"Your boyfriend called you!"

Who Would It Be?

At SpotBeat’s Dorm.

  “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, MISSY?!” I’m now facing a tall girl, with a maroon medium-length hair. I tried my best to sneak in, but it’s not what I’m good at. “A—Ah, EunGook unnie. Hahahahaha, why are you still awake? It’s late alre—“ “I KNOW IT’S LATE, THAT’S WHY I ASKED YOU, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! OH, DON’T TELL ME. YOU WENT TO THE BAR DID YOU? YOU’RE DRUNK? JUNG SOOMUN, JEMIMA, SHUN ZHENMEI OR WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS, HOW MANY TIMES SHOULD I TELL YOU DON’T TROUBLE TROUBLE UNTILL TROUBLE TROUBLES YOU!” “I DID  NOT GO TO THE BAR FOR GOD’S SAKE.”  I objected to what she accused to me. “I was trapped, at the elevator.” EunGook moved closer to me, “you were trapped?” “Yep. I was trapped with… Hihihihihihihihi,” I giggled, making EunGook anxious. “Yah! Jemima Jung finish your sentence NOW!” I entered my room quickly. To make it safer, I locked it. My roommate is HeeJoon, she hates it when I close the door because it’s hot. I should sleep soon, because I know HeeJoon will wake up soon to open the door and kill me.

  It’s 8 o’clock. I think they departed to China already, I said to myself. “What are you thinking of, Mima-yah?” HeeJoon asked. “Luhan, of course!” GaYeong butted in.So, SooMunnie, why don’t you tell us about who were you trapped with in the elevator last night?” EunYeong brought up last night’s ‘incident’. “Uri SooMunnie went home late because she was trapped in the elevator? Poor you..” GaYeong patted my head. “With someone, eoh? Who was it? Luhan oppa?!” Am I dreaming or what because MinSung just became evil. “It’s not XiaoLu ge.” My statement made them became more and more anxious about who I was trapped with. “Then who?! Tell us!” HeeJoon looks like she’s dying to know. “Secret~” I teased them. “Unnie is bad~” MinSung whined. “Okay girls, we’re here.” Thankfully, manager unnie cutted this dangerous conversation. Today’s schedule is photoshoot for XMagazine, then the pre-recording for the XMusic, and lastly, a charity event in Busan.

  My phone rang, someone called me. I jaw droped when I saw the name written on my phone’s screen.


  “He—Hello?” I’m so nervous. “Hello, Mima-ssi? I’m at the airport now, I can’t talk much. I’ll be coming back from China in about 3 days. On that 3rd day, you can meet me to talk about our duet, can’t you?”

  Oh, it’s about the duet thing.

  “Y—yes, sure. Saturday, at the Bubbletea Café. Okay?” I actually – still – can’t hide my nervousness. “Uhm, please wait.” He didn’t talk for awhile, I could hear some laughing voices. But among those voices, I recognized one voice. Kai’s.

 “Yes, I can! See you on Saturday then! I’ll message you the time!”“ “Okay, XiaoLuge.” Dang! I blurted out – again. I’m not supposed to call him XiaoLu or anything but sunbaenim! He giggled because of the XiaoLuge thing before he hung up the phone. “Your boyfriend called you!” MinSung, the youngest who I thought couldn’t be evil, teased me.

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aduduh.. English-nya nice.. hehe!
UnicornLover888 #2
Chapter 11: Oh I cannot control my feels @_@
Chapter 18: make a sequel please~~~ I'm dying here to wait who she'll pick...
HanHaGi #5
Chapter 1: Like it.
Update more quickly
Chapter 2: Update soon~