The Bet: Game's On!

‘’Well aren’t you a lucky bird’’ Dara frowned as she took a sip of her coffee and Bom let out a laugh, ‘’Stop sulking, I’ve seen you and Chanyeol’’ she grinned and Dara slightly widened her eyes, hurriedly looking away. ‘’Besides I haven’t fully given in yet’’ Bom took a sip of her hot chocolate while Dara straightened herself, ‘’What do you mean? Oh don’t tell me you’re still at the stage of forgiving him?’’ Dara furrowed her eyebrows and Bom chuckled, ‘’Well you could say-..’’

‘’Oh come on Bommie, what are you waiting for?’’ Dara eyed her carefully and Bom let out a small sigh. She wasn’t sure so herself, what exactly was she waiting for? The group of boys had clearly asked for apologies and she couldn’t say much except for forgive them. At the end of the day she knew she had fallen hard for him, something she tried to hide greatly.

‘’I.. I still haven’t had a proper chance’’ she looked away and Dara let out a small chuckle, ‘’Who are you fooling silly, he’s been picking you up quite often and I heard from Chanyeol you’ve been going out a few times with Kris, say are you really not a couple?’’

‘’That brat…’’ Bom gritted her teeth but a smile was still evident on her face. Chanyeol had caught them a couple of times but she wasn’t sure herself, she wasn’t properly asked out rather then that she actually challenged him.

To show his sincere feelings.

Bom smiled as she looked out the window, he had made a lot of effort. Truth is, she actually forgave him weeks ago but maybe she wanted to see how far he’d actually go, or she simply wanted to see a side he never showed anyone.

‘’Putting that aside, how are the wedding preparations going?’’ Dara fiddled around with her cup while Bom smiled, ‘’It’s going great actually, Go Eun unni should be arriving soon’’ she grinned while Dara eyed her, ‘’What did you plan this time?’’

‘’Something for Luhan’’ she let out a laugh and the latter soon joined.


‘’So you’re saying he’s a real cutie?’’ Go Eun turned to Bom who grinned with a nod. ‘’Yes, the moment you see him you’d feel like pampering him’’ she turned to look at Go Eun whose eyes sparkled instantly. ‘’A little brother I get to pamper?’’ she dreamily sighed as she imagined all the possibilities while Bom secretly laughed. She knew how Go Eun always wanted a little brother, not that she minded Bom but a male was always fun to have.

‘’We’re almost there though, are you sure you don’t want to sleep first at ours?’’ Bom slightly nudged Go Eun who shook her head instantly, ‘’No I can’t just miss this’’              ‘’But don’t you have a jetlag? It’s not really a fun ride from the US to here though’’ She pouted remembering her trip and Go Eun shook her head instantly, ‘’No now let’s go meet that punk!’’ she cheered and Bom couldn’t help but laugh again, how she missed her unni.

‘’We’re here’’ Bom grinned and within a second Go Eun already dashed out, ringing the doorbell while Bom followed.

‘’Oh, Go Eun ah?’’ Mr.Park smiled warmly at the sight of seeing his older daughter and hugged her instantly while she did the same. ‘’How was your trip? Aren’t you tired?’’ He asked worriedly and she shook her head instantly, ‘’Aniyo, I missed you’’ she smiled and he pecked her forehead and Bom smiled.

‘’Oh my, is that Go Eun?’’ Eun Ah smiled warmly at the guest who turned to look at her and widened her eyes. ‘’Eun Ah?’’ she whispered and Mr.Park nodded, ‘’Go Eun meet Eun Ah, you’re well… step mother’’ he scratched the back of his head, slightly embarrassed while the females burst out laughing. ‘’Look at you dad’’ Go Eun grinned before she hugged the older female who smiled warmly.

‘’Oh, meet Luhan, my son’’ Eun Ah hurriedly ushered Go Eun towards the younger male who stood there sheepishly while Bom grinned, counting mentally as she saw Go Eun’s eyes sparkle.

‘’You… you are Luhan?’’ she asked and he nodded, not sure how to reply but the moment he nodded the female rushed towards him with a bear hug followed.

