How To Love

Hello Cold World II: The Colors Of Thunder

Chapter 28

How To Love




From then on, everything turned upside down, bringing out the chaos from its cave.



A shot was fired, making the birds fly out from their nests and out in the sky. Cheondung grabbed onto Seonyul and ran behind the bench and crouched, taking out his gun from his belt, agitated and in alert. Seonyul grabbed onto his arm, her body slowly starting to shake as she could feel her body suddenly getting cold. She placed her hand over her stomach only to feel her shirt wet. She looked at her palm and saw that there was a red stain covering her whole skin, making her choke on her own saliva as she tried to catch her breath. "Ch-Cheond-ung"


He looked at her and followed her gaze to her hand seeing the blood stain covering her palm. The next thing he knew, she was lying in his arms, bids of sweat slowly covering her forehead. At that moment, G.O was crouching next to them, his gun placed in his hands, ready to attack.


"Yah! Seonya! Wake up!" Cheondung was violently shaking her, but he got no response. G.O turned to his friend, realizing what was going on and dropped his gun, taking out his phone for reinforcement. He ordered Cheondung to take her with him and drive straight to the hospital, while he would take care of things here. "Hurry! Now!" A slight push was all it took for Cheondung to snap out of his shock as he carried Seonyul in his arms, running to his car and rushing straight to the hospital, ignoring the honks of cars and curses from the drivers.


Along the way, he could hear her groan in pain as she kept calling out to him, repeating how she was feeling cold. Her words were stumbled upon each other, tears welling up in her eyes, trembling out of fear, pain and shock. She felt a squeeze within her chest as if someone was stepping on her lungs preventing her from properly breathing; with her body slowly turning cold, she was becoming numb starting from her wound, spreading across her veins and muscles inching closer to her heart, slowing its beating. She was falling in and out of consciousness barely understanding where she was or what was going on. Hearing her, he pressed further down the pedal, accelerating the speed of his driving with every minute that was passing by. He barely got time to realize what just happened to her as all he was thinking about was to simply keep her alive.


Not caring were he parked the car, he jumped out of the vehicle and opened the door from the passenger's seat and held onto Seonyul's body in his arms, running straight into the emergency wing of the hospital building. "I need help! Please!"


Right at that moment, a couple of nurses along with the rest of a medical team came rushing to him, taking Seonyul away from him as they placed her on a stretcher and further away into the ER while he was struggling to run to her but was kept away from the nurses that were trying to get him to calm down, wanting an explanation for the sudden bursting in. "Let me go! She needs me! Seonya! Please! She needs me!"


Without noticing, tears were running down his face, a sudden déjà vu crossing his mind as flashbacks from the past were coming in and out of his mind. He fell on his knees not able to keep in the cries that were escaping through his cracked voice, constantly calling out to the girl that was taken away from him just mere seconds ago.


The two nurses that were left, held him by his arms bringing him to the closest chair in the waiting room, waiting for him to calm down. He ran his fingers through his hair, tightly pulling onto it as he bent over, his cries never seeming to end.


He couldn't take it anymore.


The agony feeling up in his veins was hurting him through every beat of his heart, squeezing his chest harder every time. The shock finally hit him when they saw her being carried away, the moment he thought that everything was over before it even started, when he finally got the chance to open up to her as she could show him how to love. The storm battling inside his heart turned his world back to dark where the peaceful sea returned to its original state, battling between the violent waves shadowing through the light of the moon, high in the dark sky.


He was so caught up into his own broken bubble, he didn't notice the others coming in, rushing to him. They kept calling him but he couldn't hear their voices. He blocked everything out only having the sound of his heart beating slowly, ready to stop at any time. From blurry to clear, his vision kept messing with him, until he got up and ran to the closest garbage, throwing up everything that was coming from the pit of his stomach.


"Sanghyun-ah!" The distressed voice of G.O was heard as the older one rushed to him, catching before he got to his the floor. He took a close look at Cheondung's face to see that he was becoming paler by the second, making him and the others worry. "Damn it."


He placed the arm of Cheondung around his shoulder, lifting him up and asking for help from the nurses. They brought him to an empty room, setting him on the bed. Through the pained tone in his voice, G.O could hear him call out Seonyul's name over and over again, mumbling over and over again that she promised not to leave him and how he promised that he would show her what she meant to him.


G.O couldn't believe what he was hearing.


For the past three years, he couldn't get the old Sanghyun back to the way he was, and all it took was a woman's touch. He realized that his little brother finally opened up and fell in love. He was glad that the hard and cruel exterior that he showed in the past was finally gone but still, with Seonyul damaged state, he was afraid that he would come back and that this time, Cheondung would definitely become a lost cause.


