My First

Who Would It Be?

17:49 PM

“You’re not putting on any make up?” asked the man in front of me. I shook my head, “no, why? Am I ugly? Okay then I’m going to put on some make up first, hyung please w—“ I was heading back to my room when Luhan pulled my hand – again. “No need to. I was just surprised to see a girl this beautiful even without any make up.”


“T—thank you,” I looked away. I must be blushing right now. All the members behind me are giggling. “EunYeong, lend me your Mima, okay!” Luhan waved at EunYeong and the other members. EunYeong answered as she saluted to Luhan, “aye aye, captain!”

Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale.

I’m trying hard not to be nervous – at least less nervous.

We went to the park after we bought some bubble-teas, then we sat on the bench. I stole a glance at his face. His skin is as white as milk, without a single stain. He’s so pretty, yet so handsome at the same time. He’s too handsome for me. I’m blushing, again. Ugh.

“Is this really okay?” I asked. “Hm?” he turned his head to me with his angelic sweet smile on his face. “Is this really okay if it’s just both of us? Here?” wait. It’s just both of us. Me, Luhan, together. Don’t tell me it’s…


“No, it’s fine. Why?” “You’re an idol, hyung. So do I. People might think we’re…” “Hahahahaha,” Luhan laughed. “what’s so funny?” “You. You’re funny. Very funny,” he pinched my nose. “You’re afraid of scandal?” I nodded. Well, every idols are afraid of it: Scandal.

“We’re official couple, aren’t we?” He drank up his bubble tea “we are supposed to be together.” The park became so quiet, I could even hear a pin drop. There is just me, Luhan, and the light. The moon replaced the sun, showering us with its light.

Luhan puts his face closer to mine, “close your eyes.” I can feel his warm breath. My heart pounds heart until you can hear it. I can feel my blood flows inside me. He then, kissed me. He gave me a very gentle warm kiss.

“If you’re afraid, then make a scandal, with me.” He winked. I, who was still shocked for that not-so-sudden kiss, didn’t answer anything. I think I turned pale. It was so fast, but sure made me really, I couldn’t even describe it with a word. My body is shivering, “you’re okay?” he put his backhand on my forehead. I shook my head weakly. “You’re so cold.” My knees are so limp. It’s impossible for me to walk. Then suddenly,


He kissed my forehead.

I think he had a grudge on me, so he wanted to kill me.

“This way, you’re gonna be just fine!” he patted my head. I looked at his dark brown eyes deeply. It’s so, pretty. “You know, hyung...“ After gaining some energy, I talked to him. “That was, the first.” I turned my face, not willing to see his eyes again. “Is that so?” he grabbed my hand. “This is the second, then.” He said as he kissed me again.

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aduduh.. English-nya nice.. hehe!
UnicornLover888 #2
Chapter 11: Oh I cannot control my feels @_@
Chapter 18: make a sequel please~~~ I'm dying here to wait who she'll pick...
HanHaGi #5
Chapter 1: Like it.
Update more quickly
Chapter 2: Update soon~