‘’Oh my god you are so cute! Noona will take care of you, look at your squashy cheeks!’’ she pinched Luhan’s cheeks who looked completely horrified as he tried to pry her hands off but laughter caught his ears and he quickly jerked his head to the right only to see Bom laughing while mouthing a ‘’good luck’’.

So that’s what she meant back then…

 ‘’Dad I’ll be back in a bit’’ Bom muttered and Mr.Park turned to look at her curiously, ‘’Where are you going?’’                   ‘’Just for a walk’’ she mumbled and he nodded, ‘’Don’t stay out too late it’s already dark’’ he patted her head and she nodded, turning to look at the two again and she smiled.

Go Eun would hog him all night, she was sure of it. A punishment for Luhan, she did give him a warning didn’t she?


‘’How much of a progress have you made?’’ Chanyeol nudged Suho who frowned in return. He was tired, that was for sure. Luckily they we’re back on good terms with the girls though it was still hard to win Chaerin over, for him at least.

‘’Buzz off’’ he muttered and Chanyeol grinned, ‘’Oh come on, one girl. Just one girl is giving you so much trouble?’’              ‘’I wouldn’t be talking if I we’re you’’ Suho turned to Chanyeol with a teasing look and Chanyeol instantly looked away. ‘’What do you mean you wouldn’t be talking if I we’re you- pshh’’ he nervously scratched the back of his head and Suho chuckled. ‘’Aren’t you having trouble with Dara yourself?’’ he leaned back on his seat and Chanyeol frowned, why did he even bother?

‘’It’s going quite well-..’’              ‘’Oh, Dara told me something else’’            ‘’What!?’’                 ‘’Gotcha’’ Suho grinned as he got up from his seat, fixing his glasses with the latter staring at him completely taken a back. ‘’That’s right, you better not tease your elders’’ he warned and Chanyeol sulked, why was the situation always reversed?

‘’Tsk’’ Chanyeol groaned as he threw himself on the table. ‘’What the hell happened to you?’’  Baekhyun mused and Chanyeol sighed, why was it always Baekhyun?

‘’Hey, why are you always home?’’ Chanyeol muttered while Baekhyun continued staring at him. ‘’Where’s your social life? Don’t you have a girlfriend, why are you always home!?’’ Chanyeol rattled on while the latter glared at him, ‘’Ironic how it’s you that’s telling me, aren’t you the one always home too? Where’s your social life and girlfriend?’’

Yup, situations involving me are always reversed.


Tap tap tap tap


Tap tap tap tap

‘’Shoot’’ Tao dribbled before shooting it in the huge hoop and when he was satisfied he took a deep breath. He had already been here for three hours yet he didn’t feel like going back, he wanted to continue for some reason. He was glad everything was settled, though he didn’t talk that much to Bom anymore rather he felt guilty. Even more when he knew he had a crush on her yet he knew it was one sided.

‘’One more…’’ he muttered as he got ready with the basketball in his hand but the sudden noise from the entrance made him pause and he quickly jerked his head towards the entrance and his eyes widened upon realizing who it was.

‘’So… I finally caught you?’’ the voice he hadn’t heard for days, the soothing calming voice…

‘’Noona?’’ Tao looked at her questionably while the latter smiled. ‘’Annyeong’’ she grinned as she walked over with two cones of ice cream. ‘’How did you-…’’          ‘’Lay told me’’ she grinned and he nodded, looking away awkwardly.

‘’Ya! Brat, don’t be so unfamiliar with me, I’m supposed to punish you idiot’’ she furrowed her eyebrows trying to sound angry but her attempt made him chuckle, she was being cute without trying yet again. A silence followed and Bom hurriedly went over to the bench and patted the spot next to her.

‘’Come quickly else I’ll eat your ice cream too’’ she teased and he grinned, walking over before taking a seat. ‘’What brings you here?’’ He asked as he took the cone from her and she shrugged. ‘’I wanted to go for a walk’’ she muttered and he nodded, ‘’So you decided to come here and bully me right?’’ he teased and she widened her eyes, ‘’Ya! So now you are familiar again huh?’’ she slightly smacked him on his arm and both laughed.

