Part 18


You went out of the palace to see what's going on. Suddenly you saw Kai's mother and many servants from Dark World.

Kai's Mom: (Y/N)! Come here and fight us.


You: But this is not right.

Youngjae: We don't have a choice but to fight them. Or else they will destroy our world.

You: But...

Youngjae: ___-ssi, please think of the people who trust you. Think of the people from our world. They would surely die if we don't fight against the Dark World.

You: *sigh* Ok, I understand but how?

YJ: use your various abilities.

You: But I still don't know my other abilities besides I'm not ready for this fight. I still have to train other abilities.

YJ: But we don't have time. You can do it. You're the princess. Your parents trust you.

You: Ok. I will fight.

The fight begins. You fight with Youngjae and with your servants. You were really surprised when you can control different abilites. Like water, fire, force, teleportation, ice and you can control others abilities.
It is now Kai's mother to fight you. You feel nervous. You can see in her face that she is really angry. And wants to kill you.

Kai's Mom: (Y/N)! I will kill you and your family.


You: Please, can we stop this fight?

Kai's Mom: Stop the fight? Huh! Don't make me laugh. You know we hate your world and your people, right? Besides I want to revenge on you for what you did to my son.

You: Wae? What happened to Kai?

Kai's Mom: You love each other, right? Because of that stupid feelings, my son is suffering. Because the black magic inside him wants to disappear.

You: If you love your son, you should let that black magic disappear in his body.

Kai's Mom: You don't get the point. If the black magic disappeared, there is a chance that he will be alive and there is chance that he might die.

You: Mwo?!

Kai's Mom: Can't you see? We were born with black magic inside us. It makes our abilities stronger. If that black magic leave our body, our ability will be weak and we might die. But if that person is strong enough, he could still manage it and get strong for a month. In my son's condition, the pain is getting worst and there are only small chances that he can live. YOU MADE HIS LIFE MISERABLE!!! You shouldn't love him.

You: *teary eyes* Kai-ssi *whispered* Please be strong. I love you.

Kai's Mom: You will pay for what you have done.

Kai's mother attacked you with her ability. She is so strong. Her attacks were painful. You couldn't attack her back because she is too fast. You could feel that you're getting weaker. You want to give up.
You saw her getting ready for her last attack and looks like it is strong. Suddenly someone went in front of you and he is getting ready to attack Kai's Mom. You looked at him and you were shocked when you saw that it was Kai

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BAP_babygirl #1
Thank you for reading my first fanfic.
bheamendoza #2
Chapter 19: Nice story saranghae ~카이
bheamendoza #3
Chapter 19: Nice story saranghae ~카이
Chapter 12: Authornim ! you are really good at making such good stories !
Please make more EXO stories .. Fighting !! :D