Speaking Of

White Smoke

I knelt in front of my open suitcases and did a quick scan of my belongings. Seeing it all together like this, it really isn’t much. These were the things that summed up my life; it was a little scary seeing it fit in just two suitcases.

“I’d ask if you need help… but there really isn’t much unpacking to do,” Nara said. She was making herself comfortable this Saturday morning, lying on Seung Hyun’s bed reading a teen novel. I glared at her and sighed. She was right though, I didn’t have a lot of stuff. I checked Seung Hyun’s walk in closet and found that he emptied out half of it for me… but I hardly had enough things to even fit one shelf.

“Are you guys going to go shopping for stuff?” she asked me.

“I’m not sure, I don’t even know if he has time,” I told her honestly. “He’s so busy with filming and recording. To be honest, if I didn’t see him at home, I don’t think I’d be able to see him at all.”

“I guess it’s a good thing you moved in then.” I abandoned my small mess and went to lie with Nara, resting my head on her back and gazing up at the ceiling.

“You think so?”

“Absolutely.” I shuffled around in the back pocket of my jeans and took out the infamous plastic black card then dangled it in front of Nara’s face.

“You want to use this with me?” I asked her.

“YES!” She made a grab for it but I immediately retracted the card and put it out of harm’s way.

“We need to buy some home ware.” Nara’s face immediately fell and she went back to her book in a grumble. I knowingly smiled and got up from my comfy position to change my clothes. Before I closed the door behind me I peered over my shoulder and smiled at Nara.

“And I think some new winter boots would be a good idea as well,” I added.

Seung Hyun had recommended a boutique store filled with odd bits and pieces for the home, with a specialty corner for kitchen items. I loved buying stuff like this, it trumps clothes shopping any day, and I skipped in glee around the aisles, taking my time as I rummaged through the shelves. I’d get the pots and pans in another store, but stuff like utensils, cutlery and plates I could grab from here.

Nara chose a magnetic spice rack with lids that stuck to the wall so that we could have a view of the different coloured spices from the bottom of the jar. The saleswoman showed me the finished product in a brochure which created a beautiful tessellating pattern. Not much for function, but it definitely looked fantastic, so I conceded.

We bee lined straight to the mall afterwards to look for shoes, with Nara dragging me and the dozens of bulky shopping bags that were in my hand. Most of the things were getting delivered tomorrow; these were just the items I wanted to use now. There were so many different colours and designs and all these utensils that you never thought you needed… I looked at Nara who had given a few pairs to the clerk for sizes. Who was I kidding? There’s a deranged shopaholic in each one of us.

I smiled as I realised Seung Hyun had called me. He had left before I moved in with my things.

“Settled down?” he asked me.

“Hardly, we’re out shopping.”

“Of course you are. Where?”

“Around Garosu-gil. I got us a few things for the house and I decided to reward Nara by buying her new shoes.”

“Really now, reward for what?”

“Well I guess it was more of a bribe to get her to go out with me,” I realised. Seung Hyun chuckled.

“Thought so.”

“You coming home tonight?” I gave Nara a nod as she flaunted the tan wedged boots in front of me.

“I am,” Seung Hyun answered. “That’s all I want to do at the moment, be home with you.”

“Me too,” I whispered back. We left it at that, the expectations of finally being at peace in each other’s arms in the comfort of our home. There would be no issues, no people, no eyes and no comments; just us two unreserved for each other. I stretched out my legs in front of me and exhaled. I wanted time to go faster. Then I looked at Nara who’s jumping up in giddiness wearing what seemed like the perfect pair of shoes for her, and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Sometimes I also wanted time to stop.

Ahjussi picked Nara up and I took a cab back home. The sun had already set by this time and the streetlights in front of the apartment villa shone down on the cab as it pulled up to the kerb. Just as I had mentally prepared myself to haul all the bags up to the apartment, a black van came up behind us.

“Thank god,” I breathed in relief. Plastering on as sweet a smile I could I went up to the opened side door and gave Seung Hyun a peck on the lips.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hello to you too,” Seung Hyun replied, giving me another peck in return. He looked tired, tired but unable to hide the smile on his face. Carefully I led him out of the car and towards the awaiting taxi.

“Wait a second,” I told him. Then I rummaged inside, grabbed most of the bags and slung them onto his awaiting arms. Seung Hyun raised his eyebrows in amusement and his dimples appeared on his cheeks.

“Items for the home, kindly sponsored by celebrity T.O.P.”

