Official Couple?!

Who Would It Be?

   I blinked in disbelief. “What does this mean?” I tilted my head. She smiled while pointing at the paper she’s holding, “look,” my eyes are now focused on her fingertip. “Your official couple is Luhan.” My eyes are bulged out, still not believing what I just heard. “Luhan? Of EXO-M?!” She nodded. “Hm, you two are going to sing this song,” she said giving a piece of paper. She chuckles, “you’re blushing, you know?” I downward my face, unwilling to see her face. “N—no, I’m not!” I denied. My face is getting hotter as I imagined I & Luhan on the stage, singing & dancing to ‘Can I Have This Dance’. “Come on, it’s rare for a fan to have their idol as their official couple. You’re one lucky fan!” I tried to look at her eyes, “but unnie, I’m…Shy.” “Look how cute you are now! Oh, or do you want me to change your official couple as Tao? You will need to do some wushu stuffs.” She said jokingly. “NO!!! OKAY I WILL BE LUHAN’S OFFICIAL COUPLE.” I answered with a high tone as I shake her body.” “Okay, okay. Calm down! I was just joking. I’m only your manager, there is no way for me to change something that has been decided.”

   I glared at her. “What?” she blinked and widened her eyes, acting cute. “Imagine this! You’re going to sing with your bias! Do you know how many girls that has been dreaming about singing with Luhan? Thousands! Probably billions! Also imagine this, you will be the next MinSul couple or, ah this, Seohyun and Kyu—oops!” she covered , pretending that she was blurting out. “Mention those names, again.” There, she got my famous death glare. “SEO JOO HYUN OF GIRLS GENERATION IS COUPLED WITH CHO KYUHYUN OF SUPER JUNIOR. OOPS I DID NOT MEAN TO SAY THAT.“ She definitely said it intentionally. “Don’t you dare to run, Kim Hana!” she ran off, followed by me. I ran smoothly but then,

   I bumped into someone.

   I fell down, the one I bumped into too.

  “Did you leave your eyes at home or what?!” he snapped. “I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! I will be more careful next time!” I bow repeatedly, eyes on the ground not really having guts to look at his onyx eyes.

Awe! The first chapter! Tell me what do you think guys! X3 And who is that someone you bumped into? Ohoho~

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aduduh.. English-nya nice.. hehe!
UnicornLover888 #2
Chapter 11: Oh I cannot control my feels @_@
Chapter 18: make a sequel please~~~ I'm dying here to wait who she'll pick...
HanHaGi #5
Chapter 1: Like it.
Update more quickly
Chapter 2: Update soon~