Yes, You're My Baby

Who Would It Be?

“Have you changed your strings, Mima-ssi?” “You’re going to call me formally forever, eh? I called you oppa already, not fair!” Kai giggles, “what do you want me to call you? Oh, don’t tell me you want me to call you stupid?” I balled my hands. “Mima-yah is good.” I hold my hands not to punch him. Kai shook his head, “I don’t want that.” He’s so different. I’m glad he didn’t change. He was so arrongant and cold, but now? Well boys are boys, childish.

“Mimabo is better.” I asked him with a suspicious look, “Mimabo? Don’t tell me…” “Yep, Mima pabbo!” he let out a satisfied laugh. I was born as a teasing object. I kicked his right feet until he was about to fall. But, Mimabo is… A pet name?

My heart started to beat fast again, yay, success.

“I didn’t know you can play guitars.” “Of course I could! Sungmin oppa taught me well!” I mused, remembering my trainee days. Sungmin taught me, (im)patiently. I kind of missing my trainee days.

“Thanks for the ice cream!” I said, holding a cone of blueberry ice cream. Kai nodded as a reply. “Where are you going?” Kai asked all of the sudden. “To the dorm of course.” “I mean, where are you going? I parked my car over here, not there.” WHAT? IS HE—

“I’m driving you home,” he led me to the front seat. His shining black sport car looks so cool!

I’m speechless. What makes him this nice? “You’re my hobae, there’s no way I’m leaving you alone. Suho-hyung also told me to take care of you.” Kai explained. Phew.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” Kai asked, still focused on the road. “I am! I can’t wait for rehearsal! It’s my first concert!” I answered in excitement. Kai smiled. “Whoa, XOXO!” my eyes were twinkling when I see EXO’s first album on Kai’s dashboard. “Can I play it?” I asked Kai for his approval. Kai took a glance, “sure.”

I skipped to the nineth track – Baby. I hummed the ‘yes you’re my baby baby baby , baby baby baby’ part until Kai asked, “who is your baby?” “I’m not married yet so, I don’t have any baby.”

“No, not that baby. You know what I mean.” Silence filled up the car. To be honest, I didn’t know what to answer. “Darn,” Kai swore. “I forgot it’s traffic jam now.” He hit his steering wheel several times. “You haven’t answered my question.”

“I, I don’t have.”

“Lie.” His signature smile – more to a smirk actually – painted on his handsome face.

“Why should I lie?” It was an honest answer. Who is my baby?

“For this.” He pulls my body closer to his, then kissed me. My eyes are wide open. I slowly closed my eyes to feel his lips.

I say his lips are very sweet. Even sweeter than the sugar, will it be my favorite sweets?  It was a perfect kiss. People say he’s erted, so I was afraid of that kind of passionate rough kiss, but no. it was one hell of a perfect gentle kiss. I’m lucky to feel the curve of his thick beautiful lips.

I’ve never imagined Kai – or Luhan – kissing me. I just… can’t believe. I’m not regretting for these 5 difficult years of training. Is it my retaine?

But then, none of them confessed their feelings to me. Do you really think I could read your feelings by just being kissed? I’m actually confused. I don’t know which one to choose. Or, am I just afraid to choose? I don’t know. One thing I know,

I just love them too much.

HAHAHAHAHA omg sorry sorry sorry but it's the end as I said before the ending is not going to be so satisfying so it is not satisfying i'm sorry hahahahhaahah just let me know what you think! I'm thinking of making a sequel but i dont know ;A;

Oh and, choosing between Luhan and Kai is indeed hard, isn't it?


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aduduh.. English-nya nice.. hehe!
UnicornLover888 #2
Chapter 11: Oh I cannot control my feels @_@
Chapter 18: make a sequel please~~~ I'm dying here to wait who she'll pick...
HanHaGi #5
Chapter 1: Like it.
Update more quickly
Chapter 2: Update soon~