“Really now?” he mused. “How kind of him.”

“Very generous man,” I agreed. “And there’s even more coming through delivery.” This time he let out a laugh and began to lead me inside the apartment. I picked up the rest of the bags and said goodbye to Seung Hyun’s manager with a wave.

As we waited for the lift I peered over at the face of my love, the man who I was ready to start the rest of my life with.

“What?” he asked me.

“I don’t know. Something feels different.”

“Of course, because it’s just you and me… with nothing else.”

“Yeah?” I leaned my head on his shoulder and felt him gently kiss the top of my head.

While Seung Hyun took a shower to wash the day’s work away, I all the lights in the kitchen so that I could start to fill up those empty cabinets of his. There was a row of drawers nearby the sink and on the island, along with shelves that filled up the entire middle portion of the kitchen.  I opened up the top section only to find that half of it was filled with his collection of wine and champagne glasses.

“Geez,” I muttered. I picked up one and found it spotless, basically gleaming in the light. He really takes care of them well. After slow deliberation I came up with a plan of organisation and began to put away my purchases in their new places. Having been left alone with my thoughts, a song began to pop into my head. It was Jet’s ‘Cold Hard B****’, one of their less popular songs but one we listened to often all those years ago.

“Gonna check her out cause she’s the latest attraction…” I sang, softly. “Just a kiss on the lips and I’m on my knees.” I yelped in surprise as I turned around and found Seung Hyun behind me, his towel hanging around his neck, a subtle look on his face. I know that look, I can tell that look from a mile away.

“That was quick,” I commented.

“Yeah,” he said, bending down to kiss me. “Because someone didn’t join me.”

“Oh, I didn’t know I was supposed to.”

“Doesn’t matter now.” He picked me up and seated me on the counter, placing himself between my legs. I played a little with his damp hair, moving it away from his face.

“Aren’t you tired?” I asked him.

“The thing with men, it’s one of the things we’re never too tired for.” I laughed out loud at that. He kissed my smile.

“I love you,” I said.

“I love you so much more,” he said, the sweet timbre of his voice reaching my ears. “More than you realise.” Seung Hyun slid his hands up my thighs as I gave into the kiss and felt myself melt into the night with each touch he made. 

There were so many times that I swore I saw him with me, sleeping on my old, rickety bed back in my cramped New York apartment. After a long day of rehearsals I would have drifted in and out of sleep and I'd catch the slightest glimpse of his serene face next to mine. And then I would wake up.

The familiar scent of his cologne reaches me and my eyes flutteredopen. Seung Hyun's warm brown eyes stared back at me through the darkness.

"You're here," he whispered, swiping the back of his hand against my cheek. I nuzzled intio his touch.

"I'm here," I replied. We slept facing each other, our legs entangled under the sheets bathed in the heat of each other's bodies. Seung Hyun puilled me into his chest and took a deep breath in.

"You should have come sooner."

"I know."

"You never should have left..."

"I know."

"It doesn't matter now. You're here." I think Seung Hyun was half asleep at this state. His murmurs becoming more incoherent.

"I can't believe it either. What are we going to do?... What am I going to do?" Nara, Dad, the company, my life... now that we were going to do everything together, how much more difficult could things get?

"...I've got you. I'll protect you..." he mumbles.

"You can't protect me from everything..."

Seung Hyun didn't answer me as he gave in to his sweet dreams, a content smile on his face.


AN: Guys thanks so much for your patience. If you haven't listened to it, check out 'Parachute' by Code Kunst, it sets the mood perfectly for this chapter.



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Heymama #1
Chapter 33: Hi Authornim...any updates..its GOOD..tq
Chapter 33: I love how realistic your story and updates are.
Chapter 32: This is sweet yet realistic
Popkorn17 #4
Chapter 32: Thank you for updating, I am really enjoying this story so please don't lose motivation and continue!
I also admire our protagonist's strong-willed and honest nature (Words seem to be failing me as of recently hence I'm not explaining it well, but I hope you got the gist), please update soon~
Chapter 32: thankyou for t update^^
I love ds whol concept of ur story n love reading et too. f u can pls kip on continuing i' b mre happy. so pls, dont give up on tis beautiful story f urs. thanku
Chapter 31: Short but sweet
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 31: Thank you for the chapter!
I agree it was very short but also quite sweet and I think it will lead nicely into the next chapter, thank you ^^
Have a good Easter!
Chapter 31: This is too short! Please update often! :))
Chapter 30: Sigh, acceptance is the first step to everything