The Bet: Game's On!

‘’I’ll kiss you’’ Tao’s voice rang in Bom’s head and her mind went black. They had a short staring contest before she hurriedly got up, ‘’They’re waiting downstairs, if you don’t hurry up we leave’’ She turned around and rushed off leaving Tao smiling to himself.

‘’What.. was that’’ Bom whispered, tucking a hairstring behind her ear frustrated, her cheeks we’re flushed, simply because… She didn’t see it coming and suddenly there’s a complete new image of Tao in her head.


‘’What took you so long?’’ Luhan groaned as he saw Tao walking with no care in the world. ‘’We still have time to spare’’ Tao simply replied as he walked over to the van Suho would drive. ‘’Nuh-uh, tall ones sit all the way in the back’’ Suho grinned and Tao gave him a weird look, ‘’Okay… I’m sitting all the way in the back?’’              ‘’No, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are already seated there, you should go to Lay’s van’’ Suho grinned, rolling up the window and Tao groaned. ‘’What’s the difference?’’ he frowned walking over to Lay who just finished his phonecall.

‘’Oh hurry up get in’’ Lay pointed at the back before getting inside the van. ‘’Off we go, hurry everyone!’’


‘’So, why do I end up in the back with two towers?’’ Bom murmured and Tao choked, ‘’towers?’’ he whispered and Kris let out a laugh. ‘’Because you’re the tallest out of us three’’     ‘’I could’ve taken front seat’’           ‘’No’’ Luhan turned around, giving her a glare and she furrowed her eyebrows at him. ‘’Ya, do you want me to-…’’         ‘’No fighting kiddies’’ Lay let out a laugh and she gawked at him with the three girls laughing.  ‘’Just so you know, if it’s official, your noona wil torture you’’ she glared at him and he let out a chuckle.

‘’Luhan better watch out’’ Lay sing songed and they all laughed again. ‘’I wanted window-seat though’’ Bom whispered, her arms crossed over her chest and Dara let out a laugh. ‘’I forgot, you never told us why you we’re so red when you  came’’ Chaerin fiddled with her phone and Bom let out a slight gasp as she moved forward in her seat, locating her target aka Chaerin’s cheeks. ‘’Do you really want to know’’ she pinched both Chaerin’s cheeks who squealed for the first time and the two other girls laughed. ‘’Do you really want to~’’ Bom grinned, stretching her cheeks and the two in the back couldn’t help but laugh until Kris noticed something. Her hoodie slipped off her left shoulder, revealing her black tank top and her black bra strap. He fiddled in his seat, her milky white skin was something he couldn’t take his eyes off.

‘’Ya! Unni!’’ Chaerin whined trying to pry off her hands and Bom laughed. ‘’I’ll let you go if you give me your candy and iPad’’     ‘’Fine fine fine’’ Chaerin muttered handing her the stuff and Bom squealed in delight, ‘’Such a kid’’ Chaerin whined, rubbing her cheeks and the rest grinned.


‘’Oppa, are we there yet?’’ Krystal asked for the fifth time and they all frowned, ‘’When we’re there we’ll tell you’’           ‘’Good because my friends are waiting’’               ‘’You invited your friends?’’ Suho peeked from the mirror and she nodded, ‘’Great more trouble’’ Kai frowned with Chanyeol patting his shoulder. ‘’Mm, the ones you met a couple of times back then, they’re excited to see you guys’’ she grinned as she ticked on her phone and they all looked at each other through the front mirror, ‘’Oh joy’’ Baekhyun sighed, turning to his right looking out of the window. So much for having fun.


The car ride went smoothly and they reached the airport in no time. They checked in without trouble and in less then a hour they reached Jeju Island with Baekhyun’s private family jet.

‘’Oh god it’s been such a while’’ He smiled inhaling the fresh air and Chaerin nodded. ‘’God, I hate planes’’ Dara frowned, holding on to Bom’s arm who laughed, looking at Chanyeol. He was on cloud nine basically, he was seated next to Dara and she held his hand the whole ride. ‘’Do you want some water noona?’’ Suho asked and she shook her head, ‘’I’ll be fine’’ she gave him a warm smile.

‘’So what now?’’ Bom asked looking around until she heard squeals and she frowned turning around. ‘’Oh my god you guys made it!’’ Krystal grinned as she hugged each one of them before turning to the gang. ‘’I think you guys already met but meet my friends’’ Krystal smiled, ‘’Sulli, Luna, Amber and Victoria’’ she introduced and they nodded. ‘’Great, Krystal and her minions’’ Chaerin groaned and the few males who heard snickered.

‘’Ah, I forgot there we’re only eight rooms left so I only booked eight rooms with two beds at our resort’’ Baekhyun scratched the back of his head and Krystal put her lips on firm line, ‘’But oppa you knew I was coming along and I told you about them?’’ she frowned, pouting and he sheepishly looked at her. ‘’Sorry, slipped my mind… I guess’’ he scratched the back of his head and Krystal was ready to throw a tantrum before Amber cut her off. ‘’Stop being so whiny they did so much for you already’’ She rolled her eyes before nodding at the others, apologizing. ‘’If it’s okay we’ll go from here’’ she smiled and they nodded while Krystal frowned, ‘’No I want to go with them!’’ she pouted and Amber just groaned. ‘’Too bad I already planned stuff so get your luggage and come’’ she grinned as she dragged Krystal to the car Amber booked and bowed before stepping in. ‘’Nice to see you again’’ the other three bowed joining the two.

‘’Well that was… weird’’ Sehun turned around again and the rest nodded. ‘’So where to now?’’ Xiumin asked Baekhyun who nodded at the two black vans parked in front of them, ‘’So now we go to the resort doofy’’ he grinned and the rest nodded. ‘’How long’s the ride?’’ Tao and Bom asked at the same time and they glanced at each other,  ‘’About a hour and a half why?’’ Baekhyun looked at them weirdly before Bom stretched, ‘’Good because I need some sleep’’ she glared at Luhan who held up his hands innocently.

‘’Off we go!’’


‘’Tell me again why am I seated between a tower and a deer?’’                ‘’Wow, noona is getting good with the names!’’ Kai laughed with Kris and Luhan frowning. ‘’You tortured me enough already’’ Luhan sighed rubbing his cheeks. Apparently the moment they sat In the car Bom attacked him for ruining her sleep, even though it was a short plane ride she was seated next to Luhan and whenever she dozed off he’d annoy her by blowing in her ear.

‘’That’s what you get for annoying me, why would you even blow air in my ear?’’ She groaned and the rest chuckled. ‘’Because you we’re dozing off, I needed something to keep me busy with’’ he replied and regretted the moment he spoke because she attacked his squishy cheeks again. ''And you do that by annoying me!?''                                                                       ‘’Enough enough’’ Kris pried her hands off him and she stared at him with Minji secretly giggling in the back. She noticed the faces Kris made last time during the bowling ball match as Bom was playing with Tao and this time she’s playing with Luhan and boy it’s ticking him off every second.

 ‘’What, you want me to torture you instead?’’ Bom looked at him with seconds passing as she stared in his dark brown orbs. Realizing what she was doing, she hurriedly looked away and slouched in her seat, her cheeks slightly flushed and no one failed to notice this little moment.


‘’No you can’t flick my forehead, it hurts!’’ Chanyeol whined and Sehun laughed, ‘’Ofcourse I can you lost the round of rock, paper and scissors’’ He smiled in victory and Chanyeol groaned. ‘’Fine fine, but not so hard okay, I’m your hyung’’ he held up his hair and the two females grinned. ‘’Can I?’’ Chaerin mouthed to Sehun who nodded and Chaerin got ready to flick his forehead, unknown to Chanyeol. On the count of three she flicked his forehead and he yelped in pain, rubbing his forehead. ‘’Oh my god Chaerinnie’’ Dara gasped at the female who just laughed. ‘’You did it with the rings on purpose’’ she gaped at Chaerin who denied while laughing. ‘’That’s what you get for holding Dara’s hand’’ she whispered, only for him to hear and he gaped at her. ‘’But she held mine…’’ he whispered and she could only laugh.

‘’So whose next?’’ Tao asked and they turned to the female in front. ‘’Me? I’m not playing’’ Chaerin stated firmly, ‘’But you flicked Chanyeol’s forehead so you must play now’’      ‘’There’s no rule like that’’            ‘’Well duuh, you joined the flicking part meaning you’re actually playing’’ Dara stated firmly and she pouted, ‘’fine’’ she sighed as she turned around ready to play.

‘’On the count of three! One…. Two…. Three!’’ they all echoed and Chaerin surprisingly lost. ‘’Eh, waeyo!’’ she whined and Chanyeol grinned, payback time. ‘’Yaaaa!’’ Chaerin glared at Dara who held her bangs to the side to give Chanyeol a little space to flick her forehead, ‘’Hurry up’’ Chaerin groaned and he grinned, ‘’Okay’’ he got ready to flick her forehead and she shut her eyes tightly thinking he’d hit her real hard but was surprised as it was a not so hard ‘’flick’’.

‘’Because I’m a man’’ he proudly finished before leaning back on his seat and she blinked a couple of times. ‘’What was that’’ Sehun groaned and he laughed, ‘’Please don’t act coolly on your own’’ Tao made a face and they all laughed not expecting what was in store this coming week.


‘’Finally!’’ Bom landed face first on the comfy single bed while Dara laughed at her. ‘’So we’re roomies huh, the unbeatable due Ssangpark!’’ Dara plopped herself on the bed too and Bom laughed, ‘’Aren’t you being random?’’            ‘’Maybe’’ they both laughed. ‘’So, what are you going to do now that we’re here?’’              ‘’Take a proper nap that’s for sure’’ She groaned as she got on her right side, facing Dara who laughed in return. ‘’Lazy ’’ she grinned, getting up walking to the bathroom. ‘’What, I’m tired’’ she pouted and Dara nodded. ‘’Fine fine, I’m going to freshen up’’ Dara closed the door and Bom blew a raspberry.

They took longer then expected to arrive here since there was a lot of traffic, on top of that they went to grab something to eat since most skipped breakfast and right now it was a little over 4pm and boy we’re they tired, they didn’t even admire the huge resort and just went straight to their rooms.


‘’That was tiring’’ Chaerin groaned as she slumped towards the bed and Minji laughed. ‘’It wasn’t that bad besides we can rest all we want now’’ she put the luggage in a corner of the room and grabbed out the necessary stuff. ‘’Say, Minji’’ she curled a lock of her hair around her finger while the younger one looked curiously at her. ‘’Nothing nevermind’’ she plopped herself back on the bed while the younger one plopped herself on her bed.

‘’Is it about Bom unni?’’ she titled her head to the side and Chaerin just looked at her. ‘’Well, you know… I noticed something’’ Chaerin fiddled around with Minji looking at her curiously. ‘’Is it about… Kris?’’ She asked and the older female’s eyes widened, ‘’How did you know-‘’          ‘’Oh come on, It’s so easy to notice’’ she giggled and Chaerin smiled. ‘’But here’s the thing’’ she looked at Minji sternly before continuing.


 ‘’So, aren’t you glad we’re here I mean more chances for you right?’’ Chen turned to Kris who nodded, ‘’Though what happens when you win the bet? Do you just… leave her or…?’’ He continued and Kris sighed as he looked at Tao. He knew the same thing was bothering him but he had this strong feeling that he wasn’t the only one in love with her. They we’re currently seated in the game lounge, Baekhyun’s father specially made one for him and his friends. After diner Dara, Chaerin and Minji went back to their rooms to rest though Bom slept from the moment they came her to now which surprised them all but then again it was a tiring trip.

‘’Well Tao?’’ Chen turned to Tao this time who furrowed his eyebrows. ‘’What happens when you win the bet?’’ Lay repeated and Tao sighed, ‘’I… don’t know?’’ he ruffled up his hair and the other males sighed. They all agreed talking to them after they knew it was going the wrong way heck they all regretted making the bet especially choosing the target aka Bom. ‘’Isn’t that easy you just dump her’’ Sehun slightly smirked with the others gaping at him. ‘’Ya, it’s your noona?’’ Xiumin looked at him and he shrugged. ‘’What the did you say?’’ Tao roared at him and a tense atmosphere was up in the air.

‘’Look, I wasn’t the one that agreed to the bet and I wasn’t the one who actually…’’ He cleared his throat before continuing, ‘’ fell for the girl instead’’ he sternly looked at the two males,      ‘’….’’               ‘’Exactly’’ Sehun got up, his hands in his pockets. ‘’Wait, you guys both fell for Bom noona?’’ Kai looked at the two who looked away. ‘’I thought… it was just Kris?’’ he muttered remembering the talk he had with Minji.

‘’I think we should set the bet off’’ Suho spoke in a firm tone and the rest agreed except the two males who we’re as quiet as ever. The rest we’re all fond of Bom and right now the bet and the money wasn’t worth it, Bom was different and the fact that they fell for her instead now that was something. None of them knew though how Bom felt but Luhan had a slight knowing of what might go on in her heart.

‘’Let’s just forget all this’’ Kyungsoo spoke this time and they nodded. ‘’I’m not backing off Bom though’’ Tao clenched his fist as he looked at the ground with Kris on the opposite of him. Another tense air breezed by and the others stayed quiet.

‘’Neither am I..’’


‘’What!?’’ Krystal whispered not expecting this one bit. She heard every single thing after she hid behind a pillar noticing they had a serious talk going on, but this all.... A slight smirk took over her lips.


Uh-ooh, here comes trouble!



[A/N Oh Krystal is trouble, and her friends.... Whaaat will they go through this week? Since the bet is almost off, there's a new challenge! Aiigoo, Bom you're stealing so many poor weak hearts T_T Maybe author-nim should make an appearance incase one of them loses? Haha, I kid. I'm sort of having this writer's block so if this update's bad I apologize in advance. Please do continue to enjoy it and well yeah, Ppyong!]


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Chapter 1: Gonna re-read this epic story again ;)
deladelf #2
Chapter 31: omg so sweet I could die happy and I need a sequel of this!!!! probably krisbom marriage life, haha. good job, author!!! luvs!!!!!
Tangkpop #3
Chapter 21: Lubboomm yyy they have be siblings noooo
Tangkpop #4
Chapter 10: My lubooom feellls
murisja #5
totally in love with this krisbom story >_<
nandiiva2 #6
Chapter 31: Haahhh love the ending!! ><
KrisBom so cute yo~ *luhan's style lol ><
Sequel please ;_;
gjie2cute #7
Chapter 31: Such s beautiful ending /cries
So what happened that night w kris n bom???
lalita25 #8
Chapter 31: OMG i can't contain my feels! This is so sweetsweet!
I feel so giddy ahh
Thank you author nim ^^
AkAnExxxAi #9
Chapter 31: Kyahhhhh ♥♥♥♥
Thank you for a lovely story author.nim muakmuakmuak
piper8702 #10
Chapter 31: waaahhh. its the end. sobs. krisbom fighting! love is in the air indeed. love it... mr. & mrs wu sounds amazing. yahooooo. thanks authornim