Part 15


You're shocked when you heard what Youngjae told you.

You: Is that true?


YJ: Nae~ Actually your mom confirmed it. Your parents and my mom are at the secret world. Because they are preparing for the proclamation.

You: How did this happen?

YJ: We really don't know it at first. But there is a letter from your grandma before she dies. Your mom read it and there is a note that you will be next princess of our world. Because you are able to fight against our enemy.

You: enemy? the dark world?

YJ: Nae~

You feel excited because you will be crowned as the princess of your world. But you feel sad knowing that you will fight against the dark world, the world of Kai. You keep thinking of him, specially your first kiss. You are blushing every time you remembered it. Suddenly you remembered that you are now the princess of you world. You have to erase those feelings for him and besides you like Youngjae.
The next day, you went to school with Youngjae, but you noticed that Kai isn't at you classroom. He didn't attended the class for a week. You were worried so you decided to visit him at his house. You asked your teacher where he lives. She gave Kai's address. Then you went to his house. You could feel the bad aura. But you don't care. You just entered the house. Suddenly you saw Kai sleeping at the dark room. You can't wake him up. Suddenly his mother, appeared in front of you. She hold your hand and pulled you outside Kai's room.

Mom: what are you doing here?! *angry*


You: sorry if I didn't knock first but....

Mom: I will kill you!

You: *shocked*

Kai's mom attacked you. Suddenly she faints. You saw Kai used his ability towards his mom just to save you.

You: Kai-ssi!


Kai: Get out of here.

You: Are you ok?


You: I won't. Just tell me of you're ok.


You: Kai-ssi, remember what you told me before you kissed me? Yes~ I treasure that kiss.

Kai: *shocked*

You: I know that you're the prince of dark world. I know that you are using dark magic. But I don't care, I feel something for you that I didn't feel towards Youngjae.

Suddenly Kai runs towards you.

Kai: *hugs you* *crying* Please forget it. Don't you see we came from different world. I love you too but I have many people believing in me. And if I fall for you, I would die. Please forget it.


You: *tears starts to fall* B-but I can't

Kai: You have to. Tomorrow we will be enemies again. Forget about the kiss. And start to love Youngjae.

You: *cry*

Kai: *break the hug* *wipe his tears* Now, get out.

You: *run away from Kai*

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BAP_babygirl #1
Thank you for reading my first fanfic.
bheamendoza #2
Chapter 19: Nice story saranghae ~카이
bheamendoza #3
Chapter 19: Nice story saranghae ~카이
Chapter 12: Authornim ! you are really good at making such good stories !
Please make more EXO stories .. Fighting !! :D