‘’I’m sincerely sorry noona’’ he muttered and she nodded, ‘’Although I should punish you more severely, I’ve put it behind’’ Bom sheepishly smiled and Tao nodded slowly as he looked at her. That smile, that one smile brightened up his day.

‘’Have you… have you properly made up with hyung yet?’’ Tao asked carefully and Bom grinned, ‘’That idiot has to suffer a little more, don’t you think so?’’ she grinned and Tao paused, staring at her. He knew he had given up on her willingly though that one sided crush didn’t have a proper ending, maybe…

‘’Noona?’’ Tao called out and she looked at him curiously, ‘’Mm?’’ she mumbled and he quickly got up, facing her completely.

‘’I like you.’’

‘’Ofcourse you do-…’’

‘’No I like you in… the different way…’’ he muttered, scratching the back of his head awkwardly and Bom slightly paused, waiting for him to continue.

‘’Although, I don’t want any reply. This confession is simply because…. I wanted to put an end to this properly…’’ he muttered and Bom blinked several times until her lips slightly curled up.

‘’I know’’ she grinned and he looked at her, completely taken a back. ‘’W-what?’’               ‘’I know silly…’’ She fiddled around with her hair while Tao looked at her curiously, ‘’I’ve known it for a while now though I never had the chance to talk about it properly… Rather then talking about it, Isn’t it selfish for me to know about something like this and still continue?’’ Her smile slightly faded and she rubbed her palm on her forehead, ‘’I’m sorr-…’’

‘’No you shouldn’t be like this’’ he muttered and she eyed him curiously, ‘’I didn’t give up on you just so that you feel sorry for me…’’

‘’Rather then feeling sorry, I want you to properly accept the one you truly love so that I can say proudly I made the right choice’’ he grinned and she blinked several times, when did her dongsaeng grow up so fast? Or he was grown up all along…

‘’Tao I-… yah!’’ Bom flinched as she felt something cold touch her nose and when she saw a smiling Tao in front of her with his cone, she knew exactly what happened. ‘’Yah you brat!’’ she hurriedly got up, chasing him through out the park with laughs following.

‘’I want you to smile and laugh like that’’ he grinned and she slightly pouted, ‘’Not until I get you back~!’’


‘’Ah so she couldn’t make it…’’ Eun Ah frowned while Go Eun patter her shoulder, ‘’Don’t worry it’s not like that. Omma told me to give her blessings’’ she grinned and Eun Ah smiled. ‘’You two are very well raised up’’ she gave Go Eun a warm smile who nodded while Luhan eyed her carefully whilst rubbing his cheek. He didn’t expect Bom’s sister to be like that though they resembled each other a lot, facial features as well as the way they sort of talk.

He knew he had to get Bom back and he grinned knowing she doesn’t know anything about what he had plotted.

‘’Umm, Luhan are you okay?’’ Eun Ah asked as she looked at her son while Go Eun giggled, ‘’Did I over do it?’’                 ‘’Maybe he lost it after you squeezed his cheeks and tackled him with the tightest hug’’ Eun Ah let out a laugh along with Go Eun while Luhan only thought about one thing.

‘’Well I should probably prepare for bed, I haven’t slept since the trip’’  Go Eun yawned as she got up while the older lady nodded, ‘’I’ve prepared everything already in the guest room, I’m not sure if Bom will join you’’              ‘’Thankyou so much’’ Go Eun smiled at her before excusing herself.

‘’Shouldn’t you be sleeping too Luhan?’’ Eun Ah turned to him who shrugged, ‘’It’s only ten though’’              ‘’You’re a growing boy you should sleep earlier you know’’ she grinned and Luhan stared at her, completely taken a back.

‘’Oh you guys are still up?’’ Bom emerged in the sitting room and Eun Ah nodded, ‘’Mm, we’ll be going soon though, You should hurry and wash up. Go Eun already went to sleep’’           ‘’Arasso’’ Bom smiled as she looked over to Luhan who had a pokerface on. ‘’You are so dead’’ he mouthed and Bom giggled, ‘’Is there something wrong?’’ Eun ah looked at the both who quickly shook their heads.

