It All Happened For A Reason

Oh My Gukkie Review Gallery


TITLE (3/5)

The title didn't really speak out to me. It didn't give those sparks that would make someone click on the story link.


I thought the description was well pointed out. It didn't give too many away which is good. There was a bit of a grammer error.

"Sure, every human beings do have secrets of their own. It is in fact, an undeniable fact of human nature."

The way it should be pointed out is..

"Sure every human being has a secret of their own. In fact, it is an undeniable fact of human nature."

I think that works a bit better. 

For your foreword, I appreciate you pointing the heads up. I usually don't see song recommendations so I thought that was creative. 

There is also characters with stage names. I couldn't really imagine it because I didn't remember the stage names. As the story went along, I can SORT OF  remember them, but that's not important.


Appearance is rather peaceful, but not eye catching. I AM NOT BASHING YOUR DESIGNER! It is not her fault. She did a great job. Posters are the one thing that keeps the readers reading. I feel that it was very pretty, but just not as eye catching. I also felt that the appearance didn't fit the story. The appearance on chapters is well pointed out. Easy font to read.

PLOT (16/20)

Plot is quite cliche at some points, but other than that it's quite original. 

FLOW (5/10)

Your flow is good, but there are times where I got confused and had to read back. 


Your writing style can be a bit all over the place sometimes. I also write in this position, but I don't spread to many emotions in each sentence. I generally can see how they speak which is good, but there is also a time it gets a bit messy. I would take it slow and not put so much time in each sentence. But then you should put your time in rereading the sentence. For example, the emotion as in "Whaaat?" is a bit of a turn off. I don't usually find these appealing, but it's ok. This is an opinion I take, so it shouldn't effect you a lot.


Spelling is fine, but there was some spelling errors which you mentioned at the end of the chapter and apologized. I don't see anything wrong with punctuation honestly. There are times when I look at the sentence and double check to see if it's right, but since I'm the one reviewing your story, I take my place as trying to look at it. If I was in a reader point of view, I wouldn't mind those kinds of things. What I'd try to improve is double checking the whole chapter and fixing the tiny spelling mistakes that can make a reader leave.

OVERALL (59/100)

I gave you decent points because I actually liked the story. It was really good! *thumb up* keep going! I love it! 

I gave the points based on opinion, not calculator, sorry. If you want calculater version, it's 85.

Review by inspiritkpop

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