No, It Wasn't Luhan

Who Would It Be?

  “Phew!” I slammed my body to my bed. “I’m tired, unnie! Make me some cheesecake!” I did an aegyo when I saw EunGook entered my room. “It’s late already. Impossible to make – or to eat a cheesecake.” I pouted my lips. “Come on, stop doing aegyo and move your body. I cooked dinner already. Salmon.” She looks at me, gently. I really like the way she looks at me, so motherly. She sometimes reminds of my mom. If you asked me to write an essay to describe her, probably will make 5 pages of it! Or more!.

  “Come on, tell us! Who were you trapped with? I could just die in couriousity.” Seriously GaYeong, you’re acting way too much. “How long are you going to push me? It’s bullying!” I exclaimed. “Untill we know who were you tapped with.” GaYeong answered firmly. They’re all making those puppy eyes. Ugh. It’s cheating. “Okay, okay! It’s Kai, satisfied?” I give them my infamous death glare, one by one. “But you looked like so happy yesterday I thought it was Luhan! You like Kai sunbaenim?” EunGook asked. I cleared my troath. “N—no, of course no.” I denied. Liar. “But, I’ve said that I have 11 biases in EXO, right?” HeeJoon looked at me, confused. “EXO has… 12 members right? Who’s that one unlucky guy?” “Tao, he’s my lil bro.” my stupid statement caused laughter. “Lil bro? He’s way older than you, unnie!” MinSung held her laugh but failed. “Yes, older.” I flicked my hair, “but I’m more mature.” “You’re acting old, not mature.” HeeJoon voiced her opinion. I stared at her fiercly. “Now, now. I received a text from managerunnie. She said, we’re going to Incheon for the fan-sign event at 11am, then Busan. Last but not least, we still need to rehearse for the concert at 7pm. Tomorrow is gonna be tiring, better to sleep early, girls!”

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aduduh.. English-nya nice.. hehe!
UnicornLover888 #2
Chapter 11: Oh I cannot control my feels @_@
Chapter 18: make a sequel please~~~ I'm dying here to wait who she'll pick...
HanHaGi #5
Chapter 1: Like it.
Update more quickly
Chapter 2: Update soon~