Where We Are

White Smoke

I haven't moved any of my stuff yet. It's not that I didn't want to, every fibre of my being told me that I belonged in that house with him, that I should sleep on that bed and share meals with him, but I didn't know how to make that will a reality. My execution plan is clearly lacking, especially when it comes to dealing with Nara. She thinks I'm being weird and annoying. Every night since Seung Hyun went back to Japan for Big Bang's Fukuoka concerts I've been sneaking into her bed during the early hours in the morning and cuddling her. She kicked me onto the floor twice.

"Unni! You sleep like a you're about to pick a fight. Let me have some rest!" she would chide me everytime I woke her up. I just ended up whining like a five year-old and moving even closer to her, which she just met with exasperated sighs. I want to follow her words when she told me to do things that would make me happy. The problem was that I didn't know if I could be happy if I felt like I was abandoning my baby sister.

"Why am I making this so difficult?" I muttered to myself, and I banged my head against the car window in annoyance. Seeing Seung Hyun's face close to mine almost made me jump out of my skin as I saw him trying to peer through the tint of the windows from outside the van. I smiled and rolled it down just a fraction so that he could see my eyes.

"You're here?" I asked sheepishly. Byung Young picked me up from the house so that we could go together to pick Seung Hyun up from the airport.

"I heard a thud. Did you hit your head?"

"No..." From behind his sunglasses I could see his eyebrows rise questioningly but then he just shrugged.

"Let me in," Seung Hyun said.

"Why? You thought we were here for you? You're sorely mistaken."

"Ya, that's my van you're in."

"What happened to what's mine is yours?"

"Fine. Our van." I squinted at him.

"Byung Young oppa, let's go," I said as I rolled up the windows in front of Seung Hyun's disbelieving face.

"Shin Ae. Go Shin Ae," Seung Hyun repeated. His voice was a mixture of amusement and panic as the car slowly started to edge forward and he started to try and match its pace. I could tell half of him wanted to not care that I was playing him, with his reputation and pride and what not. The other part of him knew that I could leave him stranded at the airport if I wanted to. Byung Young and I were cackling in glee at this point as we saw Seung Hyun's figure slowly get smaller. 

"That was fun. Oppa, should we give him a break?" We were both satisfied with the entertainment at this point. He stopped the car and I got out of the van with a grin on my face. Seung Hyun had his arms crossed and his head was shaking in disapproval but I could see his dimples even from this far away. I stretched out my arms as if ready to engulf him in a hug and Seung Hyun entered into them almost instantly, lifting me off the ground.

"I missed you," I told him, squeezing him tight.

"Of course you should." Seung Hyun put his hands on the small of my back and lead me into the van so that we could quickly make our way out of the airport arrivals area. I didn't miss how he slightly scanned left and right for signs of any unwanted eyes that may have been observing us, and felt a little apologetic. I forget sometimes that things are a little different now. I really shouldn't have been joking around like that with him way out here.

The smile on my face grew incrementally wider as we drew near our next stop. We were a little early so Byung Young left us alone in the car to pass the time, and we sat there, hands entwined, trying to fill up the lost days. Everything in Fukuoka seemed smooth sailing, just a lot of hotel time and back-to-back schedules but at least now he had a month before the next tour stop.

"I start filming tomorrow," Seung Hyun said, resting his head back against the chair.


"We're behind schedule since I had to stay in Japan." I sighed and tried to pull myself away from the fact that as soon as I got him back, he most likely won't be there. It was expected though. Honestly, I wasn't the type of person to waver over things like this. As long as he was there when it counts.

"I'll wait for you at home then," I told him.

"It's good to hear those words."


"Finally," he agreed.

"Ah, I have to tell you something. I haven't gotten around to moving my things yet."


"I guess... I didn't know how to go about it."

"You mean you didn't know how to leave Nara." He knew me too well. I gave him a sad smile and squeezed his hand.

"Shin Ae," he continued. "You're not leaving her. What you're doing is giving her another family. She can stay with us whenever she wants, it's her home too."

"Right..." I watched the school gates in front of us and heard the bell ringing, signalling the end of another day.

“I told the boys that you were moving in,” Seung Hyun said.

