The Usual Fanfare

White Smoke

Were they shaking? I think they were shaking. Maybe it’s a little cold in here. I peered to my left where Seung Hyun’s watchful eyes never left Nara’s two friends who made picking a dessert suddenly seem more of a struggle than completing a final exam. No…never mind.

I slipped my hand onto his lap and pinched his thighs. Hard. Instantly his eyes averted to mine and I gave him a strained chuckle, while he gave me an innocent one in return.

Stop it.


They’re about to piss their pants.

But I’m not doing anything.

“The peanut butter shake here is awesome,” I explained, trying to help them out with their decision. They both nodded and agreed to get it to Seung Hyun’s amusement.

“Ha Na and Young Ae,” Seung Hyun said as he tried to put names to faces.

“Yes…” they both answered in unison.

“I knew the both of you were going to be like this, which is why I didn’t tell you,” Nara groaned from beside them. “This oppa’s a little weird but otherwise there’s no reason to be all nervous.”

“But his Bigbang…” Ha Na muttered, her face going slightly red underneath her straight bangs.

“You’re not really one to teach them Nara. Your reaction was worse when you first met Seung Hyun,” I pointed out. Nara just shrugged, feigning ignorance.

“Anyway, I’ve known him since I was really little. He’s basically like the neighbourhood oppa,” she continued rattling on. “And unni and him are basically da-“

“Darned tired of seeing each other’s faces,” I cut in with a sigh. “I’ve known him for too long and I can’t get rid of him.” Nara blanked out, I smiled, Seung Hyun smiled and slowly a sly grin appeared on my sister’s face. She knows we got together. Of course she knows. Her two friends glanced between the three of us unsure of what had just transpired and thankfully our orders came to the table to break the awkwardness that was in the air. I groaned internally to myself. Am I that transparent? Or was it just Nara and her sixth sense? So much for the surprise.

When we let Ha Na and Young Ae go so they could return home, Nara’s demeanour immediately changed, as if the world had turned into putty in her hands. Something close to an evil smile appeared on her face, a dangerous glint in her eye. Everything was going the way she wanted it to.

“You two,” she said, pointing to the both of us. “Start talking.”

“I don’t know what she’s on about,” Seung Hyun said, slowly turning around.

“Neither do I,” I echoed. I turned around with him and began to walk away from Nara, as Seung Hyun startled to whistle nonchalantly.

"I knew it!" she screeched, jumping up and down like a mad woman. Nara ran up after us and started tugging on my arm, pestering us with a thousand questions that she probably knew the answer to already. Yes, we're together. Yes, I'm being serious. No, mum and dad don't know. Yes Nara, we do love each other.

Seung Hyun had one hand supporting his head from the headache he was getting because of Nara who was still hyper in the back seat of the van as we made our way back home. Her voice has constantly been in high octave range for the past hour, and while I was used to it, the boy who's only had a calm and feminine elder sister to deal with was finding trouble with it all. 

"Nara-ya..." he whimpered. "Oppa needs to live, I just got back from a long flight. Keep your thoughts to yourself for a minute. I need some peace."

"Peace? We should be celebrating! Let's order pizza. Mum never lets me have pizza at home, and I've been craving it for ages!"

"I'll buy you as much pizza as you want if you lower your voice till we get home," Seung Hyun said surrendering.

"Asa!!" Nara cried, pumping her fist into the air.

I made Seung Hyun turn in early especially considering that he was starting filming for his movie tomorrow. Nara was busy browsing the web in the study upstairs, reluctant to go to sleep considering it was the start of the weekend tomorrow, and I hung out with her as we looked at the latest Superstar K episode online. I left her a little before midnight and made my way downstairs, warning her that she only had five minutes left before she had to shut it all off. Actually, I'm pretty sure she should be asleep by now. As I started turning of the lights in the main area, a sudden thought appeared in my head. Maybe this could work, this could really be Nara's second home. Clearly my dad trusted Seung Hyun, enough to want to push me to him and even entrusting Nara to him as well. This could work.

Seeing the light still on in Seung Hyun's... our bedroom, my eyebrows furrowed a little. He should've been asleep by now. I made my was inside only to see that he had indeed caved into his dreams, only it was in the midst of practicing his lines for tomorrow. Carefully, I removed the script book which still remained in his hands and put it onthe dresser beside him, then slowly let him down from his sitting position on the bed. His body naturally positioned itself as he lay flat on the bed, and I pulled the thin blanket over his chest. It's so different seeing Seung Hyun like this, so still and seemingly so innocent. My eyes drew and invisible path from the bridge of his nose, his thick eyebrows, down towards his jaw line and his perfect lips. I could stare at this face all day, and I silently thanked god that it would soon be the face I would sleep and wake up to each day.