He walked outside of the room, leaving the little one to rest and joined the others that were waiting for some kind of news in the hallway. "How is he?"


He looked up to see Mir nervously standing in front of him. "He just fainted because of the shock, he'll be fine."


"What about Seonya Noona? I still don't understand what happened"


"She got shot by one of them. We need to make sure she's stay safe in the hospital while we go out and hunt the rest of them. I don't think he'll stop sending his men until one of them gets to her. I already killed the one that shot Seonyul, but that's only one man."



The hours were dreadfully long, making G.O more agitated. Since she got inside the ER, they've heard no news about her condition making them wonder if it was good news or not. By now, Seonyul's mom was waiting with Ji-Hoon while Seungho and the rest of the boys left following their boss's orders. The only thing they knew was that Seonyul's dad was the one that was helping with the surgery, her life hanging in his hands. The atmosphere was morose, with the soft cries of the mother, the only thing that can be heard at the moment. The door of the room in front of them slowly opened, revealing Cheondung standing at the entrance, holding himself up with one hand on the knob and the other one on the wall. "Did she come back yet?"


They all looked up to him as G.O got up from his seat and went to help him out, placing his arm around his shoulders. "We still have no news."


"I - I need to see her. Byunghee, I need her, pl- please"


At that moment, the door from the ER, opened up, revealing Seonyul's father. The mother ran up to him and wrapped his arms around her, comforting her before spilling out news. "Is she okay? Is she going to make it?"


"It was hard but we were able to save her. The wound was pretty deep and big, especially regarding the type of gun he used. Luckily, she made it, so she'll be fine, she just needs to rest"


Relief struck through all of them.


Now that they knew she was alive, all that was left was to set a plan to fire back against their attack. Ji-Hoon left, followed by G.O. Cheondung was the only one that was left behind, hesitating on what to do. "May… I see her?"


Her father took a good look at him, seeing the devastated look across his face he looked at his wife who gave him a light nod, meaning that she didn't mind letting him go first. He lets a deep breath out and agrees, showing him to her room. "Make it quick."


He nods and thanks her father. Once he was gone, Cheondung turns around facing Seonyul peacefully sleeping, the beeping of the machines being the only thing that can be heard. He slowly walks to her and once he was standing close, he reaches out to softly her cheek, letting a tear drop. "I should've been more quick to react… I'm sorry." He leans in closer and places a kiss on her forehead, promising her that he won't let her down and that he will avenge who ever put her there.





Once he was gone, determination placed in his heart, a new visitor walked inside the building, holding a bouquet of flowers and walked straight to the receptionist asking for Seonyul's room number. Once he got what he wanted, he made his way over there and softly knocked on the door, seeing that an older woman was sitting by the bed. She turned around and saw the young man by the entrance asking for his purpose into coming here.


"My name is Simon. I'm a friend of Seonyul, we were in the same class the last semester."


"Oh, okay. Well, its nice to meet you Simon. How did you know she was here?"


"The incident was on the news"


She was about to respond when her phone started to ring. Looking at the ID she saw her brother's name on it and got up from her seat and walked out of the room, answering the call.


Finally being alone, he closed the door behind him. He walked closer to her, throwing the flowers on the  chair and leaned closer to Seonyul, pushing the strands of hair out of her face, a smirk appearing on his lips, anticipating the showdown that was about to come.


"Finally alone. Hmm, I can't wait to see what the Boss has in stores for you."



Next: Game Over




A/N: I feel sooooo bad right now >.<

OMG, don't hate me.... please? *puppy eyes*

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Nov29: The next HCW will be with Joon as the main character! ^.^


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Chapter 35: beautiful..... ghad this is the best.... thank you for sharing this amazing story, it's full of feelings, sad and good ones.... it captured your reader's heart....
waaah author-nim thank you for this, I hope you make another sanghyun fic in the future! thank you again author-nim! gaahh this is awesome, I cried at the ending, it's just so right to end it that way... thank you!
fighting author-nim!
ChaoticSnow #2
Chapter 35: It's over Q.Q That was the most beautiful story I have ever read.
Your writing style is amazing <3 I can't wait to read your future stories ^^
Chapter 33: Omo its sooooo good! It was like a movie !!!!
Chapter 31: ugh the thrill is killing me! sanghyun save her!
Chapter 29: please update soon, I can't wait! :)
Chapter 28: Wow i cant wait!!!
Chapter 27: oh gosh cheondung changed wahh he was so sweet to seonyul...but the gun shot ruined the moment, please don't let anyone get hurt especially seonyul, I don't want cheondung to suffer again T_T
Chapter 21: oh ghad, G.O found out in an unlikely way, and is she gonna do it with him????
please no!
tnx for this emotional update author-nim :) pls update again >_<