
Oh My Gukkie Review Gallery


Story - Taken

A n a l y s i s

Ti  t  l  e       5 /   5

De s c r  i  p  t  i  on & Fo  r  e w o  r  d     15 /  20
Ap p e a   r   a n c  e       10   /  10
Pl o  t       8  /   20
F l  ow        9   /   10
Wr  i  t  ing    S  t y le     13  / 15
S p  e  l  l  in g   ,    G  r   a  m   m  a  r   ,  P u  n   c  t  u  a   t   i   o  n       14 /  20
O  v  e  r  a l  l     74      /   1 0  0




Title: 5/5

It draws people in because you don't know what or who is being take so the reader is intrigued and wants to find out which leads to more readers. It's also relevant to the actual story which is always good.

Description&Foreword: 15/20

The Description is more of a foreword but it's still okay since it does give a slight insight to what the story's about without giving too much away. It's also not confusing and you know what you're about to get into.


Appearance: 10/10

The poster is stunning. i like that it's all black and white except for those few splotches of red along with the red gradient text for the title making it stand out. 
By using just a simple black text and no crazy colors and fonts makes it easier for the reader to actually read, and doesn't hurt your eyes if you look at it too long, which is a plus for you.


Plot: 8/20

I understand that the story is changing between multiple places but the actual plot doesn't seem to be flowing through with the actual story. The only thing that keeps the story intact is the constant mentioning of the angels and demons. aside from that the whole Angels and Demons thing has recently become a little too overused and has made itself pretty generic and bland. You didn't really add in anything super spectacular to set it aside from the rest and that's not good because that means anyone can write anything like this at any point in time.


Flow: 9/10

The flow is good throughout. I personally didn't get lost but i did get slightly confuses when you changed the point of view and had difficulties trying to connect with what was going on. Other than that the transitions were generally put where they were needed and it wasn't that had to figure out if time had changed or it'd still be in the same time span.


Writing Style: 13/15

It's pretty generic but not boring. the use of different sentence structure makes it more interesting to read and less monotone. i noticed that you put dialogue within the paragraphs which is okay but generally when someone says something out loud it should be put on a new line on it's own to make the reader know that the character is making itself known to others verbally.


Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation: 19/20
Spelling doesn't seem to be a problem for you since i only found minor problems with it. What i did notice was that instead of putting a certain word in you used something that's spelled almost the same but means something completely different. which in turn can confuse others while reading. 
Grammar wise it's okay. You could improve by using a wider range of words. Instead of using a generic word that everyone knows and uses take it up a notch by just using a higher level word instead. Also you lack in complex sentences. I noticed that the majority of your sentences where simple sentences and all of them consisted of maybe a middle school range in difficulty. There were no sentences with interruptions or unfinished thoughts, everything seemed very safe and you seem to not take any risks with adding and improving your skills with building sentences.
To me your punctuation is the only thing that's really lacking a lot. i noticed that you used quite a lot of ellipses (...) which is okay at times but you seem to be over using them. An ellipses should be used when someone is being lost in thought or is slowly losing focus in what they are saying and eventually come to a stop and don't really finish what they're saying and just kind of leave the thought hanging in mid air. By improving your sentences to be more complex your punctuation should also improve since you will need to have a lot of different kinds of punctuation within your sentences.

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