Stay This Way, Forever.

Who Would It Be?

“Sorry, I—I really don’t understand. I’m really sorry.” I lowered my face. He wasn’t cold, arrogant and heartless, he’s tired. Very tired. Kai is the dancing machine, also the face of the group. He’s holding a big responsibility.

I don’t have rights to judge him, because I don’t understand him.

   “Forget what I said. I’m too tired, I don’t know what I’m talking about. You don’t need to apologize.” I want to hug him, without a rope. “I hope you’ll always be like this.” I hissed. “You said something?” he asked. “no, I didn’t.” I bent the truth. I had guts to approach him, in squatting position. Dork.

   “Now I understand,” he glanced at me. “I understand now, Kkamjongie-oppa. I thought you were annoying, but I just didn’t understand.” I smiled at him, and replied by him. A sincere smile, right from the heart. I think I’m blushing – again. “I’m the one who don’t understand what you’re trying to say just now. But, I’m happy to have a hobae like you.“ He patted my head. “You remind me of Jjangah.” I purred, how could I remind him of his pet.

     A few seconds later, the elevator opened and the lights went on. I felt relieved. Among those relieved and happy feelings, I feel a bit sad. What if, he’s back to normal? The one that’s.. Arrogant, cold, and… heartless.

   Before I left the elevator, I whispered, “please. Stay this way, forever.” He turned his head, “what?” I shook my head, “n—nothing. Finally, fresh air! Byong Kkamjongie oppa!” I bent the truth. I faked a smile. He replied with a nod, then left me right away.

   “My heart’s pounding hard. What’s this?” The tan man asked himself. He then shook his head, “You’re crazy, Kim JongIn.” He said to himself, as he speeded up his steps.

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aduduh.. English-nya nice.. hehe!
UnicornLover888 #2
Chapter 11: Oh I cannot control my feels @_@
Chapter 18: make a sequel please~~~ I'm dying here to wait who she'll pick...
HanHaGi #5
Chapter 1: Like it.
Update more quickly
Chapter 2: Update soon~