
White Smoke

I couldn't do it. When Young Ho leaned forward to kiss me before letting me go into the house, I turned my head.

"I don't kiss on the first date," I said, but it was a lie. I just knew that kissing him then and there went against every fibre of my being. For one thing, Young Ho wasn't the man that was on my mind as I felt his warm breath near mine. That meant it was unfair for him, and it would be cruel of me to lead him on. My heart told me it wasn't time.

Instead of wondering whether or not I should call Young Ho, if I should apologise, or set up our following date my mind is occupied with thoughts of Seung Hyun today. I touched my shoulder, the place where his arm brushed past, and a warm tingle resonated in my body. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. I keep looking for signs, for signals from him telling me that it isn't over. I want to hear words like "I want you" to come out of his mouth, because I was still in love with him.

"You'll be amazing. I wish I could come with you," Nara said as she sat on my bed, watching me get ready to leave for my audition. 

"So do I, but someone's starting school again."

"I know," Nara replied, bouncing up and down in excitement. She had her school uniform on, a beautiful pleated skirt with a plain white blouse. An untied ribbon was around her neck made out of the same uniform as her skirt.

"I have time to do your hair, interested?" I asked.

"Please!" Carefully I got ready to do the French braids I learnt in a past performance when I was still with the dance company back in the US. I started from her frings and plaited down so that it framed her face before finally ending on her left shoulder. It was classic, swide-swept look that look like it came straight out of a medieval look. I loved Nara's long, soft hair, it was just like Imo's.

I picked up my dancing shoes and shoulder bag, and Nara followed me down the stairs towards the front door. 

"Did you forget anything?"

"I hope not."

"Don't be nervous. It's amazing, just don't get nervous." I reached out to give Nara a hug, giving her my best wishes for her day back at school and opened the door to set out towards the bus stop. I was a little early, and the walk gave me a good opportunity to clear my head. There was a figure that was leaning near the door when I opened it, his shadow casting over us. 

"Seung Hyun," I muttered.

"Oppa!" Nara cried, running out to hug him. Seung Hyun engulfed her in his arms and ruffled her hair.

"Geez, someone's excited," he said, giving Nara a once over in her uniform. "To be honest, I don't know if you're going to school to study or play."

"Why not both?"

"I'd hate to be your teacher."

"I'm not that bad, really."

"Yeah right," Seung Hyun said, not at all convinced. I stayed silent throughout their little banter. There wasn't a word from him since the incident at the Dali exhibition. He didn't even think it was necessary to explain anything, clearly. Not even that, I knew he's been talking to Nara, checking up on her, and yet he purposefully avoided reaching out to me. I'd rather believe that he was angry at me rather than degrading me to the level of 'stranger' after finally reuniting with Nara. He had to be mad at me, chuck a fit or something because at least then I knew he still cared. Seeing his woman hold hands with another man should be unacceptable. Honestly though, who was I kidding? The time when I could be labelled as his had long gone. It was not something of dreams.

"I came to take you to your audition," Seung Hyun said to me after Nara had returned back into the house.


"I want to support you, of course."

"No thanks."

"Shin Ae?"

"I'm sorry, but you treat me like a stranger and don't call and contact me for weeks. I have no idea why I should suddenly be getting in the same car as you."

 "Look, can we talk about that later? Right now this audition of yours is most important. Just get into the car."

I thought about it and got into his car.The ride there was completely silent. Seung Hyun was probably lost in his little world, whilst my head was filled with ways I could earn this spot on the music video. 

There was no way I was walking into an audition with a celebrity by my side. I was here to prove my merits, my skills, not to put my connections on display. He, however, he knew not only the artist but also the director as well, which meant that he was definitely getting out of the car.

"Walking in together, however, is optional," Seung Hyun said with a smirk. I almost punched him in frustration.

I shook out my nerves, rolled my head around and bathed in the heat of the spotlight that pointed solely at me on the dark stage. There were three testing cameras which surrounded a panel of about five people, it was hard to see from here. I knew one of them was Seung Hyun. In that silence where I waited for the track to play, I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing.

This was a slow song by a male artist talking about the familiarities of a break-up, how everyone goes through the same cycle of wounds and pain. It was just a shame he had to go through it as well. How does it apply to me? I thought about it. The circumstances may be out of the ordinary, given our social status and the difference between them back then, that was to be expected. The feelings and hurt Seung Hyun and I felt, however, they're nothing special. Everyone goes through the same pain, and knowing that somehow made me feel a little reassured that I wasn't alone. Anyone who's been in love would have been disappointed by it as well.