“And what did they say?”

“To just get married.” I snapped my head around to him and tried to make out his thoughts behind the bombshell he just suddenly dropped.

“I’m not getting married,” I told him.

“I know. You’d rather live in sin first.”

“You want to get married, right now?” I asked him seriously. Seung Hyun just shrugged. Well, that’s reassuring.

“I want to get married someday. I’m not certain about now. For now, I just want to have you with me. But, let’s say, if you came up to me today and said that you wanted to sign those papers, I would do it in a heartbeat. Except I know you won’t, because you and I think similarly.”

“It’s not the right time,” I agreed. “The way things are right now is good, it’s perfect.”

“It’ll be even better when you bring your things over,” he pointed out. I let out an exasperated sigh and banged my head against the van window again. Seung Hyun chuckled.

“You always do this; make things more complicated than they should be. Just do it.”

“Yeah. Ok. Thank you Mr. Nike.”

“Ohh, what’s this Go Shin Ae? Did you just say something witty?”

“You think you’re the only talented one in this pair? Just to let you know, I could’ve been a rapper as well.”


“But I thought only one of us needed to be famous.” Seung Hyun laughed, shaking his head a little in amusement. I looked at him lovingly, and then slowly reach out fix his hair where a little part had come undone.

“Then I guess I’m glad that it was me,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to put you through it.”


“Why?” he mused. “Because it’s lonely. And it’s restricting.”

“But you wouldn’t choose to be anyone else if you could.”

“No,” he decided. “I guess I wouldn’t.” We sunk into a peaceful silence, grateful that small, insignificant moments like these had returned. The both of us gazed at each other, unfazed and unshaken, until something outside caught Seung Hyun’s attention.

“Nara,” Seung Hyun said, nodding over to the direction of the school gate. There she was skipping along with two of her friends in her navy blue uniform, her long black hair tied neatly up in a ponytail flailing around behind her. I left Seung Hyun in the van as I went to go and get her. The kids’ curiosity was already peaking at the sight of a giant celebrity van inconveniently parked in front of their main gate so I bee-lined towards Nara quickly.

“Unni!?” she cried as I engulfed her in a hug.

“Hi girls! School’s over right? I have a surprise for you Nara.”

“Ahjussi isn’t picking me up?”

“No, I’m kidnapping you instead,” I said, grinning from ear to ear. Her eyes wandered from mine over to whatever was behind me. Hearing the gasps and exclamations of bewilderment from there made me realise what happened before I even saw it. Seung Hyun had come out of the van and was slowly making his way towards us, his sunnies on and a goofy smile on his face.

 “Nara!!!!!!” he exclaimed, arms open wide with his typical overdramatic flair. He went to Japan not the Arctic for goodness sake.

“Oppa, you came back already?”

“Of course!” He put Nara in a headlock and dragged her back towards the car to the cries of the crowd around us. Byung Young was watching him from the van, a little at a loss as how to manage the situation. That damn attention , I mumbled to myself. I turned to Nara’s friends and gave them as friendly a smile as I could muster.

“What do you girls have planned this afternoon?”


AN: Sorry for the long wait guys, the past month has been insane. Enjoy!

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Heymama #1
Chapter 33: Hi Authornim...any updates..its GOOD..tq
Chapter 33: I love how realistic your story and updates are.
Chapter 32: This is sweet yet realistic
Popkorn17 #4
Chapter 32: Thank you for updating, I am really enjoying this story so please don't lose motivation and continue!
I also admire our protagonist's strong-willed and honest nature (Words seem to be failing me as of recently hence I'm not explaining it well, but I hope you got the gist), please update soon~
Chapter 32: thankyou for t update^^
I love ds whol concept of ur story n love reading et too. f u can pls kip on continuing i' b mre happy. so pls, dont give up on tis beautiful story f urs. thanku
Chapter 31: Short but sweet
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 31: Thank you for the chapter!
I agree it was very short but also quite sweet and I think it will lead nicely into the next chapter, thank you ^^
Have a good Easter!
Chapter 31: This is too short! Please update often! :))
Chapter 30: Sigh, acceptance is the first step to everything