‘’Goodnight’’ Bom bid her goodbye as she hurried upstairs and frowned as she saw the lights off in her room. ‘’Unni fell asleep…’’ she muttered as she opened the door slowly getting in. Once closed she put her bag away, ready to go to the bathroom but the sudden tug on her arm made her shriek out loud, luckily the person covered so it was a muffled shriek.

 ‘’Mhmfmfmmm’’ she mumbled, her eyes wide as she pinned against the door. ‘’Mmmfmfmmm’’ she tried to get the hand away from but the moment she turned she gasped as she saw a familiar face, grinning at her.

‘’Surprise’’ the husky voice ringed in her ears and her cheeks turned completely red.

‘’Bom!?’’ Go Eun called out and Bom’s eyed widened as she tried to wiggle out of his grasp while he grinned. ‘’Bom, is that you?’’ Go Eun called out again.                       ‘’What are you doing!?’’ Bom whispered as she finally removed his hand successfully while he grinned. ‘’I missed you..’’

‘’Bom?’’ Go Eun called out again and Bom knew she would come out any minute.  ‘’What are you doing here!?’’ Bom whispered and he grinned. ‘’I’m going to kidnap you’’ he smiled and she furrowed her eyebrows, not getting what he meant.

‘’Has Luhan ever told you about how the rooms here are sort of connected to each other?’’ Kris pointed to the door on his right side and she curiously looked at him, ‘’Isn’t that a closet?’’              ‘’No…’’                                     ‘’Bom ah?’’ Go Eun’s voice was heard again and Bom panicked, she knew she got out and she was close to them.

‘’Hurry and get out!’’ she whispered, pushing him slightly away while he shook his head, ‘’Rather then me getting out, it’s you whose going out’’                ‘’Eh?’’                

‘’Princess you have been kidnapped’’ he whispered huskily in to her ear while hurriedly opening the door before disappearing into the guest room next door while Go Eun looked around ,furrowing her eyebrows.

‘’Weird, I could’ve sworn I heard something…’’ she muttered going back to the bathroom.


‘’Oh… did you tell Bom that Kris was staying over?’’ Eun Ah turned to Luhan who grinned, ‘’I think I did…’’





[A/N: Ohmygooood it's been a while! Sorry I havent updated for so long, I hope this chapter satisfies you all hehe, I honestly racked my brain and well this is what I  got haha. Please Enjoy, Comment and Upvote! I guess there's maybe one more chapter left? I might do bonuses like maybe the other ships, depends on the inspiration I get/have. Oh don't be afraid, I have another KrisxBom story which is ongoing, I hope you guys check that out too^^ Ppyong!]


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Chapter 1: Gonna re-read this epic story again ;)
deladelf #2
Chapter 31: omg so sweet I could die happy and I need a sequel of this!!!! probably krisbom marriage life, haha. good job, author!!! luvs!!!!!
Tangkpop #3
Chapter 21: Lubboomm yyy they have be siblings noooo
Tangkpop #4
Chapter 10: My lubooom feellls
murisja #5
totally in love with this krisbom story >_<
nandiiva2 #6
Chapter 31: Haahhh love the ending!! ><
KrisBom so cute yo~ *luhan's style lol ><
Sequel please ;_;
gjie2cute #7
Chapter 31: Such s beautiful ending /cries
So what happened that night w kris n bom???
lalita25 #8
Chapter 31: OMG i can't contain my feels! This is so sweetsweet!
I feel so giddy ahh
Thank you author nim ^^
AkAnExxxAi #9
Chapter 31: Kyahhhhh ♥♥♥♥
Thank you for a lovely story author.nim muakmuakmuak
piper8702 #10
Chapter 31: waaahhh. its the end. sobs. krisbom fighting! love is in the air indeed. love it... mr. & mrs wu sounds amazing. yahooooo. thanks authornim