hoon's boys, right?" They all turned around to see the doctor approaching them. Seungho stepped up front, placing himself in front of the doctor. "Are there any changes since you called us here?"




"What about Seonya?" The father looked at Cheondung, hearing the sad tone in his voice, showing that he was as worried as he was to know if his daughter was safe or not. "She's not here… meaning that she's still inside, and probably even caught trapped by one of his men."


"Is there any other entrance where we can go in?"


"There's the underground parking lot, but there's some more police officers there… The ER wing is covered too…"


"How about the back entrance?"


"It may work, it will bring you directly to the staircases of the building. Go to that entrance, I'll make a call to Ji-Hoon, letting him know what is going on here."


"What about the police?" The father looked at G.O and back at the crowd that was still standing at the entrance, waiting for any sign of clearance and turned his head back to the boys, trying to figure out about a way to help them. "I'm acquainted with a  few of the police men. I'll let them know what's happening. You just worry about saving my daughter, I'll deal with the rest. Now go." They followed his order and ran straight to the back of the building. Once they reached the back door, G.O tried to open it but failed. After trying several times, he finally concluded that it was locked. "It's locked from the inside."


"Then let me handle it." Cheondung pushed him away and took out his gun, placing a silencer at the end of the object. He directed it towards the lock and shot a few times, destroying the handle in the process, which made it slightly open, a small crack revealing itself along the way. He opened the door and stepped inside, followed by the others behind him. "I'll go to her room to see if I can find anything that will help me track her -" He wasn't able to finish his sentence, as he could feel himself having panic traveling inside him, suddenly worried about what could happen if she wasn't there or worse, if she was dead. "Cheondung?"


He looked at the others, completely lost and confused as the realization of their situation finally hit him. "Are you okay?" Not able to let his voice out of his mouth, he simply nods but the hesitation of his gesture doesn't go unnoticed to G.O who takes a step closer to him, placing his hand on his shoulder, lightly squeezing it. Seungho takes the lead, giving orders to the rest of them. "We'll separate and go on different floors, once we find something, we contact each other through our ear piece, got it?" They all nodded and went their separate ways as each of them took different floors of the building.


Cheondung and G.O were the only ones left behind. The older one looked back at his friend clearly noticing the scared look in his eyes. "Yah, Sanghyun-ah, we'll save her. I promised you, didn't I?" The younger one nods once again and both of them finally separate to start their search.



"Damn it! They're everywhere!"


Fired shots were heard through every corner of the building, as the boys suddenly found themselves attacked by their enemies.


Their search barely reached thirty minutes, the first gun shot was fired, signaling that they weren't alone.


Now, they were running finding their best hiding place to survive, while still looking for Seonyul. "Let's meet at her hospital room! Now!" They followed their leader's order and were finally able to escape the attacks, safely arriving in the room, locking the door behind them. Cheondung turned around and saw her empty bed. The ache that was inside made his heart beat painfully, a constant reminder that she was in danger, not to far away from him and yet, he still couldn't find her. He walked towards the bed, not breaking away the eye contact, forgetting even for a split second the main reason why he was here. "Cheondung?" He turns around to see the worried looks on the others, bringing him back from his daze. "What do we do now?"


"We fight."


The buzzing of a phone gained everybody's attention as Seungho took his device out of the pocket and answered it, telling the others that Ji-Hoon was calling. A few seconds later, he hangs up and places the phone back in his pocket. "He sent a few of us out on their territory just in case she might have been taken there. We'll have our back up soon, we just have to spread once again and fight back."


This time, G.O's phone was the one that was starting to ring. Everybody went silent as they noticed the confused look on his face. "What's wrong?"


"I - I don't know who's calling…"


"Answer it"


Placing the phone to his ear, the first thing he hears was a cynical laugh. The familiar tone of the voice made him grip tighter to the gun he was holding in his hand.


"Glad you took the time to answer despite the trouble you're in Byunghee"


"What do you want, Simon?" The shocked faces, at the mention of this name, was painted across the rest of them, taking a closer step to their friend, wanting to hear their conversation. Making the task much easier, he placed it on speaker phone, letting the voice resonate through the walls of the room.


"Well, I just wanted to see how you were doing? I mean it's been a while since we last saw each other. Where was it again? Oh, yes, I remember. It was at that art gallery a few months ago, wasn't? And I remember you were with a girl, a beautiful and gorgeous lady, hmm... what was her name again? -"


"I should've known you were behind this!"


"Off course I would be!" Another laugh was echoing through the room, making the others uneasy at the situation. "Where the hell is she?!" The angered tone in Cheondung's phone didn't phase Simon at all, knowing really well what she meant to him. "Ah~ who are you talking about? Seonyul? Or… your sister?"


"YOU SON OF A B-!" He was held back by Joon, who lightly squeezed his shoulders, making him understand that he was simply doing this on purpose. "Don't let him get to you. He's not worth it."


"Yes! Listen to him Sanghyun-ah! Look at it this way. You can't do anything to me, because if you do then she'll be the one to whom it happens. Keep that in mind. Oh! and by the way, you can take your time finding her, I'm having the time of my life here!"


Those were his last words before their conversation was hung up on the other side of the line, leaving the simple beeping of the phone to be heard between them. The anger was so strong, G.O threw his phone across the room, making it hit directly at the wall and broke it into pieces. As for Cheondung, he rushed to the door, ready to leave only to be pulled back, preventing him from running out. "What's the matter with you?!"


"I'm just trying to prevent you from killing yourself! Did you forget that we were attacked just a few minutes ago?!" Joon lets go of him and backs off, joining the others who were trying to figure out their next move.


"There's something that isn't right…" G.O was the first one to speak, having the boys looking at him, confused at what he was trying to say. "What do you mean?"


"I don't think he's here… He wouldn't have called if he was. I don't even think he knows we are hiding."


"Which means?"


"The alarm, the evacuation, the attack, the call. It's all a decoy to distract us from saving her."


"Is there a way to know where he is?" Cheondung was praying that his friend had the answer to the essential question, the one that will make them move a step further to rescuing the one he loves. The small bubble of hope that was forming soon crashed down, when he heard the two letter words that broke his heart even deeper.





Next: Her Escape

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Nov29: The next HCW will be with Joon as the main character! ^.^


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Chapter 35: beautiful..... ghad this is the best.... thank you for sharing this amazing story, it's full of feelings, sad and good ones.... it captured your reader's heart....
waaah author-nim thank you for this, I hope you make another sanghyun fic in the future! thank you again author-nim! gaahh this is awesome, I cried at the ending, it's just so right to end it that way... thank you!
fighting author-nim!
ChaoticSnow #2
Chapter 35: It's over Q.Q That was the most beautiful story I have ever read.
Your writing style is amazing <3 I can't wait to read your future stories ^^
Chapter 33: Omo its sooooo good! It was like a movie !!!!
Chapter 31: ugh the thrill is killing me! sanghyun save her!
Chapter 29: please update soon, I can't wait! :)
Chapter 28: Wow i cant wait!!!
Chapter 27: oh gosh cheondung changed wahh he was so sweet to seonyul...but the gun shot ruined the moment, please don't let anyone get hurt especially seonyul, I don't want cheondung to suffer again T_T
Chapter 21: oh ghad, G.O found out in an unlikely way, and is she gonna do it with him????
please no!
tnx for this emotional update author-nim :) pls update again >_<