The starting beats of the piano melody begin, and I open my eyes, welcoming the bright lights. A soft smile emerges on my face as I think of that nostalgic feeling and I move. My fingers and hands cut through the wind, my toes tense and my legs lift to the beat and this stage becomes the medium from which I can express my thoughts and feelings. I told the panel of judges that I've been in pain before, I've felt my breath shorten from an overbearing sadness and that the memory of it still lingered with me. Then I told them I never gave up just as many other haven't. Despite what I went through, love is real and love is wonderful. I was tired of closing myself off to it, because as much as it destroyed me, it's also what lifts me up. I'm ready to fall desperately in love once more. The last thing I saw as I walked off the stage was Seung Hyun's unfaltering gaze on mine. 

They didn't tell us who got the part. There were about twenty other girls who auditioned with me, each of us relieved that it was over but anxious over the casting call that could come anytime today to next week. I waited for Seung Hyun, leaning against his car with my dance shoes in my hand and bag on my shoulder. I tousled my hair after having been tied up tightly away from my face. People think dancers only need to move their body well, but faces play a huge part in performance as well. He emerged a half hour later, probably discussing the audition with the rest of the judging crowd. There was nothing on his face which gave hints into what they thought of me. He could pull off a poker face surpisingly well.

"I'm hungry," I said when he was within ear-shot. "Let's go eat something." Seung Hyun nodded and went into the car. I followed suit and sat beside him, trying to figure out what I was in the mood for. Noodles? Rice? Soup? That stew place Young Ho took me to also seemed like a viable option. It took me a while to notice that even if Seung Hyun had started the car, we hadn't moved from our spot in the parking lot. 

"Hey, Seung Hyun? Where should we eat?" I asked him, trying to get his attention. His dark brown eyes just gazed blankly out the windows, eye brows slightly furrowed as he deliberated over something. Then he looked at me. If you asked me now if I had expected it all, I would've said never, not even as a fleeting thought. Seung Hyun took his right hand, put it behind my head and moved it towards him until before I knew it our lips had crashed. His lips moved hungry, desperate as if searching for me, and despite my shock the old feelings came back almost instantaneously. I closed my eyes, wrapped my hands around his neck and returned his kiss with just as much fervor. 

"I love you," he says, "I don't know exactly when it happened but all I know is that I love you."

I turn my head and look at him. We're on the bus one evening after my after school courses and his training had finished, sitting next to each other and holding hands in silence. So much has happened this past week that such simple times of peace like this became precious. They say the silence between two lovers is as pure as a diamond, but I would've broken that quietness at any moment for those three words.

"Y-yeah?" I respond stupidly.

"Yeah," Seung Hyun responded firmly. And I break out into the biggest smile that I've probably ever made. I don't know if I responded as well, but I know that I embraced him and held him tightly despite the stares from the others on the bus. I guess I don't need to say anything, Seung Hyun knows exactly where my heart is.

"So let's run away," he whispers into my ear. My eyes widen and I see my reflection, our reflection against the bus window.

"We don't have to worry about my dad," I say. "I'll convince him, slowly."

"He's sending you away Shin Ae."

"I won't go. He's the one being hunted, I don't know why I have to run away with him."

"You're his daughter. We'll go away, just the two of us, until all this blows over at least. I'll protect you. Do you trust me?"

"I trust you," I say. I let him go and lean my head on his shoulder, looking at our entwined hands that are on his lap. It's funny. It isn't until this moment that I realise how much bigger he is compared to me. His hand covers mine entirely and his shoulders are broad enough that my head rests comfortably on them. I can trust him for sure, I tell myself.

A/N: Finally... I know. It was a long wait for me as well for them to finally get to this stage. Whoot!!! So this music video that Shin Ae is supposedly shooting is based on Zion T's 'Two Melodies' MV. Have a watch/listen if you haven't. I love that song to pieces.

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Heymama #1
Chapter 33: Hi Authornim...any updates..its GOOD..tq
Chapter 33: I love how realistic your story and updates are.
Chapter 32: This is sweet yet realistic
Popkorn17 #4
Chapter 32: Thank you for updating, I am really enjoying this story so please don't lose motivation and continue!
I also admire our protagonist's strong-willed and honest nature (Words seem to be failing me as of recently hence I'm not explaining it well, but I hope you got the gist), please update soon~
Chapter 32: thankyou for t update^^
I love ds whol concept of ur story n love reading et too. f u can pls kip on continuing i' b mre happy. so pls, dont give up on tis beautiful story f urs. thanku
Chapter 31: Short but sweet
Popkorn17 #8
Chapter 31: Thank you for the chapter!
I agree it was very short but also quite sweet and I think it will lead nicely into the next chapter, thank you ^^
Have a good Easter!
Chapter 31: This is too short! Please update often! :))
Chapter 30: Sigh, acceptance is the first step to everything