When I woke up the sun had drenched the room in light, and the bed was empty except for me.

"Crap," I whispered. I promised myself I would wake up early so I could send him off to work, and look at me. Groaning I turned my body away from the window and light, only to find myself facing the full-sized mirror that was covered in green writing along with an adorable cartoon picture of a girl with her hair frayed and an angry expression on her face.

I considered waking you up, but then I got scared so I'm leaving you this message instead. I don't know if it's because you're there, but I slept really well last night without a single worry. I hope you had even sweeter dreams than mine. I'll call you in the afternoon. (Note: this picture is not a drawing, it's your reflection)

"," I muttered, and chucked one of the small throw pillows at the mirror though I couldn't hide the smile that had crept onto my face.

It was a girl's day out for Nara and I without Seung Hyun. We got our nails and hair done then went to a university district where they had lots of botique cafes and clothing stores where we stayed till the sun went down. The fairylights which wrapped around the banisters at the restaurant came on as the food arrived for our dinner. We were in Itaewon were a new Spanish tapas restaurant had opened up and was drawing in a fair crowd. Smooth Latina music danced through the ear and Nara her lips as she eyed the garlic mushrooms and chorizos in front of her.

"So good!"

"You should come with me to New York Nara, I'll take you to my favourite Spanish place there," I told her.

"Yes please," she answered.

"Isn't there anywhere you've always dreamed of going?"

"Me?" Nara paused mid-bite to think. "Paris."


"Fashion central! Or was that Milan? Anyway, I think it's really pretty there, the streets and the Eiffel Tower and everything."

"Is that why you're learning French?"

"Yeah, kind of, but also because I like the language as well."

"Mm. You know you're kind of like me and Seung Hyun. You have one dream that you feel really strongly about."


"Yes. You've always wanted to be designer haven't you?" Nara blushed a little but nodded.

"That's great, Nara," I said. "Dreams are always something you should have." We've all been where Nara is now, Seung Hyun and I. The moment where our wishes for the future is nothing but a small bud that still needs a lot of nurturing and time to grow into a full-fledged flower. It's a long, arduous and a beautiful process when that happens. It's weird, I close my eyes and for me it's not my struggle with dance in New York that I remember most, rather it was Seung Hyun's. His pain felt more real to me than my own. I miss him, I realized.

"Nara," I said. "I'm going to move out of the house and live with Seung Hyun." Nara looked up at me and smiled.

"Okay," she said.

"You're not sad?"

"Nope, because I know that's where you're most happy unni. I... I don't know what happened, and I don't want to force anyone to tell me, but there's a reason why you suddenly disappeared for so long. Mum and dad says that it's so that you can dance, but I know that's not all there is to it."


"And when I see how sad you are at home, I mean... anyway, I'd rather see you happy even if it's not in that house." I smiled and held her hand.

"Sorry, Nara, and thank you. You come whenever you want. It's your home as well."

"I know, I know. I guess this is what living with divorced parents is like."

"You're going to be spoiled rotten."

"I can't wait," she said with glee.


AN: Hi guys, another chapter for you. Thanks for being so patient with me. =)


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Heymama #1
Chapter 33: Hi Authornim...any updates..its GOOD..tq
Chapter 33: I love how realistic your story and updates are.
Chapter 32: This is sweet yet realistic
Popkorn17 #4
Chapter 32: Thank you for updating, I am really enjoying this story so please don't lose motivation and continue!
I also admire our protagonist's strong-willed and honest nature (Words seem to be failing me as of recently hence I'm not explaining it well, but I hope you got the gist), please update soon~
Chapter 32: thankyou for t update^^
I love ds whol concept of ur story n love reading et too. f u can pls kip on continuing i' b mre happy. so pls, dont give up on tis beautiful story f urs. thanku
Chapter 31: Short but sweet
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 31: Thank you for the chapter!
I agree it was very short but also quite sweet and I think it will lead nicely into the next chapter, thank you ^^
Have a good Easter!
Chapter 31: This is too short! Please update often! :))
Chapter 30: Sigh, acceptance is the first step to everything