That Question

Who Would It Be?

The happy Luhan stopped talking. I’m too scared to talk to him, after hearing his cold voice.

It’s more than 45 minutes already, but Kai and the other haven’t came back yet. Where are they buying the drink? Antartica?

My phone battery drained. And Luhan still doesn’t talk. Why.

I can’t stand of being quiet doing nothing. “Uhm, let’s take some selcas hyung!” I asked him. He shook his head.


“Oh, okay then. I’m going to take some selcas with the other members. I really want to take some selcas with EXO members right now!” I pretended to be sad. Luhan stretched out his hand, “come here.” A wide smile painted on my face. I think I could just fly to Eden right now. I really wanted to jump, but I need to stay cool.

“Can we use yours, hyung ? My battery drained.” I sat beside him. Hang in there, heart. “You’re gonna share it?” He asked before taking some photos. I nodded, “of course! Twitter, Weibo, and Instagram! SMTown’s official Facebook if I have too!” Luhan laughed, “okay!”

Shortly afterwards, Kai, Sehun, and Kyungsoo returned. “Where have you been actually?” I nagged. “There was a turtle crossing the street,” Kyungsoo answered. “Followed by a cockroach.” Kai added. “A cockroach.” Sehun emphasizes his words, knowing what I’m afraid of.

“Here, your drink, hyung! I bought you a bubble tea!” Sehun smiled to hisour beloved hyung. “Oh, you’re not buying any for me?” “Who are you?” Sehun made the face.


I still have a half hour, I thought. A half hour before going to practice, again. I walked to the cafeteria, and bought 2 portions of rice and blueberry juice. “How many flanks do you have?” I searched for the voice’s source. Xiumin. “What? I haven’t eaten anything yet since this morning!” I eat like a hungry lion. “You’re not eating?” I asked him as I pinch his gaunt cheeks. It was so chubby! “I’m in a diet.” I widened my eyes. “Diet? What diet? You’re already this thin! You were so cute with your chubby cheeks! And now you’re way too thin!” I almost screamed. “Sst, calm down! I can be chubby, I just want to keep my body for being too fat.” He glanced at me sarcastically. “What does your sarcastic glance mean? You’re saying I’m fat?” I glared at him. “Sorry not sorry, I have curves.” I showed off arrogantly.

“What ever.” Xiumin gave up. “Oh, about your official couple…” Xiumin took out his phone, then showed a picture. “Which one will you choose?” The photo he ‘s showing me. It’s Kai & Luhan’s photo. I tilted my head, “what do you mean?” “Which one will you choose? Kai, or Luhan?” he repeated. “Aw, isn’t the sky so beautiful?” I changed the topic. “Do not change the topic, chubble. It’s getting dark, and raining soon.” He mocked me as he enlarged the picture. “This one,” he slides to Kai’s picture. “Or this one?” he then slides to Luhan’s picture. Die.

I took out my phone and show him a picture, “this one!” Xiumin gave me the are-you-serious look. “Kyuhyun hyung?” I nodded. “Poor you. It must be an unrequited love, since he is Seohyun-ssi’s.” I feel like breaking my spoon into two. “Yeah keep on saying that.” “You hate Seohyun?” I stayed quiet, keep eating my meal(s). “I’m done eating. If you’re gonna stay here, make sure to pay my bill.” I said with a flat tone. “Eh? No, I won’t!” he quickly left me. Stingy. But if I’m not using that way, he’s going to ask,

Which one will you choose?

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aduduh.. English-nya nice.. hehe!
UnicornLover888 #2
Chapter 11: Oh I cannot control my feels @_@
Chapter 18: make a sequel please~~~ I'm dying here to wait who she'll pick...
HanHaGi #5
Chapter 1: Like it.
Update more quickly
Chapter 2: Update soon~