The Important Ones

Who Would It Be?

Since last night’s incident, my heart can’t beat normally. I’m keeping this a secret from my fellows, afraid they’ll tease me. I was thinking of Luhan, when suddenly Kai’s image crossed my mind. His smile, his evil smirk, his everything.

 “I like Mima-unnie!” the little girl in front of me spreaded her hand, asking to be hugged. “And why do you like me?” I hugged her, picked her up, then swirled. “Because Mima-unnie is funny! Mima-unnie is pretty! Mima-unnie is smart! Mima-unnie’s voice is nice! Mima-unnie is good! Mima-unnie is stupid!” she answered innocently. “Hush!” her mother covered . “Your daughter is too cute, ma’am! She’s right! If I weren’t supid, I’m not Mima then!” I handed her to her mother. “Mima-unnie, please always be with Luhan-oppa okay!!!”

I subsided when she mentioned that name. Why is it Luhan anyway?

I just smiled and waved at her. “Oh, she’s such a smart girl.” GaYeong who’s sitting  beside me talked. “She’s such a smart girl to know you’re liking Luhan.” EunGook jumped in. I pinched their hands without saying a thing.

We’re now at Busan for a fan-sign event. It’s break time now, so we can do everything we want now. “You guys really can’t live a day without bothering me, can you?” I pouted. “No, of course we can’t!” the youngest spoke. I’ll leave her alone since she looks so cute with those ribbons on her head.  I then buried my head in my arms.

“You, Jung SooMun! Tell us now, who are you choosing? Me or him?!” the younger man asked with a loud voice. The other man too, “yeah, XiaoMei, you choose! Me or Kai?” I was tongue-tied. “I—I..” “We’re waiting.” Kai crossed his arms. “Guys, I love both of y—“ “No, you can’t. Choose! Make a choice,” Luhan didn’t let me finish my words. I’ve never seen Luhan this serious. “But both of you are important to me!” my eyes got tearry. “This is the only way then,” Kai rolled up his sleeves. No, don’t tell me he’s going to… “Hyung, fight me. Let’s see who’s gonna hold her hand.” Kai gave Luhan his evil-smirk. “Challenge accepted,  Jongin.” “No, no! Don’t do it!” I tried to stop them.

“No!” I screamed.

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aduduh.. English-nya nice.. hehe!
UnicornLover888 #2
Chapter 11: Oh I cannot control my feels @_@
Chapter 18: make a sequel please~~~ I'm dying here to wait who she'll pick...
HanHaGi #5
Chapter 1: Like it.
Update more quickly
Chapter 2: Update soon~