The Fact That You're My Official Couple

Who Would It Be?

Saturday, 3PM at Bubble Tea Café.

  “Mima-ssi!” I turned my head, searching for the source of the voice that called my name. Oh it’s him, the bias. “Have you been waiting long? I’m really sorry. It was hard to convince Sehunnie not to come along. He wanted to come so bad, when I told him about meeting you at the BubbleTea Café.” The man that called my name took a seat in front of me as he gave a cue to the waiter, asking for the menu. “No, it’s fine. I just got here. Why didn’t you let Thehunnie to come?“ Luhan chuckled when he heard I call Sehun ‘Thehunnie’. “Because if I let him to come, you’re gonna pay attention to him instead of me!” “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. Can you please repeat that again?” I asked him for a repetition, because he was more like hissing than talking. “Ahaha, no, never mind! I want this taro bubble tea, please.” “Sunbaenim, you’re not eating? I ordered a cheesecake. I wanted to order for you too, but I don’t know your favorite food, so—“ “It’s fine! I’m not hungry, you eat yourself.” He smiled. His smile is very sweet. His face too, I must say he’s very sweet for a guy. And he’s still insisted that he’s manly? Okay.

  Luhan cleared his troath, “you have been informed that I’m your… official couple right?” When he mentioned that official couple thingy my heart beats a little bit faster.

  “Y—yes, I have. My manager told me.” I’m trying hard to cover my nervousness, okay. “Okay, we’ve been scheduled for the singing practice tomorrow,” Luhan explained. “And the dancing practice starts from, Wednesday.” I chocked. “What dancing?!” “Well, we both are main dancers, Mima-ssi. We should dance.” Luhan took a sip of his bubble tea. “Ballet dance.” I think I just swallowed the straw. “What?! No! I can’t! and since when you’re dancing ballet, sunbaenim? I thought the only person who can dances ballet in EXO is Kkamjo—Kai sunbaenim?!” “You’re right, I can’t. that’s why, let’s practice hard together! Jia you!” He made a fighting pose. Should I say, as long as I’m with you I can do everything now? “There is also Kai who’s gonna teach us if we still can’t do it.” I once again, chocked. Luhan patted my back, “ZhenMei, you okay?” Eh?! He’s now calling me with my Chinese name? So which name are you calling me with?!

 “Oh, right! Don’t forget, we’re also singing DJ Got Us Fallin’ in Love Again with other couples!” Luhan seems so excited. “What couple?” I glared at him. “Seohyunssi and KyuHyun hyung. Minho and—“ “WHAT?!” Luhan nodded. “I’m not going to! I’m willing to dance ballet, but I’m not willing to see them doing lovey dovey things right in front of ME!” “Then talk to the company.” Luhan answered, coldly. “I know it’s hard for you since you’re everyone’s fangirl.” Oh, yes. Yes, I am. “You’re also my fangirl, aren’t you?” I think I just turned into a steamed potato. I glared at him. Now it’s a death glare. Luhan brought his face closer to mine, “but just accept this. You are my official couple.” Can I die.

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aduduh.. English-nya nice.. hehe!
UnicornLover888 #2
Chapter 11: Oh I cannot control my feels @_@
Chapter 18: make a sequel please~~~ I'm dying here to wait who she'll pick...
HanHaGi #5
Chapter 1: Like it.
Update more quickly
Chapter 2